Ruby and Casey vs Foot Ninja

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After Yang and Kyle had defeated the Purple Dragons and Hun, they headed back to the lair to tell the others who they had ran into.

" two took care of them in one easy blow?" Casey asked. "Like how is that possible? Hun is way stronger then us and you just knock him out with one hit."

"One word." Yang said. "It's called Training."

"Yeah but Hun isn't the bad news for us you know." Casey said. "He works for Shredder, if you beat Hun up he goes and tells Shredder what happened."

"A kitchen item is the big baddy?" Weiss asked. "I find that hard to believe."

"This is no joke Weiss." Leo said. "It's true even though we had a few run ins with Shredder he's too tough for even us four let alone."

Donnie's security system goes off as he looks at it wondering what could've triggered the alarm. "That's odd, I don't see anything unless........."

"Unless it's the foot." Raph said. "Shred head must have sent his goons after finding out."

Yang tilts her head. "But I thought this whole lair was secret? How would they find us in the sewers?"

"No not in the sewers outside in the ally way." April said. "They must be surrounding every manhole on the surface."

Casey gears up as he puts his hockey mask on. "I say we kick some ninja butt who's with me?"

"Me." Ruby said picking her Crescent Rose up. "I'll help."

"Whoa there little red this is big boy work." Casey said. "Anyone else want to tag along with me?"

Ruby growled as she was mad at Casey for saying she can't handle a fight, she then speeds off leaving Casey in the dust and surprised.

"What the?" Casey asked. "Am I the only one who saw that?"

Yang, Kyle, Weiss, Derek, and Blake were fine with what happened, but the others were surprised as well.

"Get a move on Casey or I'll pawned you." Yang said cracking her knuckles.

Casey gulped and left to catch up with Ruby, once he had caught up with her since she was at a ladder that lead up to the surface. Casey climbed up first as he opened the manhole as they were in an empty alleyway, Ruby came up next as she looked around for any traps.

"Hmm it's quiet too quiet." Ruby said. "Which is bad for any ambush situation."

The foot ninja suddenly jumped out from the shadows as they surrounded Casey and Ruby.

"Time for an attack." Ruby said. "Here I come!"

Casey face palms and charges in. "Goongala!" He swings his baseball bat at two of the foot ninja.

Ruby had taken out ten foot ninja as she runs past some of them striking them down one by one. "I normally don't fight other people but if you do bad things I will."

"five down five to go." Casey said as he noticed Ruby had taken out more then he did. "Well I'll be."

More foot showed up as Casey and Ruby attacked them, hours pass as Casey was already tired out, Ruby didn't stop as there were three foot ninja's left standing. Ruby then jumps up and turns her Crescent Rose into it's sniper gun mode and shoots ice dust at their feet freezing them to the concrete.

"Let's go Casey that's all of them." Ruby said lending him a hand.

Casey takes Ruby's hand and stands up. "Not just yet." He then takes his hockey stick and knocks the three foot ninja Ruby had froze to the concrete. "Now we can go." He then opens the manhole and lets Ruby go down first.

"So did you?" Casey asked. "Ya know speed off so fast and everything."

"It's complicated you wouldn't understand." Ruby said.

Once they got back to the lair everyone was looking at the computer screen as it had the Shredder's symbol on it.

"I know what you have done, you four turtles and your allies won't be safe tonight. If you want to settle this then come find me." Shredder said.

"He may sound scary, but we can beat him right guys?" Yang asked.

"No, you must not go." Splinter said. "This could be another trap."

"I'm sorry Master Splinter but we have to it's the only way." Leo said. "Everyone gear up we leave tonight, until then we need a plan on how we can get rid of Shredder once and for all."

Everyone gets prepared and come up with a plan to defeat Shredder and to end it all and to pick a place where they would fight at as well.

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