The Rat King Strikes

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After celebrating over their victory team JNPR, Delsin, Beta, Penny and the turtles headed back to the liar where Splinter was acting a bit strange.

"Master Splinter what's wrong?" Jaune asked. "You seem a bit off."

"He's back." Splinter said. "You must stop him again......I fear that this time I won't be able to control myself."

Delsin was confused on who he meant by him, but he noticed the turtles jump into action as Donatello looked on the radar.

"Guys this is really bad, I'm picking up several red dots on the radar, like we're being surrounded by Rats." Donatello said.

"Who is it?" Beta asked confused as well. "Who is this person you all don't like?"

Pyrrha put her hand on Beta's shoulder. "His name is the Rat King, he can control rat's we faced him once before, but it seems he wants to attack us once again."

"Guys weapon ready." Jaune said. "Donatello can you keep us updated on the tracking we'll go look for him."

Donatello nods. "Yeah sure, someone has to stay here with Master Splinter anyway, in case he goes rouge on us."

"Delsin, Beta, Penny you three coming?" Leonardo asked.

The three of them nodded their heads as Leonardo leads them out where Donatello said the Rat King was hiding at. Once they got their the quietly snuck up on him as one of the rat's started hissing alerting him of the presences of the gang.

"Welcome turtles." Rat King said. "I've been wondering when you'll show up." He then stood up and turned around. "And I see you brought back up, because you're going to need it."

Suddenly a swarm of rats came from every corner of the Rat King's lair, Penny then felt a gust of wind as more were coming.

"Well let's see you stop this." Rat King said. "You all will fail at this fight and I will win."

Nora then bashes the ground with her hammer as it quakes sending the rats flying off the ground and a wave of sewer water at the Rat King, Jaune and Ren keep the rats away from them as Nora throws her hammer at the Rat King as it knocks him out. His mind control soon wears off as a few of the rat's runaway, but the rest remain still as they go in for the attack, Penny managed to push them back.

At the Lair Donatello was watching over Splinter to see if there were any changes in him. The Rat King still had the brain waves connected with the few rats that were he was and with Splinter. Splinter then jolted up as he looked at Donatello, with out any word he attacked Donatello.

"Oh no this is bad." Donatello said as he grabbed for his staff, but it was swiped away as Splinter hit it with his tail.

Donatello had to toss Splinter off him and get away before anymore damage happened, after he tossed Splinter off he went to get his turtle com to call one of his brothers.

"Guys come in, it's Donatello, Master Splinter is being effected by it. Find that flute and destroy it." Donatello said.

"Read you loud and clear." Raphael said. "Just try to keep Master Splinter occupied until we find it."

Beta looked around the Rat King's lair for the flute as he walked around he noticed there wasn't much in there, but he then spotted the flute and went to grab it. "I got it."

"Toss it here." Ren said as he saw Beta toss it to him, Ren the slices it in half with his weapon as the flute breaks.

The Rat King reawakened as he shakes his head. "Ugh, that hurt big time." He noticed the rats run off as he saw the flute was now broken. "No, you will all pay."

"Batter up." Nora said as she swings her hammer at the Rat King again sending him flying into the wall making the lair crumble. "Time to make like eggs and scramble out of here."

They all headed back, as Donatello was fixing up a few things. Splinter was lying down after what had happened he had to rest up a lot though. Michelangelo went into the kitchen and prepared some pizzas for everyone, there was a tray of sushi already made for Splinter as Leonardo took it to his room.

"Well I say that we won't have to deal with the Rat King again." Delsin said. "Right?"

"Don't put it past him he'll be back for revenge on us." Raphael said.

Ren nods in agreement. "Yes, but in time we have what we need to prepare for another attack."

Everyone sat down and grabbed a slice of pizza and began to eat while watching the TV for any other news on events. What they didn't know was that Shredder and Krang had their power source to have the Technodrome moving again and a power source to open Dimension X.

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