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Taking over a vessel that didn't belong to him Obsidian had controlled Derek's body to put shame to his name, but his plans didn't go like he wanted it to, and now he was free from his prison.

Superman looked at Obsidian with a glare in his eye's. "You will not do as you please, this ends now."

Obsidian grins as he looked at him. "You think you all can stop me? Don't make me laugh."

Yang cracked her knuckles as she looked up at him as she glared at him with rage and anger. "Don't underestimate us, you've lost once before back at Beacon, and you will lose again, we have ways of making sure you don't come back."

Kyle nods his head as well as Ruby, Weiss and Blake. Obsidian laughed as he looked at them before floating downwards to the watch tower. "Haha, you really think you all can beat me again? Please, the only reason why Yang got the upper hand on me, is because Derek's body was weak, I wasn't at my full potential anyway, even if he was strong how is it he couldn't stop me hmm?"

"Shut up!" Blake hissed angry. "You failed to stop us once before, you will fail again!"

"Team let's take him down." Ruby said knowing that Obsidian was unaware of Ruby's silver eye, and what they can do.

Obsidian cracked his neck and knuckles as he grinned again. "Come then, time to meet your DOOM!"

Superman flew head on at him as he punched him right in the jaw line, Obsidian snapped his jaw back in place as he kneed Superman but it didn't do much to the man of steel, Yang and the other's began firing their attacks at him as Ruby was snipping him from a distance. The attacks bounced off but still mad impact with his body leaving several cut's and bruises behind.

Green Lantern flew out into space as well as he used his lantern ring to make several objects to hit Obsidian with.

"This ends now." Superman said as he used his heat beam as it was a critical hit scrapping Obsidian's shoulder.

"Hmph, my turn." Obsidian said as he grabbed Superman by the head and began kneeing him in the face a few times before swinging him around by the cape shortly after and threw him into Green Lantern. He then glared down at the team as he flew down to them as he threw a fist directly at Weiss.

Weiss dodged the punch as she looked at him and smirked a little. "Ta-ta." She then jumped a few feet back as she was a distraction.

Kyle and Yang came up from behind him and punched him directly in the gut sending him flying down the hall. "Booyah! Team work."

Blake was now next in line to attack him as she threw her ribbon around his neck and slammed him into the ground. "Now Ruby!"

Ruby speeds by as she stopped, she stepped onto his chest putting pressure onto him making him unable to move, her eye's glowing bright as Blake and the others covered their own eye's so they wouldn't be blinded by what's coming next.

"W-What the?" Obsidian asked. "Where is she getting this power from?"

Ruby placed more pressure onto his chest as she screamed loudly, the silver eye's of hers exploded as the light from them engulfed the entire area as it slowly turned Obsidian into stone.

"W-Who are you?" Obsdian asked as he felt the stone slowly reach his legs. "You're not normal."

Ruby didn't say anything as she kicked him in the side. "I am just a simple human, you were not aware of what the power of my eye's could hold were you? I was unaware as well, but I unlocked it, you can say thanks to Shredder, but he was a villain, just like you are, expect he was blinded and not turned to stone, but you will be."

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