Mutant Grimm

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After Krang gave the order to find some humans to mutate with the Grimm Bebop and Rocksteady had brought back, Shredder entered a transport module and left the Technodrome and headed to the surface for the hunt.

"Now my only problem is those pesky turtles, they'll foil my plans like always." Shredder said to himself. "But perhaps if I disguise myself they wont bother me."

Once the transport module arrived at the surface, Shredder had to hide it out of site, and he had to figure out what disguise to wear as well, he looked around for a while and saw a clothing store that had a bunch of different things he could disguise himself as.

"Perfect." Shredder said as he walked over to the store, he then entered the store as the cashier looked at him but didn't want to say a word about his outfit.

Shredder tried on different things non of them were to his liking until he finally found something that was suitable. "Perfect, how much for this?"

The cashier shrugs and simply pointed to a sign. "No price tag on the outfits bought, free for no charge."

Before Shredder left the store he turned to the cashier. "Your life will be spared citizen." Once he had left Shredder went to his destination, a pizzeria. "If there's any dumb human's around it'll be here."

A few of the workers and customer's were barely doing anything, but Shredder walked over to one of the employee's.

"I have a bargain for you." Shredder said. "I can tell you don't like working here, how about you come work for me? You'll have lots to do."

The employee looked at him and at the other workers. "Sure dude all of us have been looking for some other job, even the customer's here find this place boring"

"Well then, come with me." Shredder said as he walked out of the pizzeria. "All of you will be my test, I mean employee's when we get back to my job site."

Everyone in the pizzeria stopped what they were doing and followed Shredder to the transport module. They all got into the module as Shredder started it up and went under ground, while this was happening, the people on board were wondering where they were going.


The transport module arrived back at the Technodrome as the door opened up, Shredder had walked off as the people who had came with him did they same, they looked around and were amazed at how huge the place was. Bebop and Rocksteady were in the other area of the Technodrome cleaning the floor, Krang had walked paste the two as he stopped.

"You two knuckle heads hurry up, Shredder has returned with the test subjects for the mutation." Krang said.

"Yes sir Krang" Bebop and Rocksteady said. "We'll make it quick"

Shredder on the other hand had set up the test subjects to machines, as the foot soldier's brought in each Grimm into the room, one foot soldier was bringing in a barrel of mutagen for the tubs to be stuck into.

Krang had just walked in as Bebop and Rocksteady followed from behind. "So Shredder, will these test subjects do the trick?"

"Of course." Shredder said. "These Grimm, seem to obtain strength that those two knuckle head's don't, Once the transformation is complete we will see if they can handle the turtles."

"Everything's ready boss." Bebop snorted. "Shall we fire her up?"

"No you buffoons." Shredder said. "Krang has that opportunity to start it up."

Krang smirked as he flipped the switch, each machine soon lite up and filled with mutagen to the tippy top of each chamber the roars and growls of the Ursa's and Beowulf's echoed through the Technodrome. Once the transformation was complete the chambers opened, up as mutated Grimm stepped out as they looked around for Shredder and the other three.

"Good." Shredder said. "It worked, all of you have done well, what shall we call you?"

One mutant Beowulf stepped forward and growled but turned it's head. "Call me Sabertooth."

"And you?" Krang asked the mutant Ursa. "What of you?"

"Call me Silverback." He said. "The rest will be given names by me and Sabertooth."

"Very well." Shredder said. "We have an important job for you all, go to the surface and take down the turtles once and for all."

Sabertooth growled. "Fine but, we better get paid meals for each mission you send us on, lets go, Rhino, and pig come with us."

"Us?" Bebop and Rocksteady asked.

Sabertooth nodded as she walked to the transport module. Silverback followed as the other mutant Grimm followed as well, Bebop and Rocksteady weren't too sure about the whole new mutant idea but they followed as well.

"This is outstanding Krang." Shredder said. "Imagine all the chaos we can do with these new mutant's."

Krang looked at Shredder and chuckled evilly. "Indeed Shredder, more Mutant's working for us means more power for the Technodrome, which also means, the turtles will stand no chance against us."

Both Shredder and Krang crackled evilly as the foot soldier's prepared to go to the surface as well.

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