A living nightmare Pt2

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After having been saved by Pyrrha, Blake stood up and went to look out the window too see where Shadow Derek's body was but there was no sight of him.

"Blake was that?" Pyrrha asked.

Blake nodded. "Yeah it was the darkness that was trying to consume Derek, but how did he escape?"

Pyrrha was thinking on how a he walked back and forth. "Hmm, you don't think the glyph that was used to make the ice coffin also effected the darkness making it a living person?"

"Hmm we should ask Weiss but still we can't assume it was the glyph that did this, if it was then it would've worn off." Blake said.

Suddenly the room shook as things fell and a crack in the wall formed Pyrrha went to open the door but found it locked as Blake tried to open the other doors as they were locked as well. The room seemed to close in on the two as it got smaller and smaller.

"Not again." Blake said. "This has to be a dream, come on wake up Blake wake up."

Pyrrha tried to break the door down as Blake helped her break it down, then the door was blown off the hinges. The two got out of the room and looked back to see the room was normal.

"Damn what the heck's going on?" Blake asked. "We need to go wake the others."

Pyrrha nods. "Right we need to find out what's going on, and how the darkness was able to get free."

"Oh that's easy." Shadow Derek's voice echoed the halls. "I was able to escape thanks to Adam Taurus, he was the one who woken me, he's the one who gave me life, he's the one who made Derek loose control, some of the darkness that got trapped into the ice coffin was what was left of me but I was born to take over not only Derek' life but the world as well."

"DAMN YOU!" Blake yelled. "Show yourself and face me coward."

Pyrrha looked behind her. "Blake why do I see Ruby? I thought she was in the her room still?"

"What?" Blake asked as she looked to see Ruby. "Ruby what are you doing here where's the others?"

Shadow Derek gave a evil chuckle. "Oh your so pathetic that's not the Ruby you know that's the darkness within Ruby she keeps locked away I gave her life now you will both parish by our hands."

Pyrrha stood her ground. "Great now there's a dark Ruby."

Blake growled. "Damn you Shadow Derek come out of hiding so I can kill you."

"Oh such anger it fills me with power the more anger the more power." Shadow Derek said. "Soon I would have a army of darkness."

Suddenly the others came, as Ruby looked to see her dark self which she had no idea she had one, Yang looked around as the darkness all of them kept locked away appeared. Blake's darker self appeared in front of Blake as she tilted her head to the side grinning, this gave Blake chills down her spine something had to be done and fast.

"Now then let the final match of Good vs Evil begin." Shadow Derek said as everyone was transported to a arena that was in the sky as Pyrrha looked she noticed something was off.

Kyle was angry why would this happen? He felt fear and anger he didn't know how this fight will go on he just sat next to Yang thinking of a way to fix things but he wished that there was a solution to it. "Yang we need to fix this but if this tournament goes on I don't know if I can bring myself to fight you even if it's your dark self."

Yang placed her hand on Kyle and looked at him. "Don't worry you can do it Kyle what ever way this is set up I will cheer you on. "

Kyle smiled and kissed Yang. "Thank you Yang I will do my best, just don't loose your match."

Yang nodded and kissed Kyle back. "We all have to do our best in this or else the darkness will take over the world."

Shadow Derek appeared on the arena stage and looked around. "Welcome everyone, those who will be in this tournament well likely die, and those who don't die will proceed to the finals against me who ever wins will be set free of this nightmare those who die well, let's jut say your soul will be mine."

This made Kyle and the others worried they had to think of a game plan to win this for their sake and the world but who will they fight will there be a time limit? Kyle shook his head trying not think about anything else he didn't want anyone to have their soul's taken. He looked at Delsin who seemed calm about everything but why was he calm? Why wasn't he frightened.

"Now then the matches will be played random so who ever goes first will have to fight." Shadow Derek said. "Now lets see who match one will be." The chart board on the screen randomized through everyone as it soon landed on Nora and Dark Weiss.

Nora looked at the board and back to the real Weiss. "What am I too do Weiss I don't want to die."

Weiss looked at Nora. "Okay Nora just do what you do best my weakness though is having my clothing ruined so if she has the same weakness as me then do that make her clothes dirty and torn as much as possible and kick her butt."

Nora nodded as she left to go to the arena stage. As Nora stepped onto the stage she saw Dark Weiss step up as well with a smirk on her face looking at Nora as both walked closer to each other Shadow Derek had a flag between them and soon raised it. "Let the match being!"

To be continued.

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