A living nightmare Pt1

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Night fell upon Beacon as everyone was in their dorms and got ready to get some rest all expect Blake.

"No no no." Blake said to herself. "I can't sleep, why do I feel so scared? Just lay down and close your eyes."

The sky was pitch black as it started to rain heavily followed by thunder and lightning, Blake tried to sleep but each time she closed her eyes she saw things that weren't a pretty sight.

As the storm went on there was a sound Blake could only hear like someone walking on the floor as it squeaked it gave Blake chills down her spine as her ears twitched contently she then got out of bed and went to look as she grabbed the nearest thing to her which was a book.

"H-hello?" Blake asked looking around. "Is someone there?" She tiptoed around as she listened to the sound.

As she got closer to the sound the more it got creepy as she heard breathing which was heavy like someone was watching her every move.

"Is someone here?" Blake asked holding the book up ready to strike. "Whoever you are show yourself."

As she entered a room she saw someone standing by the window, it looked like Cinder from a far but as Blake got closer and closer the figure looked more of Derek but something was off.

"W-who are you?" Blake asked. "Why do you look like my brother?"

The figure turned around as he held a wine glass filled with red wine, and had what looked like yellow diamonds down his eyes, his eyes were red as the wine but more red like blood, his hair was white as his ears were the same color and his sink was black. He then smirked as his teeth showed as they were sharp, he then sipped from the wine glass and then sat it down.

"Who are you speak." Blake said. "Tell me why you look like my brother."

The person just chuckled. "Oh come now you should recognize your own brother.....let's just say I'm the darkness in his heart the fear that grasps onto him, the chaos he lives everyday hiding the fear and evil within his heart, I am his darker half you may call me, Shadow Derek."

Blake was frozen with fear as she couldn't move nor speak she felt the strong amount of evil from him the only thing she could do was move her eyes as she watched Shadow Derek walk close to her.

"Well well can't move how disappointing I was hoping to have some fun with you." Shadow Derek said. "But I guess chocking you till you can't breath will work."

Tears were steaming down Blake's face. "Is this the end for me dying by the hands of my brothers darker self?" She thought. "I can't go out like this, I need help fast."

As he stepped closer with his hand reaching out to Blake's neck someone came running down the hall and kicked Shadow Derek out the window which unfroze Blake from her fear. Blake then fell to the ground as she looked to see who came to her rescue to her surprise it was Pyrrha.

To be continued.

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