Rise of the mutant Grimm

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On the surface, April O'Neil was doing a report until a transport module surfaced the door opened as Bebop and Rocksteady had gotten off. Following them was Sabertooth, Silverback and the rest of the mutant Grimm, while this was going on April had everything caught on camera.

"I better get this news to the guys." April said. "Vernon, get us out of here stat."

Vernon loaded up the equipment into the news van and got into the driver's seat. "Come on April, this is some important news, we don't need it to be destroyed."

April got into the passenger seat as she took her turtle com out. "Guys come in, Donatello anyone?"

In the lair, Penny was looking around wondering what the different things were, she found Michelangelo's turtle com but didn't know what it was as it started to beep.

"Dudette you found my turtle com, may I see it?" Michelangelo asked as he came into his room with a slice of pizza. "Sounds like it's an emergency."

"Oh okay." Penny said as she hands it to Michelangelo, the turtle com beeped more. "What is that anyway?"

"It's a communication device, we use it to keep in touch with each other if we're out somewhere and sometimes our friend April contacts us as well." Donatello said from the sofa. "Go ahead Michelangelo open it up.

Michelangelo opens his turtle com as they heard April's voice. "Guys, it's April we got bad news Bebop and Rocksteady are on the surface, and it looks like they've got more allies. Mutants from the looks of it but I can't make out what kind of animals they are."

"We're on our way April." Michelangelo said.

Leonardo and Raphael get their weapons as they both go with Donatello and Michelangelo to the turtle van. Team JNPR, Delsin, Penny and Beta went their own way to get to the surface wondering what April meant by other mutants, once they have arrived at the surface of New York they meet up with the turtles as they looked around for any sign of the mutants.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" Rocksteady asked. "A bunch of turtles and.........humans? Sorry but we only fight those turtles."

"Hey, I'll have you know I'm part animal." Delsin said. "So, eat that ugly."

"Part animal......" Sabertooth said as she jumped down in front of Rocksteady and Bebop. "No......a Faunus better yet."

"It's a Grimm." Jaune said. "They mutated a Beowulf with a person."

"Not just one Grimm but several others." Sabertooth said. "Silverback bring the other's."

Silverback walked forward with the other mutant Grimm, Jaune was now scared he thought to himself how could they handle these much Grimm, sure they had the turtles to help them, but this was beyond any help.

"Attack!" Sabertooth roared as the mutant Grimm charged at the group. Silverback went towards the turtles as Bebop and Rocksteady just watched and blinked out of confusion, but they wouldn't hear the end of it from Shredder if they didn't join the fight.

"Well this stink." Michelangelo said. "Cowabunga!"

"Come on team lets attack." Pyrrha said.

"Note this is a kid's cartoon so any violence won't do." Raphael said looking at what was supposed to be a fourth wall break.

Everyone blinked expect the turtles as they looked at each other but shrug. But they soon started to attack as Bebop and Rocksteady fired their blasters at the turtles feet, Silverback picked up a tree and swings it knocking them back a few feet.

Nora grabs her hammer and jumps up and smashes down on the concrete as it starts to quake and soon break under the Grimm's feet.

Sabertooth jumped up as she lands on Delsin pinning him to the ground. "I've always wanted to dine on Faunus soup."

"I don't think so." Delsin said as he kicked her off him as Sabertooth landed on Rocksteady who fired his blaster which sent the beam to Bebop as it hit his foot.

"Ow ow." Bebop said hopping up and down. "Watch it"

Silverback roared as he charged at the turtles, Pyrrha threw her shield at him as it hit his head which got his attention as he ran at Pyrrha.

"Now Penny." Pyrrha said.

Penny's back opened as her swords came out firing the blast after they were ready to fire, the blast skidded across the ground cutting off Silverback from attacking Pyrrha, which ended up making a small crater.

The ground was so bad it collapsed as the mutant Grimm, Bebop and Rocksteady had fallen through and into an underground cave.

"Just you wait you annoying turtles, we'll get you but good next time." Sabertooth growled. "And you Huntsmen and Huntresses are doomed as well."

"Back to the Technodrome." Silverback said. "We must go to the transport module now."

Bebop and Rocksteady go to the transport module and start it up as everyone got on, the turtles high three each other as team JNPR, Delsin, Penny and Beta looked around.

"Well....." Beta said. "Guess someone has to clean up the mess. By they way guys nice work I'm still not used to this stuff yet and I don't have a weapon either so I'm just to watch and study what goes on."

Jaune pats Beta on the back. "It's okay pal, we didn't fight either, but Master Splinter told us what happens and that the turtles sometimes need help."

"Pizza time!" Michelangelo said. "Mushroom, pepperoni and marshmallow pizza."

"Yuck." Delsin said.

"Are you even allowed to walk into a pizza place like that?" Penny asked.

Leonardo shakes his head. "No, we have disguise to go in and have pizza. Which we'll get right now, we sometimes celebrate with pizza."

"Very well I guess." Beta said. "I guess we should go."

The turtles get their disguise's and puts them on as they all head to one of the pizza restaurants, once they got there Michelangelo sat down and looked at Delsin. "Wise man say, 'Forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza'. "

"But the pizza isn't late thought." Beta said. "It's being ordered and made."

"It's just a saying we turtles use." Raphael said.

Nora ordered the pizza that everyone wanted, as she went to sit down with the others. Time passed as each pizza arrived at the table, Michelangelo got his mushroom, pepperoni and marshmallow pizza, Leonardo got chocolate marshmallow pizza, Raphael and Donatello got plain cheese while team JNPR, Delsin and Beta got meat lovers, leaving only Penny with nothing on her pizza just the whole pie crust.

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