Heroes till the end

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After having repaired the watch tower, the gang had gotten freshened up and changed into new clothing Zatanna had gotten for them, after they had done that, they had went to sleep so they could be ready to leave.

The following day had came as Weiss was fixing her hair, she wore her new dress that Zatanna had got, she did miss wearing her old one but she knew it wouldn't last any longer, she then turned her head to the side and looked out into space.

"Okay....today's the day, I should go wake the others, but I'm still uneasy about the whole mutated Cinder, why would that happen? Who would do that other then Shredder?" Weiss thought to herself as she stood up and walked over to the other bed and nudges Derek. "Wakey wakey."

Derek groaned as he sat up in bed and rubbed his eye's. "Is it that day already?" He then got out of bed and went to wash his face to wake up more. "I'll go see what we can do for food."

Weiss shakes her head. "That won't be necessary, Wonder Woman and Black Canary told me that they'll be taking us down to earth for a day, instead of having cabin fever while up here."

Derek smiled a bit. "Ah, a day in town, sure that sounds interesting, love the dress by the way Weiss."

Weiss looked away as she turned to face the window. "It's different for sure yes, even the rest have different one's well expect Ruby."

"Yeah, hers is till kinda of the same expect less black more of a black and a cream color, she still has the cape, but a bit holey and stuff." Derek said. "Not to mention Yang's outfit is different from the one she had, same goes for my sister and as well as Kyle."

Weiss nods her head. "Yeah, anyway...let's go get those four."

Derek and Weiss left the room as they went to see if the others were awake or not, once they had checked on the others. Blake, Ruby, Yang and Kyle joined the two as they all went to meet Wonder Woman and Canary.

"Ah there you all are." Canary said. "Ready for the trip?"

"Sure are." Ruby said. "But how are we going to?"

"The jet." Wonder Woman said. "Follow me."

They followed Wonder Woman and Black Canary to the jet as they got on board, they took their seats as Wonder Woman piloted the jet out of the watch tower down to earth, while they were doing this, Wonder Woman and Canary had changed their outfits to be more casual.

Once they had landed, they stepped off the ship and made their way around town, their first stop was getting some breakfast. Time went on as they all had went to different areas, Weiss had bought Diana and Dinah a friendship bracelet as well as she had bought one for the team.

"This friendship bracelet, what is the purpose of it?" Diana asked. "I may know a lot of things but am unaware of this."

Yang snickered a bit. "It's exactly what it's called, a friendship bracelet meaning we'll be friends forever."

"I see." Diana said. "Then if you need our help at anytime even if you're all in another universe, we will help."

"Eh?" Ruby asked surprised. "How? I don't know if you'd be able to locate us."

"Oh don't worry red." Dinah said. "We'll find ways."

"They're heroes Ruby, they can find us even if they keep track of where we go, think of it this way." Kyle said. "Say if we were back home, and another part of remnant had requested for hunters and huntresses help, and we were those helpers, in short we're heroes ourselves expect we don't have all the fancy stuff they do."

"Oh I see." Ruby said. "We are heroes because we helped the universes we've been to, we joined forces with the Sailor Scouts, the turtles, and even Batman, and now we helped the League."

Derek nods his head. "And let's not forget we also saved our universe from being burned."

Ruby looked down a bit. "That too..." She then looked back up and smiled. "But I see your point Kyle, no matter where we go, we will be heroes to each universe, and we will be sure to call for back up if push comes to shove."

"That a girl Ruby." Yang said proudly. "That's the baby sis I know and love."

Ruby giggled. "Ehehe, stop it Yang."

Timeskip brought to you by, Chibi Yang throwing Wonder Woman's tiara as a Frisbee.


Once they all had gotten back to the watch tower after their day out in town, Ruby stepped forward to Manhunter and nodded her head.

"We're ready to go John." Ruby said as she looked back at her team. "Team let's make this trip worth it, even if we end up in a different universe, our will to be the heroes we are will not fail."

Yang smiled. "Booyah! Preach it like you mean it Ruby!"

"Alright then, stand back." Manhunter said as he activated the portal. "It's ready."

Ruby nods again. "Alright."

"Before you go." Superman said as he walked over to them. "Take this communicator, here on out, you are now an official member of the Justice League."

Ruby picked it up as she looked at it. "Thank you Clark." She then tossed it over to Weiss. "Put it with the turtle comm, we'll need both of them to come in handy."

Weiss nods as she puts it into her bag, she bowed down a bit. "Thank you all for the help, we will be sure to call you if we need any help."

"Like wise." Wonder Woman said. "Oh and here Weiss, as a fellow princess and heiress to a family name, I give you the amazonian tiara, normally a woman of the amazon's have to battle to prove themselves worthy to have this, but I've seen enough potential in you Weiss."

"Huh so I'm the Wonder Woman of my team then?" Weiss asked taking it.

"You, Yang, Blake and Ruby are." Wonder Woman said. "You four girls never back down from a fight when your friends are in danger, you four earned the title Wonder Woman."

Ruby stood proud of herself but giggled. "I think I'll let Weiss keep that title."

Yang looked at her sister and then at the rest of them. "Let's go before we get mushy and teary eyed."

"Understood." Weiss said as she put the tiara on. "Alright let's go."

Ruby went into the portal first, as Weiss went next, followed Blake then Yang, and lastly Derek and Kyle, the portal soon closed after they all had went in one by one, and just like before and the other times, their travel to their home was tampered with as they were sent into a new wormhole taking them somewhere they will be unfamiliar with.

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