The pun that got Joker

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After finding out that Joker had broke out of Arkham, Batman had assigned Team STRR, and the others to go capture him, while Ruby stayed behind.

"So we have to go get Joker, where do you think he could be at?" Weiss asked as she looked at the others. "Bank? Hideout?"

"Hideout." Ryan said. "He goes there to prepare to rob places, so we should go there first."

You all best not screw up okay? I get you're team RWBY, and Kyle, but that doesn't mean you hold us back." Nathan said.

"Wow, rude much?" Blake asked. "We've been through a whole lot more then your team has."

Nathan scoffs as he turns his head. "Whatever, looks like we're coming up close to Joker's hideout."

Sean sighs as he looked at it. "Okay, so we need to figure out how we get Joker down, once we do, we take him back to Arkham."

"Leave it to me." Yang said. "I should be able to make this guy laugh until he can't breath."

Jean raises an eyebrow but shrugs her shoulders. "Well, okay, maybe telling him some jokes might work."


Once they had arrived, they all went inside as Joker was jumping around like crazy, but stops as he noticed them, he knew who STRR was, but didn't know who the rest were, this got his attention since he didn't see Batman.

"Oh goodie, more people." Joker said. "And what brings you all to my domain? Oh let me guess, you want to stop little ol me?"

"Actually, yeah, but let's make a deal." Sean said.

Joker raised an eyebrow up as he looked at them. "I'm listening." He then jumped into a chair and sat down. "Speak, I don't have all day."

"If I make you laugh, you give yourself up and let us take you back to Arkham." Yang said. "But if we can't, then we'll have no choice but to fight you."

Joker spun around in his chair thinking as he stopped and rolled his chair over to them. "Hmm, not a bad deal, very well then goldilocks, let me see what you have."

Yang smirked as she looked around. "Microphone would do nicely."

Joker sighed as he wheeled his chair over to a pile of junk and found one. "Here, normally I don't bargain with heroes, but eh what the heck." He tossed Yang the Microphone and waited for a joke.

Yang caught it as she dusted it off. "Alright." Yang took a deep breath as she looked at Joker. "I just found out I'm colorblind. The diagnosis came completely out of the purple!"

Kyle snickered a little as the others sighed, but Joker had a grin on his face and busted out laughing.

"Good one." Joker said laughing. "What else you go blondie?"

Yang would think for a moment as she smirks. "I got a new pair of gloves today, but they're both 'lefts' which, on the one hand, is great, but on the other, it's just not right."

Joker started to laugh more as he fell out of his seat and rolled onto the floor hitting his fist down. "Hilarious! Keep it going."

"Why do seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay they'd be bagels!" Yang said as she looked over at Joker who kept laughing but much harder this time.

"T-That was good, I give up." Joker said. "A deal's a deal, back to Arkham for me."

"Come on you guys, lets 'dread' this guy back to Arkahm." Yang said. "And lets not 'Joker' around anymore."

Joker snickered and laughed again as Sean walked over to him and cuffed his hands, the others looked at Yang as Kyle patted her on the back.

"Good work." Kyle said. "Now we can take him back to Arkham."

Yang nods as she see's Sean take Joker out of the building, once they follow Sean out the GCPD were already there waiting as Gordon looked at them and raised an eyebrow.

"Well that was easy." Gordon said. "No Batman this time."

Sean shakes his head as he puts Joker into the back of the police car. "He's all yours commissioner, we had a few jokes with him."

Gordon was a bit confused but didn't think other wise as him and the other GCPD officers drove off with Joker in the back of the police car.


"Say what!" Jean yelled. "Dr. Merlot was here, we should've been here to stop him."

Ruby shakes his head. "No, Bruce helped, but he slipped though his fingers, I'm really sorry you guys."

Yang was in raged as she glared out the window into the garden. "He will pay for doing what he did to you Ruby, we need to find a way back to Vale all of us, no if and buts."

Bruce came into the room as he looked at them. "Actually, I may have a way to solve your problems after all, but needless to say, you did a good job on getting Joker, but still, sending you all home will take a lot of work, the Justice League will make sure of that."

"Justice League?" Derek asked as he looked over at him. "And when are they supposed to help?"

"Simple." Bruce said. "Martin Manhunter is working on one right now, but seeing that almost all of Gotham's inmates have broken out, it will be more time on us, Bane broke out after you all went to get Joker, but not only that, Poison Ivy broke out as well."

"Oh for the love of Pete." Nathan said. "We should at least gear up, Bane is tough."

"As tough as Hun was?" Yang asked.

Team STRR looked at Yang and raised their eyebrows up confused.

"What? That was his name, his name was Hun, leader of the purple dragons, got his tail kicked by me and Kyle once and then again a second time." Yang said. "He was strong, but is Bane his level strong?"

"He uses venom to boost his strength." Bruce said. "Bane wont be a easy win, I'd advise you all to work together to take him down."

Team RWBY nods as well as Derek and Kyle, STRR looked at each other and then back at them, as they nodded as well. They all soon headed out, as Bruce went down to the batcave to suit up to go with them, Robin and Batgirl went as well mainly to distract Ivy.

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