A hole in the sky

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One day Ruby and her team were out walking around, Derek and Kyle was with them as well. They soon stopped at the beach for a bit of fresh air and the scenery.

"This is good." Kyle said as he looked at Yang. "And you're beautiful."

Yang smiled and kissed Kyle on the cheek. "I knew you were gonna say that to me Kyle, by the way where did Weiss and Derek go?"

Ruby pointed to the beach. "On the beach walking, why'd you ask?"

Yang shrugged. "Just wondering, besides we all need a break from things, but you have to admit they are a cute couple."

"Yeah so aren't you and Kyle." Ruby said. "Oh yeah that reminds me Delsin is with Penny I guess to help her with something forgot what Penny told me."

Suddenly Derek and Weiss speed walk back to the others as Blake was looking in the sky to see a hole appear.

"You guys see that?" Weiss asked. "A hole appeared in the sky."

Kyle looks up and sees it as well. "Whoa where did that come from? Don't tell me he's coming back."

"I don't think so." Derek said. "Remember I finished him off for good, if there was a way for him to return some crazy scientist would be behind it."

Wind soon starts to blow as the hole in the sky started puling in things, Yang noticed what was going on as she looked around for something to hold onto.

"Guys this hole is sucking things in we might be next." Yang said. "We need to hold onto something so we wont get sucked in."

Ruby takes her Crescent Rose out and slams the sharp end into the ground while holding onto the handle.

Weiss used her ice Glyph to freeze everyone's feet to the ground hoping it wouldn't break. "I hope this holds."

Just then the ice began to slowly break from Derek's feet, he grabbed onto Ruby's Crescent Rose handle but soon began to slip from it. He then felt someone grab his feet as he looked to see Blake holding onto him.

"Not on my watch." Blake said. "You're not leaving us this way."

Kyle noticed that the ice around Blake was breaking. "Blake you have to let go of Derek, the ice is breaking around us all we can't escape this."

"But....if we can't how will we get back here if we're sucked in?" Yang asked. "Wouldn't we be stuck where ever that hole leads us to."

"We wont know unless we find out!" Derek shouted as the wind got heavier and stronger.

The ice around the others soon broke, Derek and Blake were so lifted into the air and sucked into the whole as Weiss tried to stop herself from getting sucked in next, a rock hit her on the head which caused her to loose grip as she went next, Kyle held onto Yang and Ruby was they soon followed into the unknown.

Everyone soon was falling out of the sky into another world that didn't look nothing like Vale or anything they've seen. Kyle noticed the hole close behind them as he landed on the ground catching Yang and Ruby.

"Where on Earth are we?" Weiss asked looking around.

"Well we're surely not in Vale anymore." Derek said. "This place looks nothing like anything we've seen."

Blake noticed people were staring at them. "It seems people have noticed our arrival, Derek I would suggest you put a hat on to hid your ears."

Derek nods as he noticed a store and walked over to it. "I'll buy me a hat real quick." He then walked into the store.

"I already miss Zwei." Ruby said. "I want to go home.."

Kyle hugged Ruby. "I'm sure we can find help to get us back home."

Derek then comes out of the store wearing a white hat. "There we go fit's like a charm."

Weiss noticed someone not far. "Someone's coming but I can't tell who it is."

The person got closer to the gang as Ruby noticed it was Penny and Delsin.

"You two got sucked in the hole as well?." Ruby asked.

"Oh of course we did it was strange." Penny said.

"Yeah me and Penny found a place we all can go to until we find a way home." Delsin said.
"Follow us we shouldn't be long till we get there."

Kyle nods. "Okay lead the way then Delsin."

Not far on a roof top four silhouette figures stood there watching the others walk away, for they have yet to meet them face to face as they jumped from the roof.

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