Turtle Prime part 1

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The following day had came, as Splinter, the Turtles and Team RWBY plus Kyle and Derek were ready for the battle Nexus Tournament. Splinter took them all to the alley way as he drew some symbols onto the wall as they soon made a portal that opened up.

"This way, this portal will lead us to the Nexus Tournament." Splinter said as he jumped through it.

"Cowabunga!" Mikey yelled as he jumped though next.

Raph didn't say anything going through the portal next, Leo then went in followed by Donnie, leaving the others behind.

"Anyway, lets go before this portal gets small." Blake said as she jumped through.

Derek went through next as Weiss followed behind, Ruby then went next as Kyle and Yang went lastly. The portal then closed behind them as it reopened else where, they all fell onto the ground as they stood up.

Gyoji appeared as he looked at them all. "Welcome, Splinter, Turtles and friends, Please come with me, the Daimyo awaits your arrival."

They started following Gyoji as Leo and the others spotted some familiar faces walking around, as the others noticed a white rabbit walk towards them.

"It is wonderful to see you again." Usagi said as he bowed as he noticed the new faces. "Are these your friends turtles?"

"Oh yes." Donnie said. "Usagi, this is Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Blake, Derek and Kyle, guys this is Usagi."

Derek and Ruby tilt their heads to the side. "Usagi? Wait we know a Usagi."

"Oh?" Usagi asked. "well then, to make it not so confusing for you all, you can call me Usai."

"That works." Yang said sticking her hand out for a shake.

Usagi shakes Yang's hand. "Are you all entering the tournament?"

Kyle nods. "As a matter of fact, we are. We're wondering if the Daimyo can help us with something important."

"I see." Usagi said. "Well then, I must go train before the tournament starts." He then walked off as the turtles and the gang resumed following Splinter and Gyoji.

They soon arrived at the Daimyo's temple as they all passed statues of previous winners even showing Mikey's statue. Mikey only wore a huge grin on his face as Raph pops him in the back of the head, once they got inside the Damiyo greeted them all.

"Ah Splinter, so good to see you again." Damiyo said. "And welcome back turtles."

"Damiyo, it is nice to see you again." Splinter said. "But our new friends have a few questions to ask you." Splinter then stepped out of the way as team RWBY, Derek and Kyle came forth.

"Hmm, new faces." Damiyo said. "What is it that I can do for you?"

"Well you see...." Weiss said.

Time passed as the gang explained everything to the Damiyo, he nods understanding and stands up after. "Very well then, I shall help you find your friend's and send you all back to your home world, but forgive me if I get it wrong though."

"Understood." Kyle said. "So how does it work if you don't mind me asking?"

The Damiyo walked to the window and looked at the arena. "The tournament will contain everyone who has shown up, but perhaps you all should have a look around the town. You may find your friends before I do, but I will look into which Earth they had came from however."

"Okay then, sounds like a race to me." Yang said. "Come on team, lets go."

They soon walked out as they went into town, Kyle held Yang's hand as Derek was fiddling with his robotic hand.

"Need some help?" Weiss asked.

Derek nods. "Yeah, I don't know what happened, but I can't seem to move the fingers."

"Weird." Blake said. "Maybe you should've stayed with the turtles, I'm sure Donnie would've been able to fix it."

"Maybe it was when we went through the portal, I mean it was a weird trip and we fell onto the ground." Ruby said looking around.

"Guys over here." Yang said. "Look." She the points to someone that looked like Splinter. "Is that Master Splinter?"

Ruby shrugs. "I don't know, if it is then it must be a lookalike but taller."

"Oh well, we should go now, we haven't found any sign of Pyrrha or the others." Weiss said.

"Where are we going to stay though?" Kyle asked. "I don't think they have any place for us."

"Oh but they do." Usagi said walking from behind wearing a hat. "Follow me, I can show you."

They shrugged and followed Usagi to where he was talking about, once they got there Usagi had walked inside.

"This is where we stay." Usagi said. "There's plenty of beds, and this is where Splinter and the turtles will be at as well."

"Okay then." Yang said as she sat down, she then looked around the room and sighed. "Well I'll be glad when we can go home after this."


That night Leo was outside doing some nightly training on his own, as he eventually stopped as he blocked an incoming sword attack. "Ha, nice try Usagi."

Usagi jumped back and put his sword away. "I see you are getting good at this, tell me Leonardo, what do you think the out come of the tournament will be?"

"No idea." Leo said. "But who ever makes it to the finals will be the new Nexus champion meaning Mikey will have to fight and not goof around."

Usagi nods in agreement. "By the way, I over heard earlier from your friends that they saw a Splinter lookalike that was tall."

Leo was a bit confused but shakes his head. "There's no way there could be another master Splinter here, but then again.....there is that whole other universe thing, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was."

While both of them talked outside, four other turtle like figures watched from a distance, but soon left after Leo and Usagi went back inside.

Time passed as it was the day to start the Nexus Tournament, everyone was ready to fight, Leo and the others waited to see if there would be any new faces or familiar ones.

Master Splinter walked into with two other's. "My son's it seems that theory was true."

Donnie turned around. "Wha......oh my, two more master Splinter's."

"Wait so we were right?" Yang asked scratching her head. "If there's two more Splinter's here does that mean....?"

"It does." Damiyo said as he came in as well. "Your friends were with this Splinter from two dimensional Earth, which is a odd name for their Earth."

"So what about tall Splinter?" Mikey asked. "Which Earth his he from?"

"Earth 7." Damyio said. "You turtles can meet their turtles as well, as for you, your friend's are in the other room."

"Lets go team, I'm sure they'll be happy to see us." Ruby said.

"And what about the three master Splinters?" Raph asked. "How will we be able to talk to ours?"

"That is already taken care of." Damyio said. "It may sound off, but it will help, Splinter 2D, and Splinter 7."

"And I will remain as normal Splinter." Splinter said. "Come let us meet the other Ninja Turtles."

With that said Master Splinter and his turtles went to go meet the other group of ninja turtles, as the other two Splinter's went with them as well, this would and will be a interesting meeting with other universal turtles.

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