Mission day

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Days and weeks passed as the girls helped Derek get over being shy, luckily it worked not only was Derek no longer shy but he was wanting to wait to confess how he felt to Weiss. Weiss was unaware Derek was in love with her, but today was a bit different a new for Derek.

"Ruby wake up, we need to get ready." Yang said nudging her sister.

"Mmm five more minutes Yang." Ruby said rolling over clearly not wanting to wake up.

Yang sighed and then got an idea. "Okay then I guess me, Derek, Blake and Weiss will eat all the cookies and save none for you." She walked off to the door but before she could get out the door a gust of wind went by her.

"Cookies where where?" Ruby asked looking around not seeing any. "Aw you got me again, I'm up now so why do we have to get ready?"

"Hello it's mission day." Weiss said. "Remember Doctor Oobleck assigned it to us."

Ruby groaned. "Ugh a mission great what a way to make a day. Where's Derek anyway I was going to ask him something." She looked around the room.

"Funny how you ask, seems Pyrrha wanted to talk to Derek about something not sure what but today is Derek's first mission so let's hope things go well for us." Weiss said. "As for Blake she's outside."

Ruby face palms totally forgetting that Derek was the new kid and has never been on a mission before. "I am not with it today, just need to get ready and wait for those two."


On the way to the docks Derek looked at the information Oobleck gave him. "So it says here that he wants us to study something new and that there's a train that leads to a underground area where we'll more and likely meet up with him."

"Wait he gives you information but doesn't come with us to tell us about it, great just what we need a solo mission with no teacher." Ruby said.

They soon board the airships taking them to the location where they had to go. They soon arrive at the location and jump out the airship landing on the ground.

"Man this place looks runned down." Yang said looking around. "So where first, do we set up camp or do we go and meet with Pro I mean Doctor Oobleck?"

"I think we should set camp up first." Derek said. "Who knows how long we'll be here, I packed the food for us." He then set the camp up expect for the campfire. "Okay so we need firewood for the campfire."

"I'll go get it." Yang said. "Just firewood but any old wood would do right?"

Derek nods looking around. "I'm going to scout around to see what else I can find."

Blake tried not to look worried and nodded. "Just be careful okay? I don't want to have and come find you hurt or missing, that would be bad if both of those things happened just be back on time."

Derek smiled and nodded walking off to look around for things.

"I never seen you act like this until Derek arrived at Beacon." Ruby said. "You really care about him a lot seeing he's your brother and all."

"Yang would be the same with you Ruby siblings have to look out for one another." Weiss said. "I on the other hand, I'm going to make sure nothing is dirty at the campsite."


Derek was about finished getting the food unpacked and noticed Yang walking up to him. "Hi Yang need something?"

"No just thought I see what food you brought so we can eat soon." Yang simply said sitting down. "I'm wondering do you know how to cook seeing most of the food has to be cooked."

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