Enter Neo Metal Sonic Part 1

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Team RWBY, Sonic and co were drifting in space still on the Blue Typhoon. Tails was about to set it to autopilot, until an unexpected emergency call was coming in by someone they least expect.

"Sonic, we have a emergency call coming in." Tails said as he looked down at his blue friend.

"Who is it?" Sonic asked looking up at Tails.

"Eggman." Tails said. "This has to be a trick right?"

Sonic rubbed his chin as he thinks for a moment. "It's strange for Eggman to send out an SOS call, but.....if it's anything we should be aware of we should still hear it either way."

Tails nods as he plays the emergency call.

"Soinc.......must........out......metal.......mecha.....prisoner..." Eggman's call was beginning to break up as static was interrupting the call. "Watch.......for........"

Sonic rubbed his chin again trying to put the message together like a puzzle. "Strange....."

Just then the Typhoon's alarm system went off as Ruby and the others rushed in, Knuckles looked out the window as he looked for any sign of life. "What's causing the Typhoon to set off it's alarm?"

"I don't know." Tails said.

"It has to do with Eggman's call no doubt." Shadow said. "That man doesn't know when to give up..."

"Like you're the one to talk." Blake said. "But still, what could be so important?"

Knuckle's eyes widen as he pointed out the window. "Guys, look.....it's the Death Egg, it's in ruins."

"We didn't cause that." RedJed said.

"That's not all......Look!" Ruby shouted.

Mecha Sonic was floating in front of the Blue Typhoon as the others stared at him for a moment. Mecha's arm turned into a mini-gun Uzi as he was charging up a blast. "Prepare to meet your maker!"

"Not good, everyone to the ships!" Wind yelled.

Everyone began to head to the back of the Typhoon as they boarded their own separate ships, the hatch opened up as Tails hit the button. "Hang on everyone!"

The ships were soon departed from the Typhoon as Mecha fired his gun blasting a hole in the Typhoon, which caused it to lose altitude, being so close to Earth's orbit. The Typhoon began to fall while the rest had took their ships back to Earth, Amy watched the Typhoon burn up in Earth's atmosphere.


Everyone arrived back on Earth safely but the Typhoon had crashed near they city, Sonic and the rest hurried into town as they were stopped.

"I've found you." Mecha Sonic said standing before them.

"What's the meaning of this? Where's Eggman?" Ruby asked.

Eggman was rolling down the hill as he bumped into a pole. "H-Here....did you get my warning?"

"Yes and no." Sonic said. "What was it all about?"

"I said to be aware of Mecha and Metal, they've overran my programming." Eggman said. "I tried to stop them, but I couldn't shut them down."

"That's Mecha Sonic?" Knuckles asked. "Then where's Metal head?"

"Metal is.....well Metal is not here....Metal Sonic changed though." Eggman said. "You all have to help me, stop Mecha Sonic and Metal Sonic."

"Then hand over the other emeralds we need." Yang said.

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