The not so friendly family meeting

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Derek and Weiss were at the store, Weiss wanted to buy some new clothing for Derek and a new hair style. Derek looked out the window while waiting for Weiss and saw a airship.

"Hey Weiss look at this, an airship coming to the loading docks." Derek said. "I didn't remember anyone going on a mission."

Weiss looked. "My sisters coming, let me buy these things for you and we'll go meet her." Weiss went to buy the things she got Derek. "Oh and your new hair style will be later."

Derek was confused and wondered what she got him and what hair style she had in mind for him, but shrugged his shoulders and left with Weiss to the loading docks.

Winter walked off the ship with a hologram of Mr. Schnee, and noticed Weiss not far from the docks.

"Well then let's go talk to her." Winter said. "But did you really have to be a hologram? You could have just came along."

Mr. Schnee didn't say anything as he saw Derek standing next to Weiss and got mad and just stood there.

"Win......Oh you brought dad as well great." Weiss said and noticed he was looking right at Derek.

Winter walked up to Weiss as their father's hologram just stood where the load bay was, Winter looked at Weiss and looked at Derek.

"Hello Weiss, who is this?" Winter asked. "Is he your friend?"

Weiss looked at Derek for a moment and noticed there was fear in his eye's and looked back at Winter. "No he's my boyfriend his name is Derek, and I see dad's here as well you know what that means."

Winter sighed and nodded. "Yeah I know that would explain why you see fear in Derek's eye's, but do not worry Weiss I am okay with you being with a Faunus it's just dad is not the friendly type of guy."

"WEISS! WINTER!" Mr. Schnee yelled. "I forbid you to be with that that filthy Faunus they're no good all Faunus are a like."

Derek's ears dropped down and he backed a way slowly as he saw the hologram get closer and closer.

"All Faunus are part of the White Fang and so isn't he, he wants to steal our dust and money starting today you are coming back with Winter." Mr. Schnee said. "Now let's go."

Weiss just stood her ground not moving. "No I am not leaving I have friends here, and I have a boyfriend who loves me for who I am Derek is not part of the White Fang he's nice, sweet, gentle and he wouldn't hurt anyone."

Winter not knowing Derek to well walked next to Weiss. "I agree with Weiss you can't keep judging people on how they look you need to stop be so racist towards us and others I may not know Derek a lot, but he see's Weiss for who she is and not just for the money if he loves her then so be it."

Mr. Schnee gets more angry at the two. "Fine if you two are covering up the Faunus true self then you two are no longer daughters of mine and the dust company will no longer be under you names either." After that being said the hologram vanished.


Derek sat down on the ground trembling after what he heard he was frozen in fear he never knew he would be scared of a human like Mr. Schnee he didn't move a muscle.

Winter looked at Derek. "Poor guy's shaking, Weiss can you snap him out of it?"

Weiss sat next to Derek and held his hand. "He's freezing, we need to get him someplace warm." She stood up. "Can you carry him? I have shopping bags I need to carry."

Winter nods. "Sure I'll carry Derek, but where are we going?" She picked Derek up.

"To our room just follow me." Weiss said she lead the way to the dorm room to find her team wasn't there. "Odd usually my teams here so I wonder where they went?"

"You're on a team how many?" Winter asked. "because I see four beds and stuff on three of them."

"Three including me so that's four, Derek doesn't have his own team so he's staying with me." Weiss said. "Well us I mean, his sister is on my team."

Derek was still frozen in fear, but he heard Weiss' voice and Winter's.

Winter puts Derek into Weiss' bed and pulls the covers over him. "That should warm him up."

Weiss sat down on her bed and put her hands on Derek's face, trying to warm him up faster. "There is one thing me and him haven't done which we planned on it before you showed up."

Winter looked at Weiss and thought for a minute. "Oh you have sealed your relationship with a kiss yet well go ahead then."

Weiss lowered her head down to Derek's as her lips meet his and kissed him sealing their relationship it made Weiss feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside and yet she liked it hoping it made Derek feel the same way she blushed as she still kissed Derek on the lips.

Derek felt this and started to feel warm as he blinked and noticed Weiss was kissing him, her eyes were closed and he saw her blush and he blushed as well as he slowly wrapped his arms around her pulling her down onto him deepening the kiss.


Derek walked out of the barber shop with a new hair style his hair was shorter but not to short and he had new glasses to top it off, he saw Winter and Weiss waiting for him and he smiled seeing Weiss wearing a red bow in her hair that he bought for her.

Winter waved to Derek. "Derek, Weiss was just telling me all about you, and I'm glad you love my sister for who she is and not seeing her for something else, but I need to leave soon."

"Okay maybe we can see you again?" Derek asked. "And don't worry I'll make sure nothing bad happens to Weiss."

Weiss smiles and holds Derek's hand and sees Winter head to the airship docks. "Goodbye Winter be safe out there."

Winter waved bye as she got onto the ship as it took off. Weiss looked at Derek and petted his head to fix his hair and she heard him purr, she smiled and started to giggle and kissed Derek on the cheek.

"Come on let's go back to the room I'm sure the others are waiting for us, and thank you." Derek said.

"For what?" Weiss asked.

"For standing up for me you and Winter stood up for me and told your father that I wasn't like the White Fang, and that I'm different from them and also for the kiss as well." Derek said.

Weiss blushed a little. "Just don't tell the others we kissed I don't want them to ask why or when we did."

Derek nods and started walking with Weiss back to the room, and he heard her humming a tune not knowing Weiss could sing. "Hey I didn't know you could sing, could you maybe sing something?"

Weiss nodded and gently punched Derek's arm, "Maybe some other time I promise, but for now we still need to get ready for the festival and we still need to have our training match four against one, tomorrow will do fine for another match."

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