The Warning

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Taking the team to the academy, Maka had introduced them to Liz and the others. However when they went inside to meet up with Death, Kelvin had shown up soon after to kill Weiss. Luckily Maka and the others had bought enough time and prevented him from getting to her, though Forgotten had also shown up.

"Hello Ruby Rose....we finally meet at last." Forgotten said as he was holding Kelvin by the neck.

Ruby backed up a bit as she fell onto her butt. "W-Who are you?"

"My name doesn't matter who I am....but I have come to tell you something you all want to hear." Forgotten said as he had snapping Kelvin's neck dropping him soon after.

"W-What's that?" Ruby asked as she gulps nervously, she then looked back at Maka and the others. "Go tell the other three it's safe to come out.."

Maka nodded as she slowly walked away and went over to the doors of the academy. Forgotten just watched as he turned his attention back to Ruby, he stood there looking down at her. "Allow me to tell you why I'm here..."

Yang helped Ruby up to her feet as they all just looked at him, Maka came out of the academy with Weiss, Blake and Derek as they walked over to the others.

"Well, go on we don't have all day you know." Black Star said.

"Quiet boy." Forgotten snarled at him. "....I come here with a warning..." He then looked at all of them and noticed they had confused looks on their faces.

"Okay, what is it?" Kid asked.

Forgotten started to walk to the next other side of the Academy's entrance. "As you are aware....Icarus is creating time rifts and tears in space and time....his creation has also caused chaos and terror through other universes, Kelvin was here to finish the last goal that was needed for his plan." He then turned around to look at Ruby and the others. "In merging, when each and everyone world you all have been to merge into one whole new Earth....a massive war will soon break out as well."

"And how do you know all of this?" Kyle asked a bit confused.

"I'm the God of Death....of course I should know it all, lets just say those feelings you have been having about another timeline, where you and everyone coexist together." Forgotten said. "I've seen everything that has happened, and what will happen...."

"So, my doppelganger is behind all of this then?" Ruby asked looking at him.

"You can say that yes....I have currently fought her, but she isn't dead." Forgotten said as he turned around. "However, those who have met their end to her hands will come back to life....I can do that. But doing so now will be too soon."

"Wait so, you can bring back anyone that's died? Even General Ironwood?" Yang asked.

Forgotten lightly nods. "Anyone."


The ground started to shake as everyone was stumbling around, Forgotten looked over in the distance as he scoffed. "Tch....I should've stopped Medusa when I had the chance."

"Wait what!?" Maka yelled.

"She's activated the device her and Kelvin had Stein work on...." Forgotten said as he was about to leave the area. "The device that will merge the entire multiverse into one..." 

"Stop it, we'll be fine." Ruby said looking at him. "Everyone, hurry into the academy!"

Forgotten was  gone in a blink of an eye, everyone stumbled around still as they went into the school where it was only shaking a little bit, Ruby looked at everyone as she stood in front of them. "If what he says is true, then we must combine our forces together to stop Icarus once and for all."

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