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After Qrow had told the team about his flash back on exactly how he got there, the team had followed Rukia to the spare room for some rest, the following day came however as they were already working their tails off sparring against Rukia and Ikkaku.

"Come on, step it up, if you don't you won't be able to face off against any threats." Rukia said as she jumped over Weiss.

Weiss growled as she tried to hit Rukia with her Glyph but missed. "Stay still will you!"

Ikkaku hit Ruby's side with a wooden sword. "Come on red dodge, keep your eyes focused on the movement."

"I'm trying." Ruby whined as she blocked the next swing from the wooden sword.

Kyle and Yang were teaming up to corner Rukia but bumped heads with Weiss as she tried to hit Rukia again.

"Sorry." Yang said. "She's way to quick."

Rukia stood behind the three as she whacked them on the head. "Stay focused you three."

Ruby slid back a bit from getting kicked in the gut by Ikkaku. "Hey wait, where's the other two?"

Rukia and Ikkaku stopped as they looked around for the Belladonna siblings both holding up their wooden swords. Rukia scanned the training dojo for the two as a few shadows jumped left and right Rukia's eyes followed them but soon lost sight, Ikkaku did as well but also lost sight of them.

Blake and Derek jumped out from behind the two Shinigami's as they were about to hit them with their own wooden sticks but were soon blocked by the two.

"Heh, not bad." Rukia said. "Using the shadows for your advantaged, I'll give you credit for that."

Blake smirked as she kick swiped Rukia off her feet and hits her with the wooden sword again, Derek also did the same but made it a distraction for Ikkaku as Yang and Kyle ran over and punched him down to the floor.

"So, that's how teamwork goes for you all huh?" Rukia asked as she stood up. "Not to shabby, but Ruby needs more work on her combat training, same for you Weiss."

Weiss scoffed as she crossed her arms. "How about we don't use wooden weapons? Me and you one on one Rukia, no holding back either."

"Battle of the ice queens, oh boy." Yang said.

"Ice queen?" Ikkaku asked cocking an eyebrow.

Rukia shrugs. "If you say so Weiss." Rukia took out her Zanpakuto and held it up pointing it at Weiss. "Draw your sword."

Weiss picked up her Myrtenaster and stood in position. "If you all don't want to get caught in the mix of it, I'd suggest you all leave the dojo."

"You sure?" Derek asked.

"Yes I'm sure." Weiss said as she didn't even look at the others as her gaze was on Rukia still.

Rukia nodded. "Leave us."

"Ugh, well okay if you say so." Ikkaku said as he walked out of the dojo.

Ruby, Blake, Yang, Kyle, and Derek walked out right behind Ikkaku as they turned around to look at the dojo and waited for the battle to start between Rukia and Weiss.


Swrods clashing together could be heard as the two began their fight, Ichigo and the others came over to see what was going on, as Qrow looked over at Ruby for a moment.

"What's going on in there?" Qrow asked.

"Oh, just Weiss and Rukia having a battle." Ruby said. "Nothing to worry about."

"Good grief." Qrow said.

Shards of ice shot out of the dojo as a trail of smoke shot up into the sky as Rukia and Weiss were clashing swords still while going in the air, Weiss used her Glyph and shot a few balls of ice at Rukia, only for them to be deflected and cut.

Renji whistled as he looked up at the sky. "Look at those two fight, what ever made them do that sure isn't something you want to be in the mix of."

"Yeah, but should we like put a stop to it?" Ichigo asked.

"Nah, let them blow off some steam." Qrow said as he took his flask out and drank from it. "Besides....they'll need the practice if we cross paths with any strong enemy."

Ruby looked down. "....Yeah."

Rukia swung her Zanpakuto at Weiss cutting her skirt, and kicked her downwards. Weiss gagged as she used her Glyph again to summon a white knight to catch her from hitting the ground.

"Not bad..." Weiss said spitting a bit of blood from her mouth. "I still have some steam to blow off."

"I can tell." Rukia said with a smirk. "I promise I won't ruin your crown there princess."

Weiss took the tiara off and tossed it down. "Heads up."

Derek looked up and got a good jump boost from Blake to catch the tiara, as he got hold of it, Ruby used her semblance to speed off and catch Derek.

"Thanks." Derek said.

"No problem." Ruby said with a small smile.

The white knight threw Weiss at a fast speed as she was flung towards Rukia and swung Myrtenaster at her and missed by a long shot only cutting a few pieces of her hair off. "Damn."

Rukia grabbed her leg to prevent her from being sent anymore further from the area. "You managed to cut my hair, but....I think you already lost this battle."

Weiss cocked an eyebrow up as her and Rukia went back down to the ground after a bit of clashing swords again.

"Prepare yourself." Rukia said. "Bankai!"

"What's her bankai?" Yang asked curiously.

"Well, that 'Ice Queen' name for Weiss, just as well implies to Rukia as well." Qrow said.

The air got colder as Weiss could see her breath as well as Rukia's, ice start to build up around them as Weiss tried to jump out of the way but was caught by the ice that build up around her feet.

"C-Crap." Weiss said shivering as she watched the ice build up on her body. "Y-You win!"

Rukia stood up as she looked at her. "I know I did."

"So how does this work though?" Yang asked. "Want me to heat up a nice burn for Weiss to melt the ice or?"

"Don't worry, it'll thaw shortly, be glad it didn't take Weiss in all the way." Ichigo said. "Then she would really be a ice statue."

Rukai's bankai soon started to ware off as the ice melted a bit around Weiss, as she was soon free from the ice, she was cold however, she went back to the manor and decided to take a hot bath to warm up after being in the ice.

Elsewhere Obsidian was still wondering out in the open trying to find something to replace his missing arm, Neo sill followed him without being seen still, but something felt off, they were no where near Soul Society, both of them were clearly in the middle of no where, but the atmosphere felt off, a creature stalked them both keeping its eyes on them until it wanted to strike at them. Neo turned her head around to look behind her and didn't see anything, but being a mutant Grimm being the Buhoshee, her hearing was well enhanced, she listened for any movement as she heard what sounded like slithering, she then decided to keep following Obsidian still, while keeping an ear out for any other strange sounds.

Obsidian stopped in his tracks as he listened as well, being part faunus like Blake and Derek, he listened to the littlest sounds that could be heard, so he didn't hear the creature tailing behind, he reached for his sword and slowly pulled it out and turned around scanning the area. "Hmm, strange."

Neo was there in his view but had used her semblance to mirror the area around them to stay hidden from his sight, what she didn't want was to be found by him and killed. She watched Obsidian turn back around and kept walking, she canceled her semblance as she resumed following him, but what she wasn't aware of was the creature that was following behind them was a Hollow.

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