Attack of the improved mousers

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After having defeated the Rat King and going back to the lair, the turtles attended to Splinter as team JNPR, Penny, Delsin and Beta watched the TV.

Else where in the center of the Earth, Shredder and Krang had finished putting the Technodrome into full power fuel with the jewels the foot soldiers had brought back.

"Finally, now we can get out of here and terrorize the surface." Krang said. "But those annoying turtles are going to get in our way."

"Perhaps Stockman will be of some help this time around." Shredder said as he contacted Professor Stockman

Stockman was buzzing around an old abandoned building as he heard his communicator ring. "Now what?" He then picked up and saw Shredder on it. "What do you want Shredder? I thought our alliance was finished after you turned me into a fly."

"I thought so as well but I have a job for you Stockman, do this simple task and you will be turned back to normal." Shredder said.

"What would that be exactly?" Stockman asked.

"Mousers, these blasted turtles are getting under my skin for the last time." Shredder said.

Stockman buzzed. "If you haven't forgotten Shredder they destroyed my mousers."

"Perhaps an upgraded version of them will do, I will supply you with the parts you need Stockman, make the mousers able to seek out those turtles and dispose of them once and for all." Shredder said.

"B-But that's impossible you're at the center of the Earth, how will you?" Stockman asked as he was cut off as the Technodrome rose from it's depths of the Earth.

"As you were saying Stockman?" Shredder asked. "Get on before we leave you."


April was doing another report as the building behind her began to collapse, two more buildings had collapsed right behind the first one as the Technodrome was on the move through the city.

"Shredder." April said. "Vernon get this on the news stat."

Vernon turned the camera on. "You're good to go April make it quick I think I see mousers."

April makes the report as it was broadcasted all over New York, Ren took notice of it as he was flipping through the channels as he looked at the others.

"Guys we got trouble." Ren said. "Shredder has his Technodrome up and running."

The turtles looked. "No way, and more mousers as well."

The news the flips from April to Shredder. "Listen all of you and yes even you turtles, we have come back for vengeance, and thanks to Professor Stockman for the new and improved mousers they will find anything no one else can. And as for you four annoying turtles you aren't safe they will find out where you are!"

"This is bad guys." Donatello said. "We need to do something."

"Let them come." Pyrrha said. "We can handle the mousers you four take, them with you." She pointed to Delsin, Penny and Beta. "Team JNPR will take care of things here."

"Sounds like a good plan." Leonardo said. "Turtles lets go."

The four of them left as Delsin, Penny and Beta followed, Pyrrha then went back to what she was originally doing as she looked at Jaune.

"I'm ready, I know you said my Semblance hasn't really been fully unlocked yet." Jaune said. "Is there more I need to know about it?"

Pyrrha nods as she holds his hand out. "Once we're complete you've controlled it Jaune we will be ready for the fight, now listen closely there's a certain hidden power everyone doesn't know of. But I have been reading up on it, it's called Aura Overdrive."

"Aura Overdrive?" Nora asked. "What's that?"

"It's something you unlock for those you want to protect, it gives you an extra ability to use." Pyrrha said. "Like with what happened to Derek when he faced his evil self, the whirlwind around him and everything."

"So he was the first to unlock it, he did train with Winter too so.......he really wanted to protect everyone that day, so I wonder who else will get to unlock theirs?" Nora asked.

Splinter then woke up as he came out of his room. "Where are my sons?"

"Shredder's back with his Technodrome, and Stockman made mousers 2.0 so you can guess." Nora said.

"Smells like trouble, you all will be able to handle them fine, but make sure they don't get to me." Splinter said.

"Understood Master Splinter." Ren said. "Pyrrha hurry up with Jaune and meet me and Nora out in the sewer."

Pyrrha nods her head. "Got it, you two be safe."

Nora and Ren headed out as Pyrrha was finishing with Jaune on the semblance and helping him control it.

In the sewer Ren and Nora were weapon ready as they heard splashing from a far, Nora peeked around the corner and saw red glowing lights moving.

"Ren the mousers are coming, and it looks like a whole lot of em." Nora said.

"Stay calm Nora, we have to hold them off until Jaune and Pyrrha get here." Ren said.

The Mousers got closer to the two, as one mouser came into view it screeched as it ran towards Nora and Ren, the other fifty mousers soon ran behind the first one.

"This is it." Nora said. "Batter up."


Jaune and Nora came around the corner from the lair as they noticed Ren and Nora fending off the mousers, Pyrrha had an idea as she looked at Jaune and then at the robotic mice.

"Jaune I'm going to use my semblance to attract the mousers." Pyrrha said.

"Yes, good idea your polarity will do the trick Pyrrha, if Stockman didn't upgrade them with nothing that's not metal..." Jaune said. "Drag them in and we can finish them off."

"Ren Nora get back here." Pyrrha said. "I'm going to us my polarity to drag the mousers in."

Both Ren and Nora nod as they fall back, leaving Pyrrha to do her job as she activates her semblance to drag the mousers in.

"Get ready, when she drags them in we cut them up." Jaune said.

"Aye aye captain Jaune." Nora said saluting.

Pyrrha gave the signal as she pulled in every mouser into her teams combat zone as Jaune, Nora and Ren cut them up to size leaving no trace of any mouser left.

"I think that's all of them...." Pyrrha said. "Unless Stockman has more on the surface then the guys are in trouble."

Jaune nods. "Yeah let's go check, team JNPR let's go to the surface!"

With that said the team leave for the surface to help anyone in need and for any more mousers to slay, they will also regroup with the turtles, Delsin, Penny and Beta to help them stop Shredder and Krang.

Note ~ Aura Overdrive was not my idea it was a idea a friend of mine came up with.

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