Turtle Prime Part 4

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After having the tournament done and over, and a statue of Pyrrha made for the hall of champions, Team RWBY, JNPR, DDKBP (Derek, Delsin, Kyle, Beta and Penny) said their good byes to the turtles and stepped through the portal.

All the way back in the RWBYverse, the mutant Grimm, Sabertooth, Silverback and Eclipse Stinger had went to the birthplace of the Grimm, there in the center of it all stood a palace as they walked inside, only to be greeted by a pale woman.

They bowed down to her as Sabertooth looked up at her. "Mistress, we've come to report that the universe we were sucked into was different from this, a man by the name of Shredder mutated us into mutants."

The woman walked over to them as she places her hand upon their head. "Rise my children, tell me more, this will indeed come in handy for the invasion, something Cinder had seemed to fail at."

Silverback stood up and looked past the woman as a scorpion Faunus stood at the back laughing like crazy. "And hello to you Tyrian."

Tyrian walked over as he looked at the new Grimm that was born as he looked at the pale woman. "Salem, it would be grateful if I could do a little fighting against these three."

The woman who was known as Salem turned her head to the Faunus. "You will tell Dr. Watts about their arrival, I must learn about their adventure into mutation."

Tyrian scoffs a bit as he walked off to find Watts as the three Grimm fallowed Salem inside of the palace.


The Daimyo had sent everyone back to their rightful home worlds, as Mikey was sniffing a bit as he wipes his eyes a little, looking up into the sky he mumbled something and then went down to the lair.

"It'll be okay Mikey." Donnie said patting him on the shell. "We'll see them again eventually."

"We all miss them as well, but we must not forget the important part of it all, there are different universes out there, and they are different from ours." Splinter said. "We can only hope that they get back home safely."

Leo would nod his head as he put his swords away. "Master Splinter is right, if we do run into them again, it would be on different standers then this, Donnie if that time comes, we'll need you to have a back up machine ready."

Donnie would go over to his computer and start working. "Already on it, but the next question is, would we see the other ninja turtles as well?"

"One can only hope and see." Splinter said. "But for now, let us rest for now."

The turtles nod as they went to their rooms to rest, all of them expect Mikey who was scratching his head wondering how in the world he was beaten so easily at the Nexus tournament.

On the surface, Baxter Stockman was up to no good once again, but this time he was dealing with the Purple Dragon's as Hun kicked him to the ground in rage of losing to the turtles and the others.

"You owe us a upgrade Stockman, we rather not lose again to a fight, as for master Shredder, he's kicked the bucket already, so seeing that he's gone, I'll be in charge." Hun said.

Baxter backed up a few feet. "O-Of course Hun, but Shredder is dead, you see....after you all had that fight, and the dump truck being left unoccupied, I was able to scavenge what was left of his Utrom blood, in the hopes of cloning him with my highly upgraded technology. He will be back on his feet once the cloning is done, or if some other miracle were to happen that is."

As the teams were falling through the portal, Kyle handed Derek the new swords that the three Leonardo's had made for him. "Here, Leo said for me to give these to you, him and the other two made them."

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