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After getting things situated with the Autobots, RWBY and the gang were sent into the portal that was made by Wheeljack. Now all that was left was them wondering where they'd end up next.

The sound of a sword clashing with claws echoed in the forest, a wolf jumped from the forest only to get slice in half by a woman. This woman was a bounty hunter, it was clear she was out for something.

"Don't hold it against me...I just want the bounty." Falis said swinging her sword front wards. "Come on!" She was surrounded my wolves as she looked all around her, one by one each wolf charged in to attack her only to be sliced in half or stabbed in the eye by a knife.

Dominikov held a scythe swung it around cutting one of the wolfs heads off, as another got it's face bashed in by Pete . One more wolf jumped up to attack him, but had it's entire face crushed by his hand and was soon slammed onto the ground.

The rest of the wolfs began to retreat from the battle scene as Dominikov looked back at Falis "We've got some runners."

Falis stood there taking her sword out one of the dead wolfs. "Well lucky for us they always leave a trail."

Dominikov looked at Pete "Pete lets go." Both him and Pete began running to the edge of the cliff and going down.

Falis was putting her sword away into its holder and walked to the edge of the cliff, her sword clicked into the holder as the blood moon was shining bright as clouds went past it. Falis heard noise coming from within the forest as she let out a small gasp, she slowly gripped the handle of her sword and waited.

Something was coming at Falis with a fast speed as she slowly drew her sword out of the holder and swung it forward.


--Title appears BIRTH.--

In the distance a castle could be seen as smoke came from it, inside knights were fending off a hallway from some intruders. As one of them spoke up keeping all eyes forward. "We must stop them from reaching the king, no matter what."

The sound of foot steps got closer, as the knight was startled by something down the other hall next to them. A lion with a horn on it's head jumped out from the darkness of the hall killing both knights as blood splattered on the wall.

Inside the throne room, another knight had put a wooden plank on the doors lock, keeping what ever was breaking in out of the throne room. Every window in the castle was blocked off with wooden planks, the king sat in his chair looking ahead at the door. "Where is she? You sure she'll be here soon?"

A knight besides him knelt down to him. "She will."

The Princess was running down the stairs of the castle holding her skirt up from tripping, she hurried into the throne room as the sound of the door opened, the king and knight looked over to see the princess hurry over before bowing.

She noticed the wound on the king as her eyes widen. "Your highness you're hurt."

The king looked at her for a moment. "Listen to me Alita...the rebellion drove us back, they've already breached the castle. They're going to find us soon..."

Alita held his hands looking up at him. "We must treat your wound."

The king shook his head. "It's too must go."

"Kaito should be here...he'd stop them." Alita said looking down.

"It's a blessing there are no more Forlands left in this castle to face these horrors..." The king said before leaning forward placing his hand on her shoulder. "You are the family's last chance Alita...escape and the bloodline will not be broken. Cross the forest to the border, find your brother...or try....I hope for your brave girl." The kings hand fell from her shoulder as he was no longer alive.

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