Cataclysm Part 1

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"My name is Ruby Rose and what's going on right now is big trouble, my sister Yang and Kyle faced Hun and the purple dragons and won. Myself and Casey took down some foot ninja, but now we face the ultimate threat of all the Shredder."

After having gotten a little invitation from the Shredder for a fight, the turtles and the gang suited up as team RWBY out on their other outfits that they wore before. Derek and Kyle helped Donnie load up a few items for the fight before heading out to deal with Shredder.

"Okay gang lets go." Leo said. "Let's settle this once and for all."

Everyone nods as Mikey looked at Splinter. "Are you coming too Master Splinter? We could always have extra help like before."

Splinter sighed and looked at his sons. "Very well but I must advise Casey and April stay out of this, we don't want them to be getting hurt."

"Us safe? Yeah right, I want to kick some more foot ninja butt." Casey said putting his hokey mask on.

"Just do as Splinter say's Case, we don't need you two keeping us down." Raph said. "April can use Don's computer to keep linked with our shell coms, if we need any help."

"Actually, he's part of the plan we had." Kyle said stepping forward. "It's something that's going to be risky, but it'll have to do."

"What's that may I ask?" Casey asked wondering.

"Well, if you want to help then I need you to barrow a garbage truck." Kyle said. "Once we get Shredder to the edge of the building we'll be fighting on top of we'll knock him off."

"And that's where you come in." Derek said. "Once Shredder is in the back of the garbage truck pull the lever and crush him."

"A bit harsh, but it does sound like a good plan." Donnie said. "We've tried other idea's, but this is a first, seeing that Shredder is a Utrom and not human."

"U....what?" Ruby asked confused.

"Utrom, he's a little alien thing with a robotic suit." Mikey said. "Just that each time we take Shredder down he always comes back, but this idea should work."

"Then let's head out." Leo said. "April keep in touch with us got it?"

"Loud and clear." April said as she went to Donnie's computer.


Once they all gotten to the surface, Casey went to get a garbage truck for the plan to be in work, the turtles and the gang went up to one of the roof tops of an abandoned building and waited.

Foot Ninja began to jump from other roof tops to where they were at, as Hun came busting through the door of the building and noticed everyone.

"Well well, looks like they were right about this being the meeting place for the fight." Hun said as he noticed Yang and Kyle. "You two the Golden Dragon's are working alongside these turtle filth!"

"Hey, I'll have you know we shower 24/7 sometimes." Mikey said.

"Guys he's here." Leo said pointing to Shredder on another roof top.

"Ah, so you finally show yourselves after all, I was beginning to think I would have to send Hun and the foot to find you." Shredder said as she jumped onto the roof top they were at. "And I see you brought the rat too."

Casey was driving a garbage truck to the building everyone was at as he slowed it down to keep it from attracting any attention. He then pulls the truck to one area of the building and waited for the queue to crush Shredder in the back of it.

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