The ultimate team up pt2

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We last left our hero's at a library filed with traps, but someone was now following Jupiter, Derek and Blake but who could it be?

Jupiter looked around as her and the other two entered the next room, she looked around and didn't see no doors what so ever the only door she saw was the one they just came through.

"Okay either this room was a dead end or there's a hidden switch somewhere." Blake said looking around the room for a switch.

Jupiter looked around more as she helped Blake look for a switch. "Hmm, maybe we should try knocking on the walls and floor for a hollow sound, that way we know where there's a door."

"More like a trap door." Derek said as he scanned around the room and knocked on the walls. "Hmm....."

Blake knocked on the floor to find a hollow spot. "There has to be something here, if not can't we just blast a hole into the wall or something?"

"That could work I guess." Jupiter said. "But let's keep looking before we decide to blow a hole in the wall."

Derek looked around the room and noticed something shiny. "Girls look what I found." He walks over to the object. "I don' know if this is a switch or just a plain object."

Jupiter walked over to where Derek was to get a closer look. "Hmm, help me move this shelf, it's shining alright but there's probably more behind the shelf if we move it we can find out what it is." She then grabs onto the shelf as Derek and Blake do the same.

The three of them then pull the shelf away from the wall as the object shined more bright, Blake then looked at it and examined it. She then breaks some of the wall open as the object was revealed to be a bight button.

"So a button.....whoopee." Blake said. "But it's not what we're looking for, I don't even know what this is for."

"Hmm it may be a hunch but what if it's the switch we need and that the control panel for the hidden door, so I say we just bust some holes into the walls until we find it." Jupiter said. "Time to do some smashing."

Derek nods as he punches the other wall, nothing was there but emptiness. "Hmm these walls are hollow, but if they are then how come we couldn't hear anything when we knocked?"

Blake shrugs as she kicks one of the other walls and see's a power cord. "Huh power cord."

Else where.

"What's taking those three so long?" Mars asked. "They should've been here by now."

"Maybe they got side tracked or lost." Ruby said. "This is a huge library after all."

Delsin looks around wondering where they are at, and then saw something or someone in on the upper floor. "Hey who was that?"

Ruby looks at where Delsin was looking. "Hmm....I don't see anyone Delsin."

"There was someone there." Mars said. "I saw them from the corner of my eye, they ran when you were about to look, meaning this person is playing around with all of us. That means the others could be in for a surprise, we should probably go see if we can find them."

Delsin nods. "Yeah good idea Mars."

"I'll try to contact the scouts with my comlink." Mars said. "You two can start going to the rooms they're at."

Ruby nods.

Sailor Mars takes out her scout comlink and turns it on. "Hello? Any scouts available? This is Sailor Mars."

"Hear you loud and clear Mars." Mercury said. "What's the problem?"

"There's someone creeping around the library, don't know who it is but Delsin saw them and I did. They might be trying to trap each room without our knowing, so be careful." Mars said

"Roger that." Venus said. "The other scouts are on their comlinks as well to see what was going on."

"That probably explains why me, Blake and Derek already came across some traps." Jupiter said. "We're in a room that has no door, so we're just smashing the walls for a exit."

"There they are again." Ruby said running after them. "Hey get back here."

"Ruby wait." Delsin said chasing after Ruby.


"Ugh." Blake groaned. "How much more walls?"

Derek kicked in the last wall. "Nothing....and you said you found a power cord."

Blake nods as she looked at the wall that had it

Jupiter walks over to the wall and looks at the cord. "Hm, lend me a hand here you two, we might be able to find out where this leads."

The two siblings walked over to where Mars was and grabbed kicked the wall as more of the wall crumbled, Jupiter then grabs the cord lightly as she tugs at it.

"Hmm." Jupiter said. "Just a little bit more and we should see something."

Derek and Blake kick the wall again this time the whole wall crumbled to where the whole power cord was now showing, Jupiter then tugs at it again as it leads under the floor. Which was starting to slowly crack, which soon revealed more then they were expecting to find.

"Well well lookie what we have here." Jupiter said. "It's the secret switch, but why couldn't we find it from stomping holes in the floor."

"Probably because if we did that there wouldn't be no place to stand." Blake said rolling her eyes.

Derek pulls the switch as the ceiling of the room opened up. "Well, that's a weird place to put a secret door."

"I agree, no ladder how are we supposed to get up there?" Jupiter asked as she looked around for something that could boost them up.

"What about the book shelf? It's already tipped over to where we could use that, but we'll have to go up the door one by one." Derek said.

Blake looks at the book shelf and thinks for a moment as she walks over to it, she then climbs on to it and walks over the backside. "It's sturdy enough it'll do."

Jupiter helps Blake bring the shelf over as they put it in place.

"Ladies first." Derek said. "Mars you go first."

Jupiter gets on the book shelf and climbs up and out of the ceiling door. "Okay Blake you're next."

Blake goes next as she jumps up and grabs Jupiter's hand as she is pulled up. "Okay last but not least Derek."

Derek nods right as he was about to climb the shelf there was a banging sound that was coming from where the two girls were at.

"Crap someone's coming." Jupiter said. "Hurry up, Derek."

Derek gets onto the book shelf and jumps up and grabs his sister's hand as Blake pulls him up to where they are at, as she does this Jupiter looks at the other side of the library and see's the others.

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