Falling in love

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It was morning team RWBY and Derek were getting for class, Ruby couldn't decided on what stuff to take to class.

"Ruby hurry up." Weiss said. "If we're late I'm blaming you." She then walked into the hall.

Ruby looked at Derek. "And you want to date her?" She placed a hand on his shoulder. "The day you date her is the day I stop wearing my cape."

"Right just be careful on what you say." Derek said. "It might happen." He then opened the door for the other three.

Yang punched Derek in the arm but not to hard. "Thanks pal." She walked out the room.

Ruby, Blake and then Derek walked out the room to head to class, on the way there they ran into team JNPR.

"Who's this?" Nora asked looking at Derek.

"This is Derek." Ruby said. "Blake's brother."

"Hi." Derek said shaking Nora's hand. "And you are?"

"I'm Nora, this is Jaune, Ren and Pyrrha." Nora said.

"Hello." Pyrrha said and shook Derek's hand. "Pleasure to meet you."

"Are we done?" Weiss asked. "We'll be late." She walked ahead of the others.


At class Derek was taking notes on what was being said and on the board.

"And that class is how Grimm came about." Professor Port said. "Now before we do anything else who would like to show us how to take down this Beowulf?"

Derek raised his hand. "I would sir." He saw Port nod his head and he went down to where he was.

"Now then show us how you would take a Beowulf out." Port said and opened the cage.

Ruby watched as Derek fought the Grimm and got an idea and wrote on a piece of paper copying Weiss' hand writing and giggled. "So if Derek wants to fall head over heels for Weiss then maybe I should have her pass this to him."

Weiss was busy watching as Derek took out the Beowulf. And noticed Ruby sliding a note. "What is this?"

"Don't open it just hand it to Derek." Ruby whispered.

Weiss shrugs not knowing the note was a love letter with her hand writing in it, she handed it to Derek as he sat down. "Here read this."

Derek took the note and opened it. "Derek, I Weiss Schnee would love to be your girlfriend so please accept this note as the way I feel about you. Signed Weiss." He read it to himself, he closed to note and put it in his pocket and nodded.

Ruby giggled. "Aw man are they in a pickle now."


At lunch Derek sat down next to Blake and Ruby.

"So what was that note?" Yang asked curious. "Was it a note on professor Port or something else?"

Derek just blushed a little. "Well I can't really say maybe later when we're outside."

"So it's more of something you can just tell us?" Blake asked. "Okay."

"Does everyone not know I'm here?" Weiss asked. "I'm not invisible I'm sitting right here."

"I know you're here Weiss." Derek said. "Just that I can't tell you what was on the note not yet at least."

They then headed outside for a moment, Ruby, Yang and Blake was with Derek while Weiss waited.

"So what was on the note?" Yang asked. "Has to do something about Weiss?"

Derek looked at the three. "Okay but don't tell Weiss I want to tell her myself."

Ruby realized that her little prank love note went a bit to far. "O-Okay go ahead and show us."

Derek took the note out and showed them. "Think she means it?"

Blake examined the note, "Hmm well it is her hand writing so more and likely she noticed that you have a crush on her and wanted to see if you'd like to be with her."

"Seems ligit." Yang said. "I say you go talk to her and tell her how you feel."

"But I'm shy still." Derek said. "I'm afraid I'd screw up trying to talk to her can you girls help I don't really get shy around you three mainly because Blake's my sister."

"Hmm sure but Weiss would be waiting a while." Ruby said. "I know I'll tell her that we're going to help you over come your shyness."

Derek smiles. "Thanks." He hugged them. "So when will we start?"

"Maybe tonight." Blake said. "Ruby needs to tell Weiss first."

Ruby walks over to Weiss. "Hey Weiss got to tell you something."

Weiss looked at Ruby. "Make it quick then."

Ruby explains to Weiss what they'll be doing. "So yeah Derek will each have us to teach him to over come his shyness."

"Okay but are you sure acting out a date with him would help?" Weiss asked. "I don't want him to think any different after the acting date."


Later after everyone had things prepared.

"Okay and action." Yang said. "Derek pull the chair out for Weiss to sit down."

Derek nods nervously and pulls the chair out. "A-After you...Weiss."

Weiss sat down. "Thank you Derek please sit down I'm sure our food would be good."

Derek goes to his seat and sits down but falls on the ground. "Ow...this isn't going to work girls I can't do it."

Weiss gets mad, stands up and walks over to Derek. "Get up, keep trying if you never get over your shyness then there's no point of you having a girlfriend." She sticks her hand out in front of Derek. "Get up, I'm only helping you with this because I want you to be more of a trustful leader if you get a team."

Derek takes Weiss' hand and gets up. "Right let's try this again, and thank you for the motivated speech."

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