Love kills

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After what Ruby seen last night she wasn't sure what to say to the others nor did she know who it was she saw, but she was called into Ozpin's office where Glynda and Ironwood was waiting.

"You wanted to see me sir?" Ruby asked looking at Ozpin.

"Ah yes I did Ms Rose, Ironwood noticed you've seen someone suspicious last night." Ozpin said. "Did she look familiar at all?"

Ruby thought for a moment. "No sir she wore a mask and all black though her suit glowed of a fire red color and she attacked with glass, she didn't say nothing."

"Hmm I see." Goodwitch said. "I do recall someone using glass to fight back when I ran into Ruby."

"Thank you Ms. Rose now go be with your team." Ironwood said.

Ruby nods and leaves.


Velvet was outside carrying a lot of books along with some paper and pencils trying to see where she was going she tripped over something to where she dropped everything and fell down. "Oh dear I knew I should've asked for help."

Derek wasn't to far from where Velvet was and noticed she dropped her things and went over to help her. "Let me help you Vel that's a lot of stuff for you to carry."

In the distance Weiss was going to where she had to meet Derek at but noticed him over with Velvet holding her hand and talking to her, not knowing Derek was helping Velvet getting up she got mad. "Oh that double crosser he's cheating on me for Velvet I knew I should've never trusted that Faunus." She then stormed off to where the other three was.

Blake was reading one of her books and her the door slam open. "Let me guess it's Weiss?" She looked from her book to see Weiss mad and a bit upset. "Oh boy now what I thought you were supposed to meet Derek?"

Ruby and Yang looked at the mad Weiss who had a photo that was taken at the dance of her and Derek from that night and was going to tear it.

"Weiss don't you dare tare that photo, tell us what happened before you think anymore negative about this." Blake said. "Put it down Weiss."

Weiss puts the photo down and and flips it over. "Derek's cheating on me with Velvet, I saw him holding her hand and talking to her not sure about what but I was dead wrong to trust him and to think he loved me now if you excuse me I need to blow some steam off."

Yang looked out the window to see Derek sitting on the bench waiting for Weiss. "Aw poor guy he's just sitting there waiting for Weiss I don't think he would cheat on her, Ruby maybe you should go talk to him."

"Wait why me, why can't you or Blake do it?" Ruby asked looking at the two.

"Well because you're the leader of the team and you did want to be very good friends with Derek." Blake said. "Plush I have to study for a test."

"And I'll talk to Weiss." Yang said. "And try to tell her what she saw wasn't what she thinks."

"Alright." Ruby said. "If you can get Weiss to Derek while I'm out there talking to him still I'll have him explain."

Outside Derek sighed wondering why Weiss never showed up and why he felt so heart broken. "Did I do something to make Weiss not show up? Am I not good enough for her?" He then looked up to see Ruby walking to him.

"Hi Derek." Ruby said. "Mind if I sit down?" She stood there waiting to see if Derek would answer.

"Go ahead Ruby sit down." Derek said. "Not like I'm saving it for someone."

Ruby sat down and looked at Derek who was sad. "Hey what's the matter?"

Derek looked at Ruby's sliver eyes. "Weiss never showed up to meet me here, is it something I did to make her not show up or am I not good enough for her?"

Ruby looked at Derek and saw tears forming in his eyes. "Oh Derek don't cry, it's not your fault she didn't show up, she did just that she saw you with Velvet and thought negative on what she saw, what happened?"

"Velvet had a lot of stuff she was carrying and tripped over something so I went to help her get up and pick her things up and I told her I'd help her take it inside." Derek said

Ruby hugged Derek as he tried to hold tears back. "Aw don't cry Derek, Right now Yang's talking with Weiss about what she saw but if you tell Weiss what you did then she wouldn't hate you."

Derek started to cry after he heard Ruby say Weiss hated him. "S-She hates me now.....I was only helping Velvet out with her things."


Inside the room Yang was talking to Weiss. "Look Weiss it's not what you think I'm sure Derek has a good reason why he was with Velvet now go outside and talk to him I'm sure he's upset knowing you didn't show up at all, and if you don't it'll just make matters worse on him."

"I know what I saw Yang so don't try to cover it up, if Derek wants to be with Velvet then he can I never loved him to begin with I never want to see him or any other Faunus again now get out!" Weiss yelled at Yang.

Yang pushed Weiss up to the wall. "Now listen here Weiss if you're going to be so ugly towards Derek because of what he did then you have no right being on this team now either I force you outside myself or I have Blake tie you up until you get this though your tick head of yours."

Weiss got scared seeing Yang's eyes turn red. "I-I-I.....Fine I will but if Derek says he was cheating on me then I'm done with him."

Weiss walked out the room with both Yang and Blake behind her and they headed outside.


Ruby looked and saw the other three coming. "Here comes Weiss Derek, tell her exactly what you told me."

Derek wipes his tears and nods. "Okay I will."

Yang looked at Derek as she saw that he was crying the whole time during the talk with Ruby. "Great he was crying, now go talk to him Weiss."

Weiss sighed and walked over to Derek before she could say anything Derek hugged her. "What what's this for?"

Derek hugged Weiss in a bear hug. "Weiss what you saw wasn't me cheating on you, I was helping Velvet up and also helping her with getting her things up she tripped over something so I helped her with her stuff. Please don't hate me anymore I don't want to be a burden to you I want to be with you."

Weiss blushed really hard at the hug and what Derek said she felt ashamed for what she thought and felt bad knowing she made Derek upset. "I-I forgive you Derek, I didn't know you were helping her, just that from where I was I thought you were telling Velvet you wanted to date her and not be with me because of how cold hearted I can be sometimes."

Derek looked up at Weiss. "What no your not cold hearted people just think you can be but your not, and next time you see me helping another girl or someone ask before you think."

Weiss smiled and hugged Derek. "Okay and to make it up to you for thinking you were I'll go on a good long date with you."

Yang smiled. "And there it goes the happy ending for the two, but will their relationship last long?"

"It will." Ruby said. "Derek's a sweet guy and he wouldn't do nothing to hurt us, besides if we had to fight Derek in a tournament battle he'd go easy on us."

"Not me." Blake said. "We would always train together when growing up he never once backed down from a good match we had."

Derek held Weiss' hand and smiled at her. "So my lady where shall we go for our date?"

Weiss smiled back and thought for a moment. "Just follow me and you'll see where."

Velvet watched from her window and smiled. "I'm glad things worked out for them after all, he is so kind and sweet that's why he choose you Weiss, you two were made for each other." She said to herself. "I wouldn't want to get in the way of that bond you two have."

Ruby, Blake and Yang watched as both Derek and Weiss walked off holding hands as Yang got an idea of what a ship name for the two can be and she smiled at her idea she had to tell them when they got back.

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