ALN Pt4 Yang Xiao Long, Kyle Everett vs Dark Jaune, Dark Neptune

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After Nora had defeated Dark Weiss, the next match was announced, after having been announced for who will be in the next match Yang went over to where Weiss was and said she had a plan.

"Well......" Weiss said. "Okay then but this plan of yours better work."

Kyle heard what Yang's plan was but he was uneasy about it. "I hope it works but what about me? What if I'm not able to go with the plan?"

Yang looked at Kyle and then Weiss. "Hmm Weiss do you have anything that can help him with this plan?"

"As a matter of fact I do." Weiss said pulling out a bit of dust.

"Um how is dust going to help?" Ruby asked. "It'll wear off."

"Watch and see." Blake said. "Weiss always has ways to make it work."

After Weiss sprinkled some on Kyle, Kyle was now okay with the plan as he was told what he had too do.

"Okay then you two better go then." Weiss said to Kyle and Yang.

Ruby watched as Kyle and Yang went to the arena, as Dark Jaune and Dark Neptune got on the arena as well.

"The match will begin once the fighters are ready." Shadow Derek said as he held the flag.

"This is going to be fun." Yang said.

Kyle looked at Dark Neptune and began to think. "Hmm so if Neptune hates water, then Dark Neptune would hate something similar but what would that.....mud of course."

The arena changed to a different plat form as all four of them got ready.

"Let the match begin." Shadow Derek said dropping the flag.

As the fight went on Weiss watched hoping the dust she used on Kyle will take effect, the only ones who knew of Yang's plan was her, Ruby, Blake, and Kyle everyone else didn't know what it was.

Dark Jaune threw some punches at Kyle but was blocked as Dark Neptune fought Yang, he tried to corner her but she jumped over him.

Kyle managed to knock Dark Jaune down for a minute to go help Yang out after he shoved Dark Neptune back Yang stood with her back to Kyle's back. "This is something."

Yang smiled. "Okay you take Neptune I'll get Jaune."

Dark Jaune and Dark Neptune went towards the two and was ready to attack but got pushed back by Kyle and Yang.

"Come on this plan has too work." Weiss said to herself.

Ruby watched and waited for her part of what Yang's plan was she knew what she had to do.

"Man these guys don't give up." Yang said. "This is making things more interesting."

Kyle nodded. "Yeah haven't had this much of a fight in a while."

Everyone watched as Delsin saw Dark Jaune with a hidden blade, he wanted to say something but he did want to get in trouble.

Dark Neptune smirked as he kicked Kyle into the wall and held a blade up to him. "Any last words?"

Kyle only smirked. "Yeah no babies for you jerk." Kyle hit Dark Neptune in the balls as he then punched him knocking him back.

"Ow......" Dark Neptune said. "My Mojo is gone."

Yang screamed as Dark Jaune had her pinned to the ground. "Get off me."

Kyle ran over to help Yang but stopped as he saw Dark Jaune holding a hidden blade up to Yang, he knew if he took one step it'll be the end for her. He didn't know what to do, he saw Yang look at him as she winked at him.

"Give up." Dark Jaune said. "Or blondie gets it."

Kyle tightened a fist. "No this match will not end with us giving up we will beat you."

Dark Neptune got up but he still was aching. "Kill her he's not giving up, do it her soul will please our master."

Yang was looking at Kyle and nodded as Kyle looked over at where Ruby and the others who also nodded. As Kyle punched Dark Neptune to the side he then blinded Kyle with a small flash as Dark Jaune then went to do what he did.

The only thing Kyle heard was a loud scream as he regained his sight and saw Yang lying on the ground motionless, he couldn't believe what happened he was filled with rage as a burst of energy blasted from him which stunned Dark Jaune and Dark Neptune they couldn't move at all. Kyle then punched Dark Neptune off the arena and the kicked Dark Jaune into some spikes as his rage mode went down he ran over to Yang and held her in his arms.

"No no." Kyle said crying. "YANG!!!!!!"

Shadow Derek smirked he may have lost Dark Jaune and Dark Neptune but the soul of Yang was his he then chuckled evilly. "Hm ha ha ah! Your precious Yang was weak from the start her soul is now mine."

Kyle glared up where Shadow Derek was he felt rage flow through him but he couldn't attack Shadow Derek head on, he then looked at Yang and cried more holding her close.

"Kyle." Ruby said going to him. "Come on we have to leave the arena." Ruby was also mad and upset knowing what had happened.

"BASTARD!" Kyle yelled. "Just you wait you will die by the hands of Derek just you wait he'll be here too stop you."

Shadow Derek smirked. "Interesting, well then that would be a match I will be looking forward to."

Kyle got up as he held Yang in his arms still and looked at Ruby who nodded he then dropped her body off the arena and looked over at where the bathrooms were, he saw someone in a white robe who was watching the whole time but no one knew who they were. Kyle left the arena with Ruby and went to sit down.

"Now that match is out of the way and I have a soul to store as well, the next one will determine who will be victorious and who will not be." Shadow Derek said. "Let us see who will go onto the last match."

Weiss, Blake, Ruby and Kyle were talking but no one heard what they were saying as they were too busy looking at the board. The board switched through as it landed on three people, Delsin Echo, Ruby Rose and Pyrrha Nikos against Dark Blake, Dark Nora and Dark Ruby. Delsin was surprised at this but he was more shocked about what had happen he had to do his best not to loose the match, he saw Ruby and Pyrrha walk over too him as their match was next.

The person in the white robe smiled as they saw a guard not far they knew of a plan that will work, but who is this person? No body knew who they were or what they were doing there. It seems they will reveal them selves later on.....In the next chapter of A living nightmare.

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