A Dark Knight encounter

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After having been split off from the other's team RWBY, Derek and Kyle were falling through the sky after the portal had opened up into another universe, it was dark out. After awhile the six soon fell into a nearby lake.

Ruby had gotten out of the water as she was soaked she looked back to see the rest come out as well. "Well this was, unexpected, but where are we now? Did we end up back in New York?"

Yang looked up at the sky and shrugs. "Beats me, but it could mean trouble, what do you think Kyle?"

Kyle looked around the area for something to help get them all dried off. "That, I'm not sure on, it's likely whoever is tampering with us trying to get home is behind this."

Not far from the gang, a short man in a tuxedo waddled into a warehouse as he looked at a crate. "Ah, here it is, all I need now is to open this baby up, and off I go."

He then proceeded to open the crate as he looked around, for an signs of life around, he then looked back at the crate, inside the crate was a penguin bombs. He snatched them up and ran out of the warehouse, and soon stopped as he turned his head to the side and saw the gang, raising an eyebrow, he waddled over to them and tapped his umbrella onto the pavement.

Weiss and the others turned their heads to face the man as Derek looked at him for a bit wondering who he was, Blake did the same as she was more annoyed then curious.

"Who are you?" Blake asked the man as she stood into a fight position. "Speak shorty, or else."

The man scoffed as he looked at them. "Oh feisty? Call me Penguin."

Yang snickered a bit. "A flightless bird? You can't be serious?"

Penguin growled but took a small breath. "Yes, a flightless bird, but one with style, say, how about you six help me hmm? There's some crates lying around with these, penguin's in them, gather them up for me, and maybe I'll spare you all."

Just then a throwing knife came flying past the gang as it landed in front of them and Penguin, Penguin looked down and gulped nervously.

"Mommy." Penguin said right as the knife soon exploded.

"What the?" Weiss asked. "That was..." She was then cut off as she was punched in the gut by someone as she was sent kneeling to her knees. "Gahh!."

"Weiss!" Yang yelled as she looked around, the amount of smoke the knife had made after the explosion was making it hard to see anyone sneaking up.

"Darn it." Derek said. "Show yourself!" Derek's faunus eye's scanned the area as he looked around, he couldn't see Penguin anywhere, but something on the corner of his eye got his attention. "What in the?" Through the smoke, there was what appeared to be a team of four members, but it was hard to tell, as one of them ran at Derek and uppercut's him as he then fell onto his back.

"Okay, that's enough!" Yang said angrily as her eye's went red and soon exploded with rage, this caused the smoke to clear for a brief moment as she then went to punch one of the four members hard, this sent them flying back and hitting the others.

"This chick is crazy, Sean we need to leave now." A female voice said as she looked at the one known as Sean.

"Wait..." Sean said as he stood up. "Did you say Weiss? As in Weiss Schnee?"

"Ugh...Y-Yeah." Weiss said as she slowly got up coughing a bit. "What's it matter to you?"

Sean looked back at his team. "Jean, let him know Penguin got away." He then turned his attention back to Weiss and the others. "Since we still have time, let me explain what I can now. We're team STRR, this place is Gotham City, we ended up here when that giant hole in the sky appeared."

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