Worlds collide pt 2: Aizen vs Forgotten

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Upon his arrival and warning Ruby and the others about the merging, Forgotten had went back to Death City to find Medusa and stop the device. However, by the time he did everything had came into play as Sosuke Aizen was ordered by Icarus to battle Forgotten. The ex-shinigami stood there in the city looking at the God of Death ready for battle.

"'re the God of death everyone's been talking about..." Aizen said as he pointed his Zanpakuto at Forgotten as he smirked a little. "However, if you think that I...Sosuke Aizen fear any God, your mistaken."

Forgotten glared at him as his blood red eyes looked into his darkened soul. "You....stop me? I'm not sure you've been paying attention Aizen.....I'm un-killable, and I can be the end for even an immortal deity like Scarlet....sensing that she's still alive, I will put her in her place once and for all." He then slowly approached Aizen as he held his hand out. "Come....join me Aizen, we can do whatever we want...decline the offer and I will kill you where you stand."

Aizen looked at the un-dead deity as he walked closer to him, he reached his hand out as if to shake his hand. But quickly turned it into a fist and punched Forgotten in the face. Which didn't do much damage to him as he looked at Aizen.

".....So be it." Forgotten mumbled as he grabbed Aizen by the neck and lifted him off the ground. "DIE!" He held his giant knife in his other hand and was about to swing it at Aizen's lower body, but  stopped midway.

Aizen stabbed his Zanpakuto through Forgotten's shoulder as he sliced his sword through soon after, causing the God of death to let him go. Forgotten looked at him as he elbowed Aizen in the face knocking him back, Forgotten grabbed at his arm and adjusted it into place.

Aizen looked at him, as he smirked a bit. "Well now....this is going to be interesting."


The two clashed together with their weapons as cuts, bruise and stabs were given to one another. Aizen then trapped Forgotten "Hado ninety, Black Coffin!"

A purple/black spiritual energy, which envelops around Forgotten with a powerful torrent of gravity before taking the form of a box of black energy, covered in several spear-like protrusions which pierce the box, lacerating Forgotten inside from head to toe. With each spear-like protrusions piercing Forgotten left and right, it didn't faze him to much. However it did leave Forgotten bleeding after the walls of the black coffin disappeared soon after, Forgotten looked around as he noticed Aizen was still standing before him.

"Was that supposed to hurt....that was only just a small tickle to me." Forgotten said as he lifted up his giant knife once more before swinging it at Aizen.

Aizen dodged the attack as he was moving quickly, he had activated his Shunpo, he did however get more hits in on Forgotten as he stabbed and sliced at his body finding any weak spot to hit on the God of death.

Forgotten reached out and grabbed Aizen despite him being faster, Forgotten slammed Aizen into the ground as a the ground quaked from how hard Forgotten had slammed Aizen into the ground.

Aizen coughed up blood as he was flung around like a rag doll by the God of death as Forgotten had let him go sending him flying through some of the buildings. "It's can't defeat me."

"That's what you think." Aizen said as he glared at him.

The two continued to clash creating waves of energy which created quakes throughout the area, this shock wave of energy pulsed towards Icarus' kingdom was it boosted Scarlet's healing by a maximum which was what caused her to fully recover.

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