Passing time

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After completing the side mission and convincing Shadow for his help, the team and the rest were all on they Typhoon making it's way through space, but things were about to take a turn.

"Hey guys I have an idea!" RedJed said.

Ruby cocked an eyebrow as her and the others looked at him.

RedJed pulled out a box as he held it high. "Let's play a game, I'm sure you're all familiar with it."

"Thanks but no thanks." Weiss said as she walked off. "I have a training session with your team anyway."

"UUU! A game, sounds fun." Ruby said. "I know lets make it a punishment game."

"Punishment game...?" Yang asked. "I'm not even gonna ask what that is, but where did you hear that?"

Ruby shrugs. "I don't know, it feels like I've heard it somewhere before."

"But what would be this so called punishment?" RedJed asked.

Ruby thinks for a moment. "UUU! I know, the loser or losers of the game has to wear something embarrassing."

"Eh? What are you talking about Ruby?" Kyle asked.

"Well either wear something embarrassing or have a sharpie be used on your face." Ruby said.

"Uh...Ruby we're in the middle of space, where are you going to find something embarrassing?" RedJed asked.

"UUU! I know where." Ruby said speeding off.


"Yang Xiao Long, prepare your kingdom for battle!" Ruby shouted.

"You dare challenge the great Xiao Long!?" Yang shouted back. "It is you who should prepare your kingdom for battle!"

Derek scratched his head wondering how Team SODA managed to get their hands on Remnant: The Board Game, but shrugged it off as he watched them play. "So it's Ruby, Yang, DP, and Kyle."

"Yep." Blake said looking up from a book. "The rest of DP's team is training with Weiss, you sure you don't want to go tag along with them?"

"I'm sure." Derek said as he sat down next to his sister. "Besides....I have a lot of reading to catch up on, you're not the only one who does sister dearest."

Blake flicked Derek in the nose. "Please don't do that again Derek, it sounds embarrassing."

"Aw don't worry Blake." RedJed said. "Every sibling has their own ways of showing their affection to each other, right Ruby and Ya...."

Yang and Ruby were shaking each other crazy as their cards went flying. "Sorry what did you say DP?"

"Never mind." RedJed said.

"Point taken." Derek said as he grabbed one of Blake's extra books. "Ninjas of love vol 3, how have you not read this yet?"

Blake blushed as she hid her face in her book. "S-Shut up."

"Anyway, back to the game at hand." Kyle said clearing his throat. "RedJed, prepare to be invaded by a horde of Grimm!"

"No, nothing but that!" RedJed cried out. "My kingdom can't handle a Grimm horde."

"UUU....this isn't going to end well for DP, not one bit." Ruby said as she looked at the two.

"But I counter your Grimm horde with the military, they don't stand a chance now." RedJed said. "Mwahahaha!"

"D-Darn it, there goes my win." Kyle said. "You got me."

Yang snickered as she looked over at Ruby. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." Ruby said as she was dragging a suit case. "This is Amy's suit case, I guess she wanted it to be packed if she was going to relax in other outfits."

"But those are small..." Yang said. "You can't expect us to wear what a hedgehog wears."

"UUU....meanie." Ruby pouted. "Then plan B, the deadly sharpie!"

"Oh dear." Derek said.

Blake rolled her eyes. "Ruby, if you need something for the punishment game, Chris should have his bag with him, I'm sure he has a change of clothing in there."

Ruby smiled and dashed off soon coming back with some of Chris' clothing and some gloves. "UUU!"

Derek cocked an eyebrow up. "Sonic's gloves I presume?"

Ruby nodded her head. "Yep, I asked him if I could barrow some."

"Ruby with all do respect, you're going to lose the game you know." Blake said.

"That's a lie..." Ruby said.

"Hmm? I'm only telling the truth." Blake said.

"LIAR!!" Ruby yelled as her eyes were a different style almost Faunus like, but still the same color as she slowly walked over to Blake. "Just because you're lying, doesn't mean we have secrets to keep....we all have secrets we don't want anyone to know."

Blake, RedJed, and Derek all gulped nervously.

Ruby blinked and smiled. "Nipah~!"

"Uh....okay." Yang said scratching her head. "That was all to weird and creepy."

"UUU? What do you mean?" Ruby asked tilting her head as she looked at her sister.

"W-Would look at the time." RedJed said. "I also lost the game too."

"I can see that DP." Ruby said as she walked over to him and handed him the clothes and gloves. "Hehe, time for your punishment." She then pounced on DP as they both were going around in circles as they soon stopped.

Derek held back a laugh as he saw the end results of RedJed's punishment.

"What?" RedJed asked.

"You're wearing underwear on your head, with a sharpie mustache and whiskers." Yang said snickering again. "And to top it off, you're wearing Amy's skirt with Sonic's gloves."

"W-What?! Ruby how could you?" RedJed asked.

"You can't take it off yet DP." Ruby said sticking her tongue out. "You have to keep it on until we get to where we're going."

RedJed looked down and cried a bit. "You're so mean, why did I agree to take part in the punishment game."

Ruby was ruffling his hair as it was getting messy and messy. "UUU! We're all winners in the end Nipah~!"

"At least it wasn't us." Kyle said as he hugged Yang.

Yang hugged him back as she looked at RedJed. "Sorry bud, but you're stuck like that."

RedJed sat down in the corner of the room. "I lost the game, and this is my punishment."

Ruby and the rest just laughed as Yang looked at Ruby wondering what was going on with her sister on with all the strange things she's been doing. She then put Remnant: The Board Game back in it's box and closed it up she then picked up the box and held onto for the time being. The only thing that RedJed was thinking of was what would his team and the others think of what he's wearing, but he did have one secret that only he knew but didn't want to tell Ruby just yet.

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