The ultimate team up pt3

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After having escaping the trapped room, Jupiter, Blake and Derek were about to head back to the others until someone stopped them.

"Who are you?" Jupiter asked. "Speak."

"Why do they look like Emerald?" Blake asked. "I thought Kyle took care of them?"

Derek looks at the person. "It could be possible that this Dr. Geno fellow somehow managed to recreate enemies, if Delsin say who he is then this guy probably has a full lab filled with clones and other things."

"It's possible." Blake said. "But something's off about the clone."

Jupiter looked at the Emerald clone and noticed it as well. "Hmm what is it, is it something you all know?"

"She looks part Grimm." Derek said. "But how?"

"Dr. Geno must have some Grimm DNA in his lab and everything else." Yang said from the main floor. "If that's the case? Then we need to stop him before something else happens."

"We should go find Ruby and Delsin." Sailor Chibi Moon said.

"We'll catch up after we beat her." Jupiter said.

Sailor Moon nods as her and the others head out while the other three get ready to fight.

"If she's anything like the real thing then we need to find a weakness." Blake said.

Derek thinks for a moment, while trying to figure out a easy way to take the Grimm Emerald down.

Jupiter runs at the half Grimm Emerald and kicks her onto the floor. "Jupiter thunder strike!"

A bolt of thunder soon hits the clone but doesn't effect it as the Grimm Emerald grew bigger.

"We're so screwed." Jupiter said as she was hit back and landed on top of Derek. "Oof."

Blake charged at the clone and started attacking it as she stirkes it with her Gambol Shroud. "Damn it, it's not fazing her what gives?"

Derek pushes Jupiter off of him and helps her up. "Maybe we need to attack her from the inside like throw a bomb into it's mouth."

Jupiter looked at Derek and smirked. "Good idea, but how are we going to get close to her?"

"Just make the damn bomb." Blake said as she was avoiding the attacks from Grimm Emerald.

Derek looks around and finds some parts from the room they were trapped it. "Hmm....Jupiter over here."


Ruby and Delsin were chasing someone as they were getting closer to the person, a electric filed went up.

"What the?" Ruby asked. "They got away, but they looked familiar for some reason."

Delsin looked at Ruby. "What do you mean?"

Ruby thinks for a moment. "I mean it looked like it was Cinder, but I'm not sure."

Yang and the others soon caught up to them, and noticed the filed that was up.

"They got away?" Venus asked.

Delsin nods. "We need to get past this filed somehow." He noticed the other three weren't with them. "Where's the others?"

"They ran into a problem." Penny said.

"What kind of prob....." Ruby was about to finish her sentence as there was a explosion.

They all turned their heads back in the direction of where the library was, as Derek, Blake and Jupiter walked out from the building and coughing.

"Nice going you pretty much blew up half of the library." Blake said still coughing from the smoke.

"Excuse me." Jupiter said. "But how was I supposed to know that much thunder and lightning would generate a huge explosion?"

Derek looked. "She's dead which is good, but still we should tell the others."

"Tell us what?" Ruby asked as she walked up to Derek. "What happened?"

Jupiter looked at her and then at the others. "It seems the only way to kill those clones is blowing them up for now."

"Clones?" Ruby asked.

Derek nods. "Yeah we ran into Emerald again but she was part Grimm, and I think the Geno is using Grimm DNA with other DNA to make them."

Delsin looked at Derek eyes widen. "Wait then what Ruby saw must've been a clone of Cinder then, that means we need to get into the building."

"Leave it to us." Sailor Moon said. "Alright Sailor Scouts let get this energy filed down!"

They nod, as they go over to the filed, Sailor Mercury scanned the area for anything while Sailor chibi Moon and the other scouts looked for their own way to take the filed down.

"Delsin what do you know about Geno?" Kyle asked.

"Dr. Geno." Delsin said. "Other then what Winter told Derek, yes he does experiment with DNA with other DNA to make monsters, and if he gets his hands on our DNA all of us will have to fight one another."

"Guys we found away in." Jupiter said. "Over here."

The group goes over to where they are at and looked at the entrance they found.

"Seems legit enough." Yang said as she went first. "I found a wall in the way."

"Can you smash it?" Ruby asked poking her head in.

"Well it does seemed cracked." Yang said as she gets ready to punch it.

"Wait." Mars said as she jumped down to join Yang. "Let me have a look see."

"You're the boss." Yang said as she backed up.

Mars looked at the wall and saw some equipment behind it, and a bunch of cogs and gears. "Hmm it seems this is a door but it also looks rusty."

"Smash?" Yang asked. "Maybe it will break that way."

"Maybe it should." Mars said.

Yang smirked and punches the wall as it shattered, revealing the passage way to what seems to be the lab of Dr. Geno. "Yo ho ho, it's opened."

Kyle smiled and jumps down as well and hugs Yang. "My strong Yang, now lets go, I wan to beat some sense into that guy."

The others jump down into the entrance, Sailor Moon lead the way inside the underground passage, they soon entered a giant room that was white to where it made it look like Weiss was camouflaging.

"Damn this place is huge." Yang said as she clapped her hands together as it echoed through the room. "Hello? Anyone here?"

"Yeah sure just call out I'm sure no one will know we're here." Sailor Chibi Moon said.

"Oh but I know you're here." Dr. Geno's voice echoed through the room. "In fact I'm pleased to find it that you took out one of my test subjects so easily and managed to find this place."

"It wasn't that hard." Ruby lied.

"Show yourself freak!" Delsin barked.

Dr. Geno just laughed which creeped everyone out. "Oh Delsin such a foolish choice, if you want me then come find me. Each room that's in that room you're all in leads to a different location find a key card and you'll be able to unlock the black door in this room."

"Split up again?" Kyle asked. "I'll go with Yang again."

Derek looked around. "I think each door in here is assigned to which team goes in which door meaning we'll have to be stuck with whoever we get."

"Very interesting, that is correct." Dr. Geno said. "And each door has a boss behind it as well, some you may find familiar."

Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask go to one door each as the others do the same, the blue door lighted up as Sailor Venus was at it, as the other doors did the same witch each leader of the group, Ruby went over to the door Derek was at as it allowed her to join his team, Kyle was stuck with Sailor Moon as the others were already with who they had to stick with, expect Weiss who was stuck with Sailor Chibi Moon.

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