ALN Final Derek vs Shadow Derek

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Derek stood there on the arena looking at Shadow Derek who was grinning, Derek knew he had to stop him but he knew something was off.

"What's the matter?" Shadow Derek asked. "Aren't you going to attack me? Or are you all talk and no action?"

Derek gritted his teeth together. "Shut it, this battle will be settled here and now. No holding back any power."

Shadow Derek chuckled evilly. "Oh you have no idea how long I've waited for someone to say go full power, well then what's the price if you die by my hands?"

Derek knew he had only one option. "My soul."

"Well well this will be interesting then." Shadow Derek said. "Let the games......begin."

Derek had to keep half of his power held back as a last resort too kill Shadow Derek but he knew that Shadow Derek will know he's holding back, but remembered what Winter said. "For this transformation to happen you need dust crystals for it to work if there is non then you are likely too die from one hit." Derek knew someone who kept dust crystals but he didn't want them too be in danger, he had to fight but not with all his power. He then noticed a bag in one of the sits from where Weiss and the others were sitting it had the Schnee dust symbol on it, Derek had too buy sometime to get to the other side of the arena.

"Well what are you waiting for?" Shadow Derek asked. "If you don't fight me then you will be pushed off."

Derek snapped back into reality and got into fighting pose. "Fine then come at me, I'll make sure you die here."

The two duke it out as Derek was getting closer to the other side of the arena as he did so, he pushed Shadow Derek back and punched him.

"Hmph." Shadow Derek said. "Was that supposed to hurt? You're holding back aren't you, no wonder your attacks tickle."

As the others were going too the landing pad Blake looked behind her hand noticed Derek was struggling and went back too help, right as a bullhead came to the pad Winter got off and noticed Blake was going back.

"Don't go nowhere Ms. Belladonna." Winter said.

"But Derek's struggling." Blake said. "I can't let him die."

Weiss and the others looked back and noticed it.

"Winter you have to help him." Blake said. "If he dies his blood will be on your hands."

Winter looked at everyone and back at Blake. "I will do what I can too help my student, just get on the Bullhead."

"Wait Kyle's still fighting Adam." Yang said. "We can't leave them."

"Get on the Bullhead now, another one will come for them." Winter said. "Go before any guards show up."

Everyone got on the Bull head as Winter went to aid Derek.

"You are truly weak." Shadow Derek said stepping on Derek's arm making him scream in pain. "You might as well give up and give your soul to me."

"N-Never." Derek said head butting Shadow Derek. "I will kill you this will be your grave." He then grabbed his Crimson Jupiter with his free hand as his other arm was broken. "D-Dam it." He ran towards Shadow Derek as he swung his blade at him but it didn't even faze him one bit as he would dodge every swing.

"Is that all you got." Shadow Derek said as he grabbed Derek by his neck. "You're weak just like the rest of them you will die here."

Winter used her glyph to summon a bow and arrow and fired it at Shadow Derek as it made contact with his leg.

Derek was dropped on the ground gasping for air as he saw Winter. "W-Winter....."

"Go do what you need too do I'll hold him off." Winter said.

Shadow Derek turned his attention to Winter and went after her. "Ah another Shcnee wanting to end her life."

Derek knew what Winter was doing. "I hope you an buy me enough time, I need all the time to transform." He got up and went to grab the bag of dust crystals.

Winter was fighting Shadow Derek as she saw Derek get the bag. "Good just in time too." She then used some ice dust freezing Shadow Derek in place. "Derek's right about one thing this place will be your grave."

Derek managed to get every last dust crystal out of the bag and placed them down around him. "Okay here goes nothing." He the closed his eyes as the crystal's began to slowly rise up off the ground as a gust of wind began to blow. As the crystals begun to spin around Derek forming a small vortex of a tornado from top to bottom as it had hidden Derek inside.

Winter watched as she noticed it was working as she turned with her back facing Shadow Derek. "Your death will be soon." She then walked off leaving Shadow Derek frozen by his feet.

The wind picked up more as Shadow Derek broke free from the ice and looked where Derek was at. "What! This energy, he was holding back this whole time, damn him."

As the wind picked up more, small rocks flew from the arena floor as they were shot at Shadow Derek bruising him, followed by blood dripping from him. the crystals soon exploded as the funnel around Derek changed colors as it slowly began to shrink in size and slow down.

Winter got back to the pad as guards showed up surrounding her. "I hate to tell you this boys but this is a one way trip for me." Winter stepped back more as she fell off the pad as the same Bullhead that had Weiss and the others on board caught Winter.

"Hello." Yang said jumping off and attacked the guards. "Hahaha take that jerks."

Pyrrha felt Derek's aura sky rocket as she looked at Weiss and Blake. "It seems Winter has done good on training him after all, his aura has sky rocketed to the max."

Yang got back on board as she closed the door. "So what we wait here or go off?"

Winter nodded her head. "We need too leave this fight is going to make everything shake."

The Bullhead flew off as Shadow Derek watched the funnel disappear he then noticed a bright blue light shining from in the remaining funnel.

"Come and face me now." Derek said as he stood there in fighting pose.

Shadow Derek grinned and jumped onto the arena. "So this is your full power you've unlocked. "Well it wont matter as you wi......." He was cut off as Derek had punched him in the stomach making him cough up blood.

"You were saying something?" Derek asked as he did a fast round house kick on Shadow Derek as he was sent flying into the wall. "Get up, come on."

Shadow Derek was shocked by what had happened as he felt more blood fall from him. "Damn you!" Shadow Derek the got back up and went too throw a punch at Derek but had it stopped as Derek grabbed his hand.

"Hmph." Derek said. "Is this important too you?" He then broke both of Shadow Derek's arms as he then kicked him onto the ground, he then grabbed Shadow Derek by he head and looked at him. "Which way do you want to die?"

Shadow Derek was now in a weak state, he couldn't do nothing against Derek as he tried to fight back but couldn't he was then dropped on the ground again as he felt Derek put both hands on his head.

"Well this will be painless here." Derek said as he snapped Shadow Derek's neck killing him as his body soon began turning into nothingness. "I did i......" Derek then collapsed on the ground and was unconscious for he had used to much of his energy, but it wasn't over yet.

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