Out of control

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After having to deal with Grodd and Giganta, Superman had requested that Kyle, Team RWBY, Flash and Wonder Woman return to the watch tower, for reason unknown to them. Little did they know, Derek was the one causing the commotion at the watch tower.

Derek stood up out of bed as he glanced around the room, something was off his hair was all messy, and what looked like steam came out of his mouth with each breath he took. "Good, no one is in sight, now to get out of this body so I can be whole again and get my revenge."

It was clear now, Obsidian had taken control of Derek's body as his own, but the question that remained was, where was Derek's consciousness at during this?

Deep in his mind, Derek's consciousness was next to that shadowy female silhouette figure, which him or Obsidian could not figure who she was, but he had lost to the mind games of his darker half, he was a prisoner in his own body while he had no control.

Black Cannery saw him walk out of the room, as she approached him. "Hey, how are you feeling, where's Zatanna?"

Derek turned his head to face her as he didn't say nothing but acting normal for the most part to get an idea of who to attack first without getting caught. "I'm okay...I think she stepped out for lunch?"

"Hmm." Cannery said as she walked past him and continued down the hall

Derek sighed as he grins a bit. "Fool, now then, if I were Superman, where would I be?" He walked the halls of the watch tower checking some of the rooms to find them empty. "Tch, not here, oh well, I guess I better make the best of what's here then, but who to start with first?"

Fire, Ice and Wildcat were not far from where Derek was at, as he got an idea. He began to follow them as he waited for them to split off so he could take them down with the element of surprise, the three heroes soon came to a stop as they walked off their own way. Derek had followed Wildcat as he jumped him grabbing him by the sides of his head and knees him in the face.

"What the!" Wildcat yelled by surprise as he took the knee to the face. "What was that for?"

Derek grinned as he round house kicked him. "Just so you know, I'm not him...I won't stop until I'm out of this body."

"You, you're the one who tried to escape." Wildcat said as he punched Derek into the wall. "I need to warn the others before it's too late."

Derek scoffed as he grabbed Wildcat by the arm and lands a punch into his face as he kneed him again. "Where is Superman?"

Wildcat threw another punch at him as he backed up. "Gahh, why should I tell you where he is? You can't beat the man of steel."

Derek growled as he didn't expect Wildcat to be so hard to knock out, he then jumped backed from him as he grabbed his weapon. "This just got a whole lot interesting.."

Wildcat had backed up a bit more as he sounded the alarm. "Just you wait, all the heroes will be here soon."

Derek scoffed as he stood there. "Hold that thought." His body stood motionless as Obsidian walked over to Derek's consciousness in his head, he then kicked him. "You're hold me back from going all out, you can't win."

Derek coughed as he winched in pain as he looked at him. "Hehe....that's where you're wrong Obsidian....my friends will be back before you know it."

Obsidian growled as he grabbed Derek by the neck. "Shut up!" He slapped him a few times as he tossed him down. "Tch, and here I thought you gotten stronger, what a joke."

While Obsidian was distracted by Derek, Wildcat crept up close to him and waved his hand in front of his face. "Hello? Are we going to fight or not?"

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