The Rise and The Fall

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After having stepping into the portal that Martian Manhunter had made for them, Team STRR, RWBY, Derek and Kyle were soon going through the void that they had always been going through trying to get home, but STRR were soon sent into another path which split them off from the others.

Yang groans. "Ugh, not this again, tend to one they get to go home and we don't."

Derek sighs as he had given up on trying to find the right path home. "Let's just face it you guys, we'll never get home. For all we know, they might have moved on or beacon academy has had their graduation for the huntsmen and huntresses, we don't even know where Penny and the others are at."

Ruby was red in the face, not from embarrassment but more like anger as she slapped Yang and Derek in the face. "Don't think negative you two, you're not the only two who want to get home, I'm home sick yes, and I'm sure Kyle, Weiss and Blake are feeling the same, but thinking negative about not getting home isn't going to help us."

Derek and Yang rubbed their cheeks after Ruby slapped them, they both nodded as Blake seemed puzzled about something.

"Derek, why didn't your semblance activate when Shredder swung the sword of tengu at you? Normally it should've been active." Blake said. "If it was to be active, you would still have your arm."

Derek shrugs a little bit. "I don't know, to be honest, that or I was just too scared to think straight. We were getting our butts handed to us by Shredder, and it's like I just froze there terrified at what was going on, but not only thing, but it felt like deep inside someone, or something was holding me back from doing so."

Weiss bit her lip a little as she was nervous. "You don't think he's coming back do you? There is no way we would be able to do much if he's coming back.."

Kyle was staring off into the void having flash backs of the event that took place at Beacon, as he shook his head. "Yeah, you're right on that Weiss, but if he does, and where ever we end up at, I'm sure those people can help us."


The portal opened up for them but they didn't fall out of the sky, they were sent to what looked like the watch tower but different from the one they were at, just then the alarm went off.

"Intruder alert, intruder's in the watch tower bay."

"Great, now we're consider criminals now.." Ruby said as she pouts.

a gust of small wind zipped by them as Flash stood behind him. "Boo."

Yang punched Flash in the face startled by what he had did, this only made him hit the wall behind him. Flash rubbed his face as he looked at them, he was about to run to them to tie them up, but Batman and Superman showed up, as Superman placed his hand on Flash's shoulder.

"Who are you, how did you get here?" Batman asked.

"About that, um, I guess we're kinda considered time travelers." Kyle said. "But in short, we had just came from another universe with it's Batman."

Superman glared at them but bought it. "They seem trustful enough Bruce, so another universe huh? Not like we haven't dealt with that kinda stuff before."

Batman looked over at Derek's arm as he walked over to him and inspected the arm. "Batmobile parts I take it? I assume the other me did this?"

Derek nods. "For a good cause, but it's a long story on what happened, anyway, following up on what Kyle said, that universe's Batman has the same villains you do, expect they have different appearances, plus the Justice League, which they had made a portal for us, but also in short, we just can't seem to get back to our own universe, we've been through three universe's this one counts as the fourth one for us."

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