The Faunus' and the Ultimate Life Form

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Being sent off on a side mission to the space colony Ark, Derek and Blake took a spare ship from the Blu Typhoon to head there while the others went to go rescue Ruby and Sonic.

The siblings soon arrived at the Ark, as the ship had stopped at the entrance. Derek opened the door to their ship as the entrance to the Ark also opened up, Blake got off first as she checked the corners. "It's clear."

Derek nodded as he got off next, it was a little dark on the Ark, but luckily for the Belladonna siblings they could see in the dark. Blake scanned the area a bit as she listened to the quiet atmosphere of the colony, there wasn't any sound for a while until the power had slowly flickered on.

"Hmm." Derek said. "Either it's motion detection, or there's someone on board other then us two."

Blake looked around more as she walked over to another door, she pushed the button on the side seeing if it would open up. The door opened half way but was jammed as it was cracked opened, Blake scoffed as she tried to pry it opened. Derek walked over to help his sister pry the door open as they managed to do so.

"It's a bit too quiet." Blake said as she started to walk into the other room, she grabbed the handle of her Gambol Shroud as she slowly pulled it out of it's weapon holder. "Derek, keep your guard up."

Derek nodded again as the handle of his sword. "There's supposed to be at least three or more Chaos Emeralds here somewhere."

There soon was movement nearby as it looked like someone or something skated past the two, Blake stopped as she glared around the area again. "Yeah, we're not alone."

The sound got closer to them as the silhouette soon stepped out in front of them, revealing to be another hedgehog, but black with red markings. "So you're the intruders....Hmph, I can take care of you two easily."

Derek looked at Blake and then at the black hedgehog. "I'll go on ahead to look for the Emeralds."

Blake looked back at him. "Yeah go ahead, I'll keep this hedgehog distracted."

Derek ran off past Shadow down the hall to the other part of the colony, Shadow scoffed as he looked at Blake. "You're after the emeralds, I will not allow you both to get them."

Blake took her Gambol Shroud out of it's weapon holder as she gripped the handle of it. "Come at me hedgehog."

"I am Shadow the hedgehog, you dare challenged the ultimate life form?" Shadow asked identifying himself to the faunus.

"Gee, think you have a big enough ego there?" Blake asked not impressed by what she heard. "Ultimate life form or not, we need those emeralds."

Shadow started to skate around the room as he jumped up and did a round house kick, Blake dodged the hedgehogs attacks. Blake found an opening as she kicked Shadow in the gut knocking him back breaking the distance between the two, Shadow skidded across the floor as he stopped near the wall.

"Hmph, not bad." Shadow said. "But, you're not fast enough to keep up with me."

Blake ran at Shadow as she swung her Gambol Shroud at the hedgehog a few times cutting some of his fur off, but not enough to harm him. Shadow grabbed Blake by the arm and tossed her across the room, Blake used her semblance to create a clone in her place as she was on the other side of the room now. She turned her Gambol Shroud into it's gun form and began firing dust bullets at Shadow, the bullets hit him point on as what Blake had shot at him was ice dust, freezing him in place.

"Enjoy the stay." Blake said as she began to walk off.

Shadow gritted his teeth as tried to break the ice that imprisoned his feet to the floor. Blake was now gone as she went to catch up with her brother in the other room of the Ark, Shadow luckily had one of the emeralds on hand without the two knowing.

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