Raphael vs Yang

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After the gang got split off, Derek noticed his outfit had changed into a blue and black sleeveless hoodie and some shorts, he cocked an eyebrow up and wondered what was going on.

Ruby saw light shining in front of them as they were on their way to their new destination, once they had gotten through Yang noticed it was night time and there were some tall buildings nothing that she remembered seeing at Vale. All six of them fell on their butts onto a roof, Kyle helped Yang and Ruby up after he got himself up, Derek did the same as he looked around their new surroundings.

"Well we're certainly not home." Yang said. "Any of you know where we are or is that a no go?"

Derek shakes his head. "Nope don't know where we are, last place we were at was Tokyo, so if anything this has to be somewhere else on the map but it's night time so I doubt anyone heard or saw us fall here."

A motorcycle could be heard not far from the group as Ruby ran over to the corner of the building and looked down and saw a shady figure get off the motorcycle. "Guys someone's coming and it looks like they have a hunch back too I don't know it's hard to tell..."

The figure went into the building as they proceed up the stairs and to the door that had led to the roof where they gang was. Once the figure had gotten to the top they took their helmet off to reveal a head of a turtle.

"Okay....and I thought Grimm were ugly." Ruby said as she backed up a little and hid behind Yang.

"Who are you calling ugly half pint? The name's Raphael not ugly." Raph said. "And word is you all randomly show up mind telling me who you all are working for? Or do I have to bash some skulls in?"

Yang giggled a little. "A giant turtle wants to fight us? Oh boy I can't "Lake" much more of this."

Raph growled as he took his coat off. "You think this is some joke Goldilocks? I'll fight you here and now I'm not scared of anyone."

Yang stopped giggling as she looked serious now. "Oh it's on shell boy, you all get back I'll handle him."

Raph took out his Sai's and walked forward towards Yang who hand just reloaded her Ember Celica's and punched her fist together. Raph smirked and ran at her trying to punch her and strike her with one of his Sai's but missed, Yang on the other hand had the upper hand advantage as she punched Raph in the face which made him back away a little.

"That was some dirty trick girly." Raph said. "But don't count yourself lucky this time."

Yang cracked her knuckles and smirked. "Want some more two toes?"

Raph ran at her again and kicked a leg up to distract Yang from his hand flying at her, Yang blocked the kick but got punched in the gut as she walked back, Raph looked at her and noticed her eyes where no longer purple but red now. This made him flinch a little as he had his guard down which gave Yang an opening to attack, she fired her bullets at Raph which didn't do much damage to his hard shell but did leave a few cuts.

Raph dropped his Sai's and fell to his knees. "I give up......"

Just then the other three turtles arrived as Leo looked at the gang and back to Raph.

"We told you not to wonder off Raph." Leo said. "And picking fights with strangers as well, Master Splinter will not be pleased."

"We have names you know." Ruby said. "I'm Ruby Rose, this is Kyle, Weiss, Blake, Derek and my sister Yang, please we didn't mean to start a fight it's just Raph here threatened us and Yang had to defend us."

Leo looked at Rpah. "Is this true Raph?"

Raph nodded as he stood up. "I thought they were some of Shredder's henchmen who got teleported from the hide out to here."

Donnie scanned the gang as he looked at his device. "Well they certainly not from this world I can tell you that, but they mean us no harm in anyway Raph, Mikey can you call Master Splinter up on the shellphone and tell him we'll have visitors."

"No problemo Donnie." Mikey said as he took his shellphone out and called the lair.


After contacting Splinter about the guest they would be having, Leo made sure they weren't being followed as they went down into a manhole and into the sewers, they soon arrived at the lair as Mikey had pushed the door opened and plopped onto the sofa.

Splinter had Ruby and the others go with him into his meditation room as he closed the door and looked at them and sighed.

"Forgive my son Raphael, he can be ahead of things at times." Splinter said.

"So more like lone wolf?" Kyle asked. "I see, well we've had one heck of an adventure ourselves, we just got done beating up a bad guy in the last place we were at, but the portal we took that we thought would get us home sent us here like someone messed with it."

Splinter thinks for a moment as he looked at them and then at Yang. "Yang was it? I would thank you for having put Raphael in his place but seeing that he would go back to normal again. I would keep my guard up just to be sure he doesn't fight you again."

Yang nods. "Understood, by the way where are we? And what is the year?"

Mikey popped his head in through the door. "New York City, Year 2003 why?"

Ruby gulped as she heard what year they were in she looked at Derek and frowns. "Derek......will we ever get home?"

"Me and Kyle can ask Donnie for help don't your worry Ruby." Derek said rubbing her head.

"Master Splinter." Mikey said. "Since we have guest tonight should we tell April and Casey?"

Splinter shakes his head. "No my son, I know those two are good friends of ours but they would want to know why they are here."

"Know what?" Casey asked walking into the lair with April. "Guys? Anyone?"

Leo face palms and looked at Casey. "Look you and April are welcomed to come whenever you two have the time but I don't think now is the best time."

"And why not?" April asked putting her hands on her hips.

"This is why." Mikey said opening the door to Splinter's room revealing Ruby and the others to the two.

"Who are they?" Casey asked walking up to the gang. "Pretty cool fake cat ears by the way." He pulled at Derek's cat ears. "What the? Those are real."

"I could've told you that." Blake said as she took her bow off revealing hers as well. "We're half cat."

"Yikes." Casey said.

Weiss looked at April and shakes her head. "No, no, no that won't do at all. A terrible taste in fashion."

April looked at the white haired Heiress and cocked an eyebrow up. "Excuse me? Why do I need to worry about fashion?"

Weiss walked up to April and looked at her. "Your clothes smell like it was cleaned last Tuesday and your hair is a mess."

"Burned." Yang and Mikey said and high fived each other.

Kyle went over to where Donnie was and looked at the computer's and technology. "Hey Donnie, with this tech will you be able to help me and my friends get home?"

Donnie looked at Kyle. "Well if I get the right coordinates I should be able to make a transporter that would do the trick, but it would take weeks or half a month to make."

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