Rough training

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At the Schnee company Derek was talking to Winter about his training today and too his surprise it was going to a rough day for him.

"Hmm okay so this is the room with the program and some bots." Derek said. "Now lets see....."

Winter walked into the room and handed Derek his scroll. "Your scroll was ringing like crazy."

"Hmm wonder why?" Derek asked as he took it. "Hmm seems Yang sent me a text message." He then looked at the text message.

"Yo Derek it's Yang listen not everything is normal here at Beacon, right after you left with Winter things with crazy and now there's this tournament going on and this dude who said that he's you but your darker self, and turns out he was right but my match in the tournament went on and I had a plan which only Kyle, Weiss, Ruby, and Blake know of and I guess I can tell you. My plan was too have Weiss make a dust clone of myself while I went hiding so she did but now my appearance is different I'm wearing a white robe and I plan on sneaking into where Shadow Derek is and wait for my moment to strike, here's some pics of what had happened and how I look now, oh and Shadow Derek has a body of his own. Adam gave him life and this tournament is for the fate of the world."

Derek looked at the photos and smiled a bit but then looked at Winter. "Winter we need to do this training now, it seems my darker half has life and is holding a tournament at Beacon, the fate of the world is at stake."

Winter nods her head. "Hmm okay then I'll set this training program to the max then." She then left the room and went into another room with some controls. "Okay here come some bots now then, I'm going to set an appearance for them, they will look familiar too you just don't wreck the equipment."

Derek nodded as he saw four bots walk in with the appearance of Cinder, Mercury, Emerald and Neo. "Hmm good thinking Winter always wanted to kill these four myself." Derek was ready to fight.

"Oh and they can talk as well so they'll sound exactly like them." Winter added. "And as for the stage let's set it to a cold snowy environment." The room changes as Winter put it into the console settings.

"This is going to be so fun." Mercury bot said. "A chance to fight a Faunus, four against one."

The timer started as the wind blew and snow fell it felt so real to Derek as he picked up some snow which was surprising to him this technology was incredible. Derek made a snowball and threw it hard at the Neo bot which made her fall backwards.

"Enough playing around time to get serious." Emerald bot said running towards Derek, she took her gun out and fired it at him.

Mercury bot, Cinder bot and Neo bot went charging at Derek next as they tried to counter attack him but Derek dodged it as all four of them hit heads. Derek then jumped up onto a high point and looked down at them, strategizing on what to do about his training and how to save everyone.

"Get your tail down here boy." Cinder bot said. "We want to hurt you a lot." She the fired a few fire balls at him but Derek dodged those as some snow melted.

"Hmm that gives me an idea." Derek said to himself. "Use the surroundings against them so if Neo bot was knocked down by one snow ball then more would knock her off the edge." Derek then made a few snow balls and poked his head from behind a rock. "Hey dummies over here can't catch me."

Neo bot went racing towards Derek but got hit with a snow ball and lost balance as she looked at him she was hit with more snow balls until she was on the edge of the mountain as she looked down she tried to step forward and not fall back Derek threw the last one at her as she then fell back off the mountain.

"One down three to go." Derek said. "Who's next?"

Mercury bot looked at Derek and jumped into the air and kicked him in the face, Derek was able to grab the bots foot and swing him around as he let got Mercury bot hit Emerald bot knocking them both down into the snow, Derek then threw a rock at some ice cycles as they fell and implanted into the ground where the two bots here which didn't damage them but made a little cell for them.

"Just you and me sweetheart." Derek said looking at Cinder bot. who had fire glowing in her eyes and hands.

"This is going to be a long one then." Cinder bot said as she then threw more fire balls at Derek only to have them get deflected back at her. "Wait what the?" She then was hit by her own attack and went up in flames.

"Training session over." Winter said canceling all the programs. "Good thing these bots are fire proof but that's done with now for your next training you will be facing me."

Derek looked at Winter for a moment. "Final training already?"

Winter nodded. "Yes this is the final training I will help you unlock a hidden power you need to beat your dark half and save everyone." She walked over to Derek. "And after this final training I will put you on a hard mission to use your hidden power to get used to it, now then no holding back."

Derek smirked. "Okay then Winter you asked for it."

Winter stepped back to her original spot and took her sword out. "Then come at me with everything you got."

Derek attacked Winter with everything he had as Winter managed to knock him down every few seconds with each hit Derek took he grew a little angry at this and felt a energy flow through him he felt it trying to burst out to be unleashed he didn't know if he could let it out on it's own but he knew Winter was planning something.

"Come on get mad, let the energy out." Winter said knocking Derek down again. "Pathetic, weakling, your not man enough to be with Weiss, she doesn't deserve you." Winter noticed Derek was getting more angry at what she was saying as she saw him stand up. "Come on unleash your power prove to me you are worthy to be part of the Schnee family." She then pushed him down more and more as she used her Glyph as well.

All of this made Derek so angry he couldn't hold in this energy he felt through him as he stood back up he unleashed it as it knocked half the power out at the company and knocking Winter back as she was amazed at Derek's new power his eyes were no longer yellow they were glowing blue and his aura sky rocketed Derek felt the energy as he knew he achieved something new, he felt stronger but was he strong enough to defeat his darker half? Winter was still amazed as she stood up she walked over too Derek and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Derek you're ready for anything now you're a changed man, this hidden power you unlocked will take time to get used to, use this new form on the mission tomorrow I want you to stay in this form tomorrow on the mission and when you get back it may but stress on your muscles but it will help get used to the new form you have." Winter said. "I expect you to be able to beat your darker half with this new power as well."

Derek looked at Winter and nodded. "Of course, thank you for being my Sensei I will not let you down."

Derek then went back to normal as he felt dizzy but luckily Winter caught him in time as she took him to his room to rest up, she then had a medical team assigned to watch Derek twenty four seven, as the power to the company was back up and running Winter put fate into Derek knowing he will be able to save everyone and save the world from becoming a dark planet.

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