How they got there

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After the gang had defeated Dr. Geno in the Sailor Moon universe, Ruby thought for a moment as her and her friends were going through the portal back to Beacon, she looked at Derek for a moment and asked a good question.

"Hey Derek....if that portal that was in the sky that had took us to the Sailor Moon world and it had already brought Delsin and Penny there do you think Pyrrha and her team are okay or do you think they've ended up somewhere else?" Ruby asked.

Derek looked at her. "I'm not sure. But that is a good question Ruby it's like someone is out to get us but we don't know who it is, if we get back to Beacon we can look for Pyrrha and the others."

Ruby smiled and nodded her head. "Okay then."

As they were traveling through the portal the team got split up the portal had suddenly opened into a two way tunnel as Delsin, Penny and Beta were now separated from team RWBY, Derek and Kyle.

"Hey what the hell?" Yang asked. "What's going on? I someone messing with the time rift again?"

Penny was holding onto Delsin's hand as her, Delsin and Beta were soon spat out of the sky as they landed on a soft surface, Delsin looked around as he noticed they weren't in no part of Beacon or anywhere he recognized the people who were walking around seemed to act strange as they looked at him and the other two like they were some kind of freaks but didn't stop for anything.

"Ow my bum." Penny said. "Wait where are we Delsin?"

"I don't know but this surely isn't any place I've seen before, we need to see where the other's are at maybe they've arrived here as well." Delsin said.

Just as they where about to run off to find the others Nora skipped by and stopped. "Oh my gosh you guys are here. We were hoping we weren't alone."

"N-Nora?" Delsin asked. "Where are we and you mean we as in team JNPR?"

Nora nods. "Yes, but crazy you should ask where it's a long story, come with me there's some people you need to meet."

"Um...okay" Delsin said as he followed Nora while Penny and Beta followed behind.

Once Nora had gotten to a building she knocked on the door as it opened up. "Hello I'm back."

Delsin looked around as he entered the building but didn't see anyone just boxes and a manhole which lead to the sewers, but he was confused who could she be talking to exactly.

Suddenly someone from the far right of the room jumped out of the shadows. "Cowabunga, welcome back Nora."

Penny was shocked to see a walking talking Turtle that was human sized as she examined him for a moment to think it was a costume, the then poked the strange being to see if it was or not and to her surprise it was real.

"Michelangelo these are my friends well the other ones I mentioned but the main ones." Nora said.

"Totally cool, welcome to the 80's bro's and gal." Michelangelo said putting his hand out.

Delsin wasn't sure what was going on but shook Michelangelo's hand. "Wait did you say the 80's?"

Michelangelo nods. "Yep...well more like 1987 but you get the picture right?"

"Yeah it's crazy Jaune couldn't believe it either." Nora said. "But we're in the 80's Delsin but we need to move underground though."

"You mean that manhole there?" Beta asked. "Ew....."

Michelangelo shrugs. "Lets go Master Splinter will explain to you how Nora and her team got here."

Nora nodded as she opened the manhole up. "Come on come on."

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