Versus Metal Sonic

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While the others dealt with Eggbot 9000, Rogue had informed Sonic and Ruby about the box that was being guarded by Eggman's robots, Ruby had pushed the button on the side of the box. As it opened up revealing Eggman's newest invention.

"Allow me to introduce you both too.....Metal Sonic!" Eggman's voice spoke over the speaker. "My newest and latest invention."

"Jee, you go this far to make a metallic version of me?" Sonic asked. "I'm touched that you thought of me Egghead."

"On the contrary hedgehog, I had many ideas for you. But the idea of creating Metal Sonic came to mind when I came across the plans for Shadow, but I changed it around." Eggman said.

"So...metal Shadow instead of Sonic?" Ruby asked questioning the mad doctor.

"I.....well.....gahh shut it!" Eggman yelled. "Metal Sonic, attack!"

Metal Sonic booted up as he lifted his head up, his eye's looked around the area scanning the surroundings. Sonic looked at his metal robotic clone, Ruby did as well as she wondered what was going to happen next.

Metal Sonic soon locked on with the two heroes as he walked forward, Ruby gripped her Crescent Rose once more as she gulped nervously. Sonic watched Metal walk forward but then saw flames come from his back, Sonic pushed Ruby out of the way as Metal boosted head on at the two missing by a long shot.

"That was okay?" Sonic asked.

"Yeah, thanks." Ruby said.

Metal stopped as he turned around and once again boosted head on this time hitting Ruby's Crescent Rose, as Ruby blocked the headbutt. Sonic dashed over and spun around in a ball as he then leaped at Metal. Metal stopped Sonic from attacking him as he grabbed him by the leg and tossed him, Ruby sped off and caught Sonic before he could hit the ground.

Metal turned around once more and sprigged up into a ball and dashed at the two, this time hitting them. Sonic was matched with Metal's attack, but Ruby fell backwards onto her back. "Ow."

Metal and Sonic were head to head, one trying to push the other back more. Ruby got back up as she went to help Sonic with Metal, Metal had the upper advantage on the two heroes and kicked Sonic in the gut knocking him back bumping heads with Ruby.


"Hahaha, now do you see?" Eggman asked over the speaker. "Metal Sonic is quicker then you are Sonic, though he had a few flaws when I first made him. But this is where you give up hedgehog, Metal Sonic finish them off....and bring them to the ship after."

Ruby slowly got up as she noticed her shoulder was dislocated as she popped it back into place as she bite down on her cape. "Gahhhh!"

"Ruby." Sonic said running over to her. "What happened?"

Ruby looked at him and smirked a small bit. "Your metal clone managed to dislocate my shoulder after he threw you at me....but I fixed it."

Metal began to walk towards the two as he was gone in a blink of an eye as Ruby and Sonic's eye's scanned the area as their eye's moved around. "He's fast, his jet boost is giving him the advantage over us....but we can't see him." Sonic curled up into a ball and began to spin fast, Metal appeared for a brief moment as he saw Sonic be launched at him by Ruby.

"Fore!" Ruby called out as she hit Sonic with the butt of Crescent Rose sending him spinning at Metal like a golf ball. "Please hit."

Metal calculated Sonic's location on where he would hit, Metal kicked Sonic away from him as he boosted up quickly and lunged at Ruby headbutting her in the gut and pinned her down. Sonic was sent spinning through the air as he crashed into a wall.

"Jeez, that hurt...." Sonic said as he looked up seeing Ruby pinned down. "Ruby!"

Ruby looked at Metal with fear in her eye's, Metal was holding his fist up and brought it down fast like to land a punch on the huntress, but soon stopped as Sonic spin dashed over and hit Metal off her.

Ruby got up again as she looked for Crescent Rose. "Ah! Where is she? Where's Crescent Rose?"

Crescent Rose was stuck in between two rocks as it was jammed real tightly. Ruby ran over to try and yank her scythe out but couldn't, Sonic had hit Metal into an abandoned building as he dusted his hands off. Metal powered down for a moment as Sonic walked off, then in a snap of a finger, Metal rebooted again and boosted once more quickly as he grabbed Sonic in the back of the head and threw him straight at Ruby.

Ruby tired to catch Sonic but was kicked by Metal as both Sonic and Ruby mad bumped heads once more, this time due to the speed they were hit by Metal. They both were unconscious, Metal looked down at the two for a moment as he grabbed them by the legs and started dragging them back to Eggman's ship.


RedJed blasted more of the Eggbots with his laser as they blew up in a puff of smoke and stopped as he couldn't do it any longer, Eggman slammed on his chair as he got the memo of Metal Sonic capturing Sonic and Ruby after their battle.

"I'd love to stay and chat....but it seems your two pals have been captured." Eggman said with a snicker. "They couldn't stand a chance against my creation."

"If you lay one finger on my sister you over grown fat egg, I'll break you and make scrambled eggs out of you!" Yang yelled as she was in rage mode.

"Gahhh!" Eggman yelled as he flew off in his chair retreating. "Eggbot 9000, take care of them!"

Yang gritted her teeth as she looked the giant robot as she clinched her fist. "Somebody toss me, I want to take my anger out on that metal head."

"Got it." Weiss said making a Glyph under Yang's feet. "Ready when you are Yang."

Yang glared at the robot as she was filled with anger. "Do it Weiss!"

Weiss nodded as she launched Yang off the Glyph and into the sky towards the robot. Yang used her Ember Celica's to gain a faster boost as she shot shotgun shells out behind her, the eggbot 9000 swiped at Yang trying to hit her but missed as it's giant mechanical body slowed it down.

"You got this Yang!" Kyle shouted out to her.

"CHAAAA!" Yang yelled out as she slammed her fist into the robot's head as she broke into it, she was in the robot's head as she stomped around inside it smashing the remote controls.

Wind just watched as she gulped a bit. "Note to self, don't get on Yang's bad side...."

The eggbot 9000 was shut down as it fell backwards into the water, Yang jumped out before the robot made a splash into the water. Kyle and RedJed grabbed both of Yang's hands from the side of the bridge and pulled her up, the robot soon splashed into the water creating a giant wave which soaked both teams.

Derek and Blake shook themselves dry as Blake looked at Team SODA and the over at her team. "Okay...that was a pain to deal with, but why would Eggman want Ruby? We just got here like a few hours or so."

"Whatever it is, we need to get her back." Yin said. "If he gets his hands on her Semblance, he could make something much worse out of it..."

"How do we get to that then?" Derek asked pointing to Eggman's ship in the distance.

"That's not good...." Aquafina said. "Eggman's going to go back to his death egg in space and lock Sonic and Ruby up."

"Who cares! I want to save my baby sister!" Yang yelled. "Find us a way up there NOW!"

Team SODA jumped by the tone of Yang's voice and nodded nervously as they looked at each other as Wind walked forward. "Then we should ask Tails and the others to help us get up there....It's a ship we can take, it's called Blue Typhoon."

The team headed back to Chris' place as Derek explained everything to Tails and Co. Once they had gotten back, Knuckles wasn't pleased by the end results of what happened, Tails agreed on taking them into space using Blue Typhoon, Chris wanted to tag along so he could get to know Team RWBY, Derek and Kyle a bit. Amy allowed him to tag along as well as Cream and Cheese, the hatch opened up out back as the Blue Typhoon came up to the surface, everyone got on as Rouge flew over and sneaked onboard as a stowaway, but mainly to talk to Knuckles and the rest about what she saw.

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