Being watched

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This chapter will not be focused on Kyle and team RWBY but will focus on Derek and team CFVY on their mission.

Derek looked around as him and team CFVY had camp set up for the night, Fox and Yatsuhashi were out getting firewood while Coco went to find some water for them.

"What's wrong Derek?" Velvet asked sitting next to him.

"Hmm? Oh hey Vel." Derek said. "Nothing really, just thinking about the mission really."

"I see." Velvet said. "I know you were thinking about Weiss and the others on the way here."

Derek nodded. "Yeah I was but this mission is more important right now."

In the distance a man was watching them. "Hmm so that's her brother huh well this should be quite interesting."

Coco came back with the water. "Yo Velvet, Derek a little help here."

"Coming." Velvet said standing up. "Come on Derek, sounds like Coco needs help."

Derek got up and went with Velvet to help Coco.


After Fox and Yatsuashi got back with the firewood Velvet and Coco noticed Derek's ears twitch.

"Something wrong?" Coco asked Derek lowering her sunglasses.

Derek looked out in the horizon. "Someone's watching us we're not alone, I don't know who it is but they could be trouble."

"So someone has to be night watch then?" Velvet asked looking a bit scared.

Derek nods. "Yeah someone will have to stay up for night watch."

"Well since you and Velvet have night vision maybe both of you can." Coco said.

"But I'm not that good with my Faunus hearing yet." Velvet said.

Derek put a hand on her shoulder. "No worries Vel you don't have to stay up with me I'll do all the night watch."

Velvet smiled. "Okay thanks Derek."

They ate their food and talked for a while as Velvet and the other two got ready for bed Coco walked over to Derek.

"Here." Coco said handing him a camera. "Just encase the person gets away we'll have a picture to see who it is."

Derek takes it. "Thanks Coco, I'll be sure to take the picture."

Coco patted Derek on the back and went to lay down.


The man noticed Derek was the only one awake. "Hmm so he's the only one then, well better to attack now then later."

Derek looked around as his ears twitched. "I hear him now let's see who you are?" He held the camera up as the man was a few blocks away, Derek took the pictures.

The flash of the camera light blinded the man as he tripped and fell face flat into the ground. "What the heck I can't see damn him."

Derek looked at the pictures and was shocked. "This is bad, Guys wake up."

Velvet, Coco, Fox and Yatsuhashi woke up.

"What what is it?" Coco asked. "Did you see him where is he?"

Derek showed them the picture. "He's bad news we better go now before things get worse."

"Wait who is he?" Coco asked.

"The leader of the White Fang." Velvet said. "Adam Taurus, I only heard of him but this is a first of me seeing how he looks."

"Exactly this guy is bad news we have to go." Derek said as he grabbed Velvet's hand and left with the other three.


As Derek and the others ran Coco was getting tired.

"How much further?" Coco asked.

"We have to get to a good spot it's up ahead." Derek said. "Have to call Professor Ozpin about this."

Velvet looked back. "He's chasing us."

"We can by sometime." Fox said. "Yatsuhashi let's go."

Yatsuhashi nodded. "Right."

Derek stopped at a building. "Go inside."

"What about you?" Velvet asked.

Coco noticed what Derek was planning. "Don't worry about him Velvet he knows what he's doing."

Fox and Yatsuhashi fended off Adam long enough which slowed him down as both of them went back to where Derek was who had enough time to put up a invisible barrier around the building.

Adam looked around but didn't see them. "Hmph just like your sister running away from her troubles, covering her tracks to try and forget her past but it seems the past will be coming back to her."

Derek couldn't hold the barrier up much long as he took it down but he was angry. "HEY!"

Adam turned around. "Well the cat comes out of hiding, this should be fun."

Coco looked from where her and the others were. "Damn he's going to take him on by himself."

"We should help." Velvet said. "He needs our help."

"Wait." Fox said. "Someone has to make the call back to Beacon."

"I will." Coco said. "Just make sure Derek doesn't loose this fight."

Derek stood there looking at Adam. "Take back what you said about Blake!"

"Oh I'm sorry did I hurt your feelings?" Adam asked spitting blood on Derek. "Your sister will betray your trust and everyone else's trust she has with them she'll just run from her problems like before."

Derek got mad as he felt darkness flow through him as it increased his semblance and strength. "Take that back you BASTARD!"

The flow of power coming from Derek interfered with the signal Coco was trying to get contact with Beacon, it spread though out Vale and everywhere else it frightened the Grimm as well.

Adam laughed. "You think a little power boost will make you tougher? Please spare me the lack of shame you're weak like your sister you can't stop me."

Derek gritted his teeth as the dark power had half control of Derek as he lashed out at Adam. "Never never talk about my sister like that BASTARD!"

Velvet, Fox and Yatsuhashi watched as they didn't expect Derek to go all out on someone, Velvet hid her face in Yatsuhasi's arm as blood flew in the air.

"DEREK!" Coco yelled. "He had enough."

Derek stopped and looked at Adam who had was out cold he had no idea what happened as he got up he walked over to the team. "I-I-I don't know what came over me, I just remember getting mad at what he said and that was it." Tears fell from his face. "I need help I don't know what happened."

Velvet hugged Derek. "It's okay Derek, we'll find someone who can help you, Coco managed to contact Beacon our ride back will be here soon, once we get you back I'll take you to see Professor Goodwitch."

Derek cried more has he had no idea what happened nor did he remember anything afterwards he hugged Velvet as he hid his face in her shoulder the airship arrived as they all boarded the ship to leave, Adam was still out cold but wore a smile on his face, as White Fang members came to get him.

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