Qrow's flashback

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Arriving in the Bleach universe, the gang are introduced to some of the Shinigami's as well as running into Qrow, but they soon learn the fate of their world and what had went down, and what now they were all in a meeting to put the piece's together on who had done all the chaos.

Ruby looked at Qrow and tugs at his sleeve. "Uncle Qrow, tell us how you got here, like if you have a flashback of it all."

"Ruby, you're breaking the 4th wall." Rukia said shushing her.

"Well...." Qrow said rubbing the back of his head. "Alright then." He then grabbed a flask out of his pocket. "Since my old one was left behind, I had to buy a new one, anyway...."


Qrow was flung into the rift that was created by Scarlet after he lost the battle, Qrow was a little injured from it all, but he had no idea where he was being sent to.

"Damn that brat...when I get my hands on her, she'll pay ten-fold." Qrow said as he soon found himself going through another rift soon crashing into a store. "Ouch, jeez."

A woman was in the store as she walked over to him. "Hey, are you alright?"

Qrow looked over at her as he could only see part of her face before blacking out.

"Darn, and here I thought he'd notice me." She picked him up and carried him out of the store and to her place, she placed him down onto the floor and put a wet rag on his forehead. "Strange, I never seen this man before, but he doesn't seem to be dead, at least I don't think so?"

Time passed on as the woman patched Qrow up, shortly after a long rest Qrow woke up as he looked around and noticed the woman from before, he slowly sat up and looked at her. "Hey, who are you?"

The woman turned around. "My name is Rangiku Matsumoto, and you are?"

Qrow rubbed his head a bit as he rubbed his shoulder's after. "I'm Qrow Barnwen, by the way...your boobs seem fake."

Rangiku's face went red as she punched Qrow on the head. "They are so real, that's the thanks I get for saving your ass?"

"Ow, damn, and I thought Yang's anger was bad." Qrow said rubbing his head again.

Rangiku huffed as she looked at him. "How did you die?"

Qrow cocked an eyebrow up. "Die? I'm not dead lady, I'm pretty much alive."

Rangiku looked at him confused wondering how he could see her, but shook the thought for a moment as she handed him a cup of tea. "Drink this."

Qrow looked at the tea as he picked it up and took a small sip from it. "By the way, you didn't happen to see anyone follow me?"

Rangiku shakes her head. "No, why?"

Qrow put's the cup down. "I'm not from this world...I lost a battle and was sent here."

"So..." Rangiku said. "You're dead, but not from this world?"

Qrow looked at her. "I just told you I'm not dead."

"Suit yourself then." Rangiku said. "You're all healed up though."

Qrow stood up and finished the tea he was give. "It's not whisky but it'll keep me sober until then."

"Whisky you say? Well I'll let you in on a little secret." Rangiku said. "We do have alcohol, but it's locked up for only to be used for celebrations, or if we need some to get a bit tipsy."

Qrow cocked an eyebrow up. "Well, I don't have my flask on me, so I can't get any, I need to buy a new one, please tell me your stores around here have something like that?"

"I think?" Rangiku said. "If not, I can go to the living world and get one."

Qrow was confused on what she was saying. "Okay, you lost me at living world."

Rangiku began to explain everything to Qrow as she decided to show him around Soul Society, after she had done that, Rangiku took her leave to head to the living world, but things went the complete opposite for Qrow while staying behind.


Qrow had had bumped into Kenpachi while drunkenly walking around, Qrow had somehow gotten into the sake from Rangiku's place, he didn't seem to notice the eye patch shinigami as he mumbled a bit. "I'll so you who's the boss here...just you wait and see, I'll fight ya."

"Is that so?" Kenpachi said. "Well, I can't say no to a fight."

Qrow looked at him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, but I can beat you still."

Kenpachi drew his sword out. "Is that a challenge?"

Qrow grabbed Harbinger and looked at Kenpachi. "Bring it on."

Kenpachi grins. "Now that's what I like to hear." He then swung his sword at Qrow only for it to be blocked. "Oh? So you fight better when you're drunk?"

"Kinda." Qrow said as he jumped back and swung Harbinger at Kenpachi.

The two of them fought for what seemed like an hour, not a single scratch, but their fight was shortly interrupted as Byakuya giving them a cold glare. "Bankai, Scatter, Senbonzakura."

"Say what now?" Qrow asked as he looked around and noticed he was trapped in a dome of sorts. "The hell?"

"This is Byakuya's Bankai." Kenpachi said. "But since he interrupted our fight, it's left on a draw, until our next battle."

Qrow smirked and put Harbinger onto his back. "Yeah well, I still need to figure some way to getting back to my world, I have revenge on my mind."

"Oh? Is that so?" Byakuya asked. "Perhaps what Rangiku said isn't all as false as it seems."

"I see she told you all then, well no need for me to explain myself then." Qrow said as he looked around a bit. "Still, there has to be some way I can get back to my world, and try to warn my niece's about the new evil that was born."

"New evil huh? It isn't a hollow is it?" Kenpachi asked questioning what Qrow meant. "Because if it's a hollow, then you won't be able to see it."

"But I can see you guys though, and no it's not one of the monsters Rangiku told me about." Qrow said. "This evil, is creating a time paradox, changing history as we speak, I don't know where they plan on going, but if they're going to alter history and timeline's then they need to be stopped at all cause."

Kenpachi thinks for a moment as he looked at Qrow. "Tell ya what, we'll help you with your little problem, but you also need to help us in return, that way we can be even."

Qrow raised an eyebrow up as he wondered what Kenpachi wanted him to do in return on helping them, but he shrugged it off as he nods his head. "Very well, sounds fair enough to me."


"And that's pretty much how things went." Qrow said looking at Ruby. "Anything else you want to know?"

"No, that's good for now." Ruby said. "Anyway, we do need to find our way back, but how?"

"I might have a few ideas." Mayuri said as he looked at Ruby. "But it will take a bit of time to do, I will be very busy so no one shall disturb me in my lab."

"Understood." Qrow said. "I should get to work myself, that wall isn't going to keep watch all by itself."

"Wall duty?" Yang asked.

"Yep, keeping watch for any strange people, or any hollow's." Rukia explained. "But as for you all, we should have some rooms for you all to stay at anyway, but that doesn't mean you're off the hook, there's a training temple you can use to get some training in."

Ruby nodded her head as her and the others stood up, Qrow walked out of the manor putting his flask back into his pocket, the team followed Rukia to a extra part of the manor that was empty, it would be used for them to stay at until they're needed for any type of work.

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