Ruby vs Maka

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Ruby and her friends arrived in the Soul Eater world, as they were accompanied by Blair the cat soon after. However they had to set up camp since there was no sign of a hotel around Death City, but they were being watched by the witch Medusa.

Medusa watched the team walk away, as she turned and left to go back to a hidden hide out that wasn't far from Death City. Once she was there, she looked at a man who had his back turned towards her, as he was working on something.

"They're here Kelvin." Medusa said as she approached him.

"Good, just in time too." Kelvin said as he looked back at the witch. "The device is nearly complete...thanks to Stein, who willingly helped out...but neither the less was forced into helping."

Medusa looked at the unfinished device as she picked it up. "What does this thing do?"

Kelvin glared at her as he snatched it away from her. "This, will be the main device that will merge the whole multiverse together, if you haven't noticed...things are changing."

Medusa scoffed as she looked at him once more. "And what? Does this mean there will be more annoying pest to deal with?"

"Correction, more villains to deal with the pest." Kelvin said.

"And what makes you so sure it will work?" Medusa asked as she walked away from him.

"I know it will, I've witnessed first hand at it happening." Kelvin said. "I'm not working for lord Icarus for nothing..."


Medusa had left the hide out once more as she went to look for Ruby and the others and noticed their camp site was cleared out, no one was there or even a trace of anyone. Medusa ran off to see if she could find where they have gone.

"Where are they?" Medusa asked as she checked around every place from high to low, but couldn't find them.

Far away on the other side of Death City, Ruby and the team was looking around as Blair was still in her cat form showed them around. They came to a stop at a bookstore that was where they found Maka at, but Soul wasn't around which was odd, Blair turned to her human form luckily she was naked like before. She then went inside as she looked at Maka.

"Hello Maka." Blair said as she looked at her a little more. "There's some people here who would like to meet you."

Maka turned her head to look at her as she cocked an eyebrow up. "Oh...uh okay, I guess." She then followed Blair out of the bookstore as she saw Ruby and the others. "Hmm, who are these people?"

Blair quickly turned back into her cat form and jumped onto Derek's head as she looked at Maka. "Nya, this is Derek, over there is Ruby, her sister Yang, and their friends Blake, Kyle and Weiss."

Maka looked at Ruby for a moment as she noticed she was carrying around Crescent Rose. "Huh, so I'm not the only scythe wielder here."

Ruby smiled widely as she clapped her hands against Maka's. "I want to fight you!"

Maka looked a little confused as she blinked nervously. "....I'm sorry?"

"A little birdie told us your partner turns into a scythe." Yang said as she looked over at Blair. "And my sister was wanting to fight you after we were told."

Maka scratched her head as she laughed nervously. "Oh, well Soul isn't here right now...I mean you can come with me back to the school, we could have a little match there."

Ruby smiled again as her eyes shined. "Yes, lets go!"

"But the cat can't come." Maka said looking at Blair.

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