Finding a team

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The following day everyone was ready to go out and meet up with people for their team, Derek on the other hand wasn't sure if he'd have luck finding a team. After everyone goes to the launch pads, Ozpin says what he said to the first year students and watches as everyone is launched into the air.

Derek soon landed on the ground holding his Crimson Jupiter's and walked around looking for some people. "Okay where is everyone?" He then heard movement behind him and readied his swords, the moment he turned around he saw a Ursa.

"Well so that's a Grimm this should be easy." Derek said and attacked the Ursa killing it. "There now to find some people, Unaware that three Beowulf's two Ursa and a Taijitu followed him.


Ozpin watched from his scroll to see how everyone was doing. "Glynda it seems everyone found a team expect Mr. Belladonna." Looking at what Derek was doing. "And as for the others they've already took the relics leaving only one."

"So if there's no more teams for him we'll have to send him out." Goodwitch said. "It's that simple we can't have a student on campus grounds without a team."

Ozpin looked at his scroll. "I'll think of something, but for now go congratulate the new teams. I'll have a talk with him."


Derek went into Professor Ozpin's office after a while of no luck on finding a team and returning from the forest. "You wanted to see me sir?" He asked sitting down.

"Yes." Ozpin said. "It seems you've had a hard time finding a team." Turns to look at him. "Tell me what if I told you I could get you a team with your sister?"

Derek looked confused for a bit. "Well sir that would be cool but doesn't she already have a team? I mean if it's possible to put me on her team then wouldn't it be only till you find me one myself?"

Ozpin was surprised at what Derek said. "That's exactly what I was going to say, how did you know I was going to say that?"

"I didn't." Derek said. "I just guessed, so if that's how it'll work then thank you sir I'll be sure to do my best for my first day here still."

"Well then." Ozpin said. "Enjoy your team you're on till I find one for you." Gets up. "And if Blake ask just tell her I said so."

Derek nods and bows. "Thank you sir I'll be sure to let her know." Walks out of Ozpin's office.


Ruby's eye's sparkled as she watched new students go by with their weapons. "Oh so cool!" She was so amazed she didn't hear Derek walk in.

Derek heard a childish like voice and walked over to where it was coming from and saw Ruby though he didn't know who she was he walked up to her. "Excuse, is this the room for RWBY?"

Ruby looked at Derek but her eyes were drawn to his swords and her eyes sparkled again. "Yes this is the room of team RWBY, may I hold you swords?" Holding her hands out.

Derek noticed Ruby's excitement about his weapon and chuckled. "Sure you can just be careful I made them myself." He handed Ruby his swords.

Ruby gently took his swords. "Whoa so you made these yourself I have a weapon I made myself, what did you name your swords?" She examined the swords amazed on the way they looked.

"Oh well they're twin swords really name Crimson Jupiter's." Derek said surprised at how much the red head was so excited about his swords.

After Ruby examined Derek's swords she handed them back to him. "I'm Ruby Rose by the way leader of team RWBY, and you are?" She put her hand out waiting for a hand shake.

Derek puts his hand on hers. "Names Derek Belladonna, your new teammate." He shook her hand and noticed she was surprised about something.

Ruby's jaw dropped. "Wait you mean you're related to Blake Belladonna?" She was so surprised that she hugged Derek.

Derek blushed at the hug. "H-Hey now Ruby that's a bit unexpected and yes Blake is my sister."

Ruby noticed Derek's blush and stopped hugging him. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you were shy." She looked at him for a moment. "So new teammate how will that work out?"

"I'll explain that to you and the others but I want to meet them first." Derek said. "All I can say is Professor Ozpin helped me."

Ruby smiled and opened the door. "We have a new teammate guys."

Yang and Weiss looked Blake didn't as she was reading still. "New teammate?" Weiss asked. "But I thought four was the limit?" "Yeah same here." Yang said. "And why does he look like a Faunus?"

Blake blushed but hid the blush in her book. "Oh no why is Derek here and why is he on my team what gives?" She thought to herself. "Please don't embarrasses me ."

Derek was about to answer but saw Weiss and was taken by how beautiful she looked and blushed a bright cherry red. "I-I um...Oh boy."

Ruby noticed this and giggled. "Well for one this is Derek, he's shy so that's why he's blushing, second he's al....." She was cut off by Blake.

"And he's my brother." Blake said and gasped covering her mouth after blurting out what she just said.

Yang looked at Derek. "Huh go figure then again he's kind of cute don't you think so Weiss? He's looking right at you."

Weiss just looked at Derek and at Ruby. "Well first we need a good reason why he's on our team before we get all used to a boy in our room."


After Derek explains to them what had happened and on the agreement him and Ozpin did. "So yeah that's how I'm here."

"So let me get this straight." Weiss said. "All the new students Ruby saw go by have teams and you couldn't find no one because Grimm kept following you and there was only on relic."

Derek nods. "That's right, and then Professor Ozpin told me about being on your team till he finds me one that has a open slot."

Blake just kept her face in her book trying to hide the blush. "I can't believe I said that out loud."

"Well welcome to the team then." Weiss said shaking Derek's hand. "We could always use extra help around the room or on missions."

Derek blushed again. "T-Thank you." He looked away from Weiss and over at Blake. "Can me and my sister have some alone time to talk?"

Weiss just giggled at the blush and nodded. "Sure." She heads out the room with Ruby and Yang.

Derek goes over to Blake and sits down. "Listen Blake I know you're not technically liking the idea of this but Possessor Ozpin said it's only till he finds me a team of my own, if you want me out of the way so I don't get any of you girls in trouble then I'd be happy to be the medical support on the missions."

Blake sighed and got up. "No I don't want you out of the way you're not at fault here, I'm just happy to see you again after so long you grew up so much since then." She then hugs Derek. "And I'm happy you were able to get though the hard life with out me."

Derek smiles hand hugs her back. "Yeah I know and it seems Yang, Ruby and Weiss already has taken a liking to me, but the one I like more and oddly enough have a crush on is Weiss."

Blake just smiled. "Maybe myself, Ruby and Yang can get you sorted out with a date with Weiss, but you need to stop being shy or you'll never get a girlfriend."

Derek nods and hugs Blake one more time. "Thank you for understanding your the best."

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