Don't Fuck with Yang Xiao Long

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Yang and Sailor Jupiter were in the room that was behind their door as they looked around the room to see different computers and test tubes.

"Damn." Yang said. "Someone must've been busy in this room, I wonder why they need tubes for?"

"Probably experiments or something." Jupiter said as she looked around the room. "But we do need to find the key however."

A door then opened as a scent came through it drawing both the girl's attention.

"Something smells sweet....." Jupiter said. "And a possible trap, you ready to fight Yang?"

Yang nods as she bumps her fist together and goes into rage mode. "Ready for anything, lets kick some bad guy ass."

"Now you're talking my language." Jupiter said as she walked into the other room. "Hm....."

Yang walked in and looked around as well. "Smells like cake but why cake?"

The door then closed as a trap door opened up under the girls, they fell through the trap door and entered another room.

"Well crap, this isn't going to be any fun." Yang said.

"Yeah well we got bigger fish to fry here Yang." Jupiter said as she got into fighting position.

Grimm surrounded the two as someone stepped in from behind the Grimm, it was Doctor Tomoe.

"Doctor Tomoe" Jupiter said. "What are you doing here?"

"Why to exact my revenge on you that's what." Doctor Tomoe said.

"Sounds like a bunch of brainwash to me." Jupiter said. "Prepare yourself doc."

Yang was pumped up and ready to kill some Grimm as she saw Souichi give the signal to attack. "Jupiter I'll handle the Grimm you take care of doc."

Jupiter nods and runs straight towards Souichi. "Come on doc you can fight the brainwash."

"Oh but my dear I have better things to do." Doctor Tomoe said. "And getting revenge is one of them."

While Jupiter tried to snap Souichi out of his brainwash Yang was going to town on the Grimm as she punched the Beowulf's in their faces.

"Don't know how you Grimm got here but this is hell of a time just." Yang said as she bashed tow of their heads in to each other. "Hell ya! Who's next?"

A Ursa stood up from behind the Beowulf's and roared and charged at Yang who wore a smirk on her face, the Ursa swiped it's claws at Yang as it cut some of her hair off as it was about the go in for another strike Yang grabbed it's paws.

"Don't fucking mess with me mother fucker." Yang said as she broke the Ursa's bones and smashed it's head into the floor.

Jupiter fired some lightning bolts at Souichi hoping it would shock him enough to end the brainwash, as she took another step towards him, she was grabbed by the neck.

"You really think that would work?" Doctor Tomoe asked chocking Jupiter. "I'll have you know that Dr. Geno is the one providing me with equipment for experiments to test on fellow subjects."

"Oh is that so?" Yang asked as she drop kicked Souichi to the floor making him let go of Jupiter. "You okay Jups?"

"Yeah, just a little sore." Jupiter said. "What about your problem?"

"Took care of the Grimm bastards." Yang points. "when they die they decentagrate into nothingness."

Jupiter raised an eyebrow. "Huh, guess we just need to get the brainwash from Doc......and he's gone."

"Fuck!" Yang yelled. "Great now we need to track him down, seems he left us a trail to follow."


Once Jupiter and Yang followed the trail Souichi left them, the doctor was already out cold.

"There's our guy but seems someone got him before we could." Yang said. "But who?"

"Hm...." Jupiter said. "Think it was Geno? It could be a possibility that he wanted him to take out me or you for a mission and report back to him on it."

Yang looked around and noticed a extra room. "Think the key is in there?" Yang went over to the opening of the room and looked around more.

"Hmm Yang, come look at this." Jupiter said.

Yang walks over to where she was at. "What's up Jups?"

Jupiter shows Yang a needle. "Whatever was in this must've been used on Doctor Tomoe."

"So you're saying he's been drugged?" Yang asked. "Go figure, never took much people for drug addicts."

The door in the other room then opened as Grimm Mercury walked through, he glared at the two hero's and roared.

"Oh great even this asshole got Grimmified." Yang said.

"You know this guy?" Jupiter asked curiously?

Yang nods. "Well kind of but he was a major ass back in my universe, one of Emerald's teammates I should say, this bitch and the other's on his team played me and my friends like they knew how we felt."

"I see." Jupiter said. "Well I'll let you have the honors of finishing him off."

Yang smirked and charged in and started attacking the Grimmified Mercury, Jupiter on the other hand was looking for the key, and was looking for any hidden doors.

Yang punched and slammed Mercury into the ground and started beating him without stopping. "This if for all the fucking times you tricked us you bastard, I'm glad you fucking died but now it's hell of a lot more fun killing you myself asshole." With that out of Yang's system she smashed Mercury's head into as Yang heard a pop from his head.

"Better?" Jupiter asked. "I found the key by the way."

Yang nods as she brushes herself off. "Yeah I'm better, I heard some bones break and some blood vessels pop as well."

"Well...brutal but finished, lets get out of here while we can before Geno notices." Jupiter said.

Yang goes to the door that Mercury came out of and smashed it opened. "After you Sailor Jupiter."

Jupiter gulped a little nervous. "Well now I know not to piss you off Yang, or I'll end up like that guy."

"Or just a few broken bones." Yang said with a chuckle. "Still if Geno was the one who drugged the doc then he'll pay for everything he's done."

Jupiter nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah even for bringing back our enemy's from the past."

The two then headed out of the room to go back to the main room, where they ran into Ruby and noticed a boy and Derek who was out cold. Ruby showed them the key she found as she saw the one Jupiter was holding all they needed to do now was wait for the others to come back.

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