The Schnee and Faunus

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While the Tournament went on, Winter checked on Derek ever few hours to make sure he was okay.

Derek noticed a envelope on the desk in his room as he picked it up he noticed it was from Winter. "Hmm wonder what's in here?" He then opened to find a walkie talkie a ear piece and a letter he then read what was on it.

"Derek I'm sending you on a little mission. I need for you to go to the area that is written at the very bottom of this letter, once there contact me with the walkie I will provide you with more information through that. After you're done head back here I will have something else for you later."

Derek looked at the location at the bottom of the letter and put it into his scroll, he got ready to head out but was faced to face with Mr. Schnee who wasn't too happy.

"May I please get by?" Derek asked waiting for a answer from him. "I have to go somewhere."

Mr.Schnee just looked at Derek with a angry glare but he knew if he did what he did last time he would be locked up for assault towards another person. "Fine you may pass." He moved out of the way as he walked off.

Derek left the building as he headed to the location Winter wanted him to go. "Hmm so a laboratory wonder why she wants me to go there?"


Derek soon arrived at the entrance of the lab which seemed abandoned as he turned his walkie on. "Winter I'm here what now?"

"Okay open the door slowly." Winter's voice came through Derek's ear piece. "If it doesn't open you'll have to find a way in."

Derek went to the door as he tried to get it open. "Crap it's rusted shut, maybe one of the windows will open?" He then went to one of the windows as he tried opening it. "Nope wont open Winter any other way in?"

"Give me a minute." Winter said. "I'll pull the layout of it."

Derek waited as he looked inside from the window there was nothing inside except for a flickering light. "Why is this place abandoned?"

"It was owned by some scientists in the past one of them thought it be fun to experiment with Grimm DNA and mix it with his own DNA." Winter said. "The other scientist thought it was crazy and was brutality killed and was used for a experiment, no body knows what happened to the first scientist. There's a way in through the back."

Derek went to the back of the lab and found the entrance. "So if this place was here for so long why hasn't anyone thought about tearing it down?"

"That's a good question." Winter said. "Perhaps you can do that then, you should be able to tear it down since it's mostly damp and fragile, let me know when you've found the object."

"Right." Derek said as he looked around for it. "Man this place stinks....the sooner I find the object the sooner I can leave." Derek then noticed a red shiny object as he went to it and took a picture of it. "Winter is this what you wanted me to get? I'm sending you the picture."

"Hmm yes that's it Derek take it and head on back." Winter said.

Derek took the object has he was about to head out he took a rock and threw it at the lab as it started to crumble to pieces.


Winter saw Derek come into her office with the object as she then handed him another envelope. "Take this."

"Another mission?" Derek asked opening it.

Winter shook her head. "No."

Derek looked at the letter from the envelope. "Hmm so you want to do some bonding then? I don't see why not, but when will you start training me?"

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