A new but familiar face

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The last we left the team RWBY and Derek the festival was ending as they were being watched by someone Derek knew, this is another series after.

Kyle was packing his things to leave to Beacon with a smile he walked out the door. "Yes my first day going to Beacon so awesome!" He went to docks and waited for a airship to arrive.

The airship arrived as Kyle and other people boarded it to head off to Beacon. Kyle smiled and looked at a picture he had. "Soon I'll get to see you again Yang, just wait and see how I've changed."


At Beacon Team RWBY, Derek and JNPR were talking while watching three airships come.

"I wonder who's going to be here?" Ruby asked, "I hope they like weapons like me."

"Not everyone has to like weapons." Weiss said holding Derek's hand.

"Well that's going to be something we'd have to find out." Yang said. "Who do you think might come Derek?"

"Oh that's for us to find out once they get here, plus me and you would know one of them." Derek said.

Yang was kind of confused but shrugged her shoulders. "Oh well I wonder who still."

The airships arrived as they unloaded with all bunch of people Kyle being in the mixed of it all he looked around to see if he'd spot Yang and what luck he did he smiled widely and ran over to where she was.

"Hey!" Kyle said happily walking over to the group. "Oh it's been so long."

Derek smiled and shook his hand. "Good to see you again."

Yang was trying to figure out who it was as she was thinking she noticed Kyle looking at her for a while until it hit her. "Kyle? Kyle Everett is that you?"

Kyle smiled. "Yes Yang it is me, it's been so long since we last seen each other."

"Ruby you remember Kyle right? He came over to our place when dad needed help." Yang said.

Ruby was thinking long and hard. "Hmm nope sorry, but I was only a little thing so I wouldn't really remember."

"Right." Kyle said. "She was a real cutie wasn't she Yang?"

The comment only made Ruby blush in embarrassment.

Yang giggled and nods. "That's Ruby for you."

"Mr. Belladonna please report to Ozpin's off." Goodwitch said.

"Crap." Yang said. "Guess it's about that mission."

Derek nodded and kissed Weiss on the lips and high fives Blake before leaving.

"Aw." Kyle said. "Seems Derek made a girlfriend after all."

"Yeah Weiss Schnee of the Schnee dust company." Blake said.

Weiss was only lost in a deep blush after the kiss she got from Derek and didn't hear what Blake said.

Kyle was surprised after what Blake said. "So Derek went for her then."

"Actually." Ruby said. "I'll explain how they got together."


Derek was in Ozpin's office with team CFVY as he was explaining the mission details. "And that concludes the details, a long day away from Beacon."

"Understood." Coco said. "Fox, Yatsuhashi, Velvet, Derek let's go."

Velvet looked at Derek who seemed unsure. "Don't worry Derek, once we're back you can see Weiss again she's a strong girl you and her are wonderful together, I'm sure she's going to miss you but she'll probably be working hard on her studies."

Derek nods. "Right thanks Vel."

As they left Ozpin's office Ozpin looked at who got enrolled. "Hmm Mr. Everett interesting, Glynda, have Mr. Everett stay with team RWBY I will plan for his team."

"Of course." Goodwitch said as she walked out.

Derek and team CFVY boarded an airship to leave on the mission, Velvet sat down next to Derek and smiled the airship then left the docks.

In the distance Weiss watched the airship leave. "Good luck my love please be safe." A tear ran down her face.

"Come on Weiss you know my brother." Blake said. "Besides Kyle said Professor Goodwitch just put him on our team while Ozpin works out a team for him."

Weiss turned to Blake. "Right as your future sister-in-law, I will do what I can with out Derek being here."

Kyle waited for them. "Come on you two, there's so much I have to tell you about how me and Yang met."


After getting settled into the room Kyle started to tell them how he met Yang.

"Wow and you two have been friends ever since but just didn't keep in touch." Blake said.

"Seems like it." Yang said. "But I do have different feelings for him now like Weiss and Derek are I think me and him can work that relationship out."

Kyle blushed at Yang's idea. "Well if you want to then okay I will be your boyfriend Yang."

Yang smiled with joy and hugged Kyle not knowing his face was met with her breast.

"Um Yang I think you're making him blush a bright red brighter then my cape." Ruby said.

Yang stopped. "Oops sorry Kyle."

Kyle smiled. "Whoa now that was what you call a hug."

Everyone laughed as Yang patted Kyle's back. "It's so good to have you here."

Kyle smiled and gave Yang a kiss on the cheek. "I wont let anything bad happen to you Yang, I promise that."

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