The World of Soul Eater

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Leaving the Murder Princess world, Ruby and the others were going through the portal once more, as they wondered if this would take them back to Remnant.

"Please let this take us home..." Ruby said.

"I highly doubt that would be the case..." Blake said as she looked at her. "Haven't you been paying attention? Look around Ruby, the vortex is showing different worlds that could've been a stop for us. But it's not, we pasted Remnant like an hour ago."

Ruby looked at Blake confused but looked around seeing what she meant. " then were are we going?"

Blake shrugs. "I couldn't tell you even if I knew, it just seems that fate has it out for all of us to end up in some world we're not familiar with that's all."

A bright light shined ahead of them as it was the next world they were going to end up at, they all were soon spat out onto the ground as Derek rubbed his head and looked around. Him and Kyle looked up at the sky as they saw the moon staring back down at them all, the moon had a creepy smile on it's face.

"Holy, that's a strange moon." Derek said. "And I thought Remnant's moon was out of place."

Yang stood up as she walked around for a moment. "Where are we?"

A purple cat wearing a witch hat came by as it sat down in front of them as it let out a small purr. "You're in Death City, nya....I'm Blair the cat, and you two in front are cats as well?"

Blake and Derek looked at each other and then at the talking cat. "Um yeah we're faunus, but yes we're cats."

Blair walked around the two as she looked at Kyle and the others. "Nya, you all don't seem like to be from here."

Weiss shakes her head. "No, we're not from here, and did you say this place is Death City?"

"I did nya." Blair said as she jumped onto Derek's head. "I like this one, he smells nice."

"Paws off." Blake hissed at Blair as she had a small feeling that the cat was up to something.

Blair jumped off of Derek as she turned human, but the only thing that was off was she was naked. Derek looked away as well as Kyle did, the girls face palmed as Blair tilted her head. "Hmm?"

"You're naked." Blake said. "But some clothes on."

Blair looked down and noticed but shrugged it off for a moment as she used her magic to summon some clothing onto herself. "There happy?"


Blair walked around the city with the team as she stopped, she turned back as she tilts her head again. "By the way, who are you all?"

"Oh right, I', Ruby Rose, this is my sister Yang, our friends Weiss, Blake, Kyle and Blake's brother Derek." Ruby said.

Blair smiled a bit. "Ah."

"And don't get any funny ideas of trying to seduce him either." Blake said looking at Blair.

"Over protective sister." Blair said. "No worries, I won't do anything to him..."

Weiss scoffed as she crossed her arms. "You say that now, but the moment we turn our backs you'll be running away with him."

"So, where is everyone at?" Ruby asked.

Blair kept walking around the city with the team as she looked around. "Don't know, normally I see Maka and Soul around the time, but I guess they're else where."

"I'm sorry, did you just say Soul? Like that's an actual name for someone?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, well Soul is also a weapon as well...but kinda like me, I'm a cat but I can turn human, Soul is a scythe, but he has a human form as well." Blair said.

"Don't get any funny ideas Ruby." Yang said.

"Too late, I want to fight her!" Ruby said as she was dancing around with Crescent Rose. "I want to fight Maka and Soul." She was about to run off to find them, but Kyle grabbed the back of her hood before she could. "Gahh!"

"Not so fast, we don't even know our way around Death City." Kyle said. "The only one who can show us around is Blair...and she's gone."

Blair was gone from the group as she was nowhere to be seen, Blake scratched her head wondering where the cat ran off. Kyle dragged Ruby back to the others as Weiss looked around a little bit before walking ahead of the group.

"We should find a place to stay, but we'll probably run into Maka and Soul another time." Weiss said. "But I don't see any hotels or anything around here, some city this is..."

"Well, only thing we can do." Yang said as she looked around a little. "Make a camp, and take it from there."

Weiss pinched the bridge of her nose and sighs. "Fine, but tomorrow we'll ask Blair or Maka, if we see her. If there's any other place around that is worth staying at."

However the team was being watched by a witch who was none other then Medusa, she watched the team walk out of Death City as she smirked. "Well well, new toys to play with...I wonder if I can lure them into a trap? However...if they're going to look for Maka, then this would be problematic."

The team soon set up camp as the tents were set up as well, luckily for them they had these given to them by Alita. Once that was done, Derek decided to try his hand at making some food for him and the others. This did draw some unwanted attention as Blair had came back but in her cat form, she noticed Derek was the only one around as she slowly crept up to him.

"Nya, I found you again." Blair said as she wiggled her butt as she jumped onto Derek's head. "What'cha doing?"

Derek didn't answer her as he knew that if he'd brush her away she'd only come back, he let out a sigh as he stopped. He reached up and took Blair off of his head, he held her for a moment before putting her down onto a tree stump. "If I let you stay will you not try anything funny?"

Blair's tail wags as she nods. "Of course."

Derek sighs again as he petted her for a bit before going back to cooking. "Then starting tomorrow, you'll help us understood?"

"Nya, and if I don't?" Blair asked looking up at him.

Derek looked down at her as he pointed to a bucket of water. "Then you'll be wet.."

Blair growled a little but sighed. "Okay."

Derek would soon finish making the food, it wasn't much however as he carried six plates over to the camp site where the others were at. Blair followed behind as she jumped up onto a log sitting there, Blake noticed her as she looked back at Derek.

"What is she doing here? I thought she ran off?" Blake asked.

Derek handed the plates out to them as he sat down with his plate. "Blair came back I guess for some reason. But I've already told her I'll let her stay as long as she doesn't try anything funny."

Everyone started to eat their food as Blair jumped onto Derek's head again, once everyone was done eating, each one of them went to their tents as Blair crawled into the tent Derek was at as she looked at him sleeping, since she hadn't seen anyone else in the tent with him. She would lay down next to him as everyone was sound asleep soon after.

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