Making friends

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After Kyle got settled into Beacon Ruby thought of an idea which when it comes to ideas with Ruby she does them cutely.

"Oh Kyle." Ruby said sweetly. "I have a wonderful idea."

Kyle looked at Ruby and raised an eyebrow. "And what is that?"

"Why not go out and make friends?" Ruby asked. "I will help you, and I know who you can meet first."

Kyle wasn't to sure about who Ruby had in mind of who he could meet but he shrugged his shoulders. "Sure but who do you have in mind?"

With that said Ruby grabbed Kyle and zoomed out of the room and into JNPR's room.

"Oh um hi." Jaune said. "Why did you come here without knocking?"

"The door was opened." Ruby said. "Plus you and the others haven't meet Kyle yet."

Jaune looked at Kyle and back to Ruby then back to Kyle. "Well can it wait till the other three are back?"

Kyle nodded. "Sure I can wait."

Ruby looked around the room. "Why is Nora's bed so messy?"

Jaune face palmed. "We try to get her to keep it clean but it's kind of hard for some reason."


After the other three came back Ruby introduced them to Kyle. "So yeah Kyle's been friends with Yang and Derek for a long time, now Kyle and Yang are more then friends."

Pyrrha smiled. "Well it is a pleasure to meet you Kyle."

"Like wise." Kyle said shaking Pyrrha's hand.

"Anyway Ren Nora are you going to say something to him?" Ruby asked.

"Hello Kyle nice to meet you." Ren said.

"Same here." Nora said. "Oh oh we should totally do a double date some day."

"wait you didn't say you were with Ren." Jaune said.

"We aren't." Ren said. "She thinks we are though, but I guess I can make arrangements for that."

Nora's eyes sparkled as she jumped for joy. "Yes yes yes yes."

Kyle just looked at Ruby. "Okay this team is a bit weird."

"Yeah things do tend to be weird." Pyrrha said. "But hey maybe we'll be in a class together who knows."


As everyone got ready for class Weiss looked for something.

"What are you looking for?" Blake asked.

"My binder." Weiss said. "Did Ruby steal it again?"

"I am not a crook." Ruby said. "Plus if I did then I'd hand it back, besides you keep a picture of Derek in it."

"Yeah but I can't find it." Weiss said.

"Found it." Kyle said. "It was under Yang's stuff."

"Oh right whoops." Yang said. "Was taking notes from it and must've forgotten."

"Right next time ask." Weiss said. "Now let's go before we're late like last time."

"Wait what happened last time?" Ruby asked.

"Remember." Blake said. "You were eating cookies and you weren't ready for class."

"Oh........" Ruby said. "Hehe right well lets go."

Yang looked at Kyle and hugged him. "Oh Kyle your just so cute in that uniform."

Kyle's face was once again in Yang's breast from the hug and he started to blush.

"And he's blushing." Blake said.

Yang smiled. "That just proves he loves it, now then let's get to class."


As class went on Goodwitch was looking around at the students Cardin threw a spit ball at her which made Goodwitch mad.

"Oh boy." Yang said.

Everyone looked at Cardin who didn't notice Goodwitch was also looking.

"What?" Cardin asked.

Goodwtich slapped her wand on his desk. "You're staying after class."

"Busted." Ruby whispered.

Class ended as Cardin tried to sneak out only to trip over Kyle's feet. "Hey watch it!"

Kyle didn't say nothing and left with the girls.

"He is so busted," Ruby said.

"Yeah didn't expect him to do that to Professor Goodwitch." Yang said. "She was so mad."

"Well he does that to Velvet when she's here but since she's gone he can't." Weiss explained.

"So next class who do we have?" Kyle asked.

"Professor I mean Doctor Oobleck." Blake said.


After a while Kyle got to know everyone at Beacon expect Sun and Neptune who weren't there, they headed back to the dorm room for a bit of study and for Ruby to nibble on cookies.

"Hmm?" Weiss noticed three notes. "I swear if these are from Neptune then why doesn't he see I'm already with someone?"

"Maybe because he doesn't believe it." Blake said. "It would be like if Sun kept sending me love notes even though I like him but not a whole lot I mean picture it if we did have a kid it would have a monkey tail and cat ears, that would be so weird."

"Which explains why you avoid the questions he ask you about love." Yang said. "But if you just like him as a friend wouldn't he still like like you?"

"No I kind of talked to him about that and he said okay then, he'll just find some other girl so if they have a kid it would be a normal Faunus baby." Blake said.

"Okay." Kyle said. "But what will get Neptune to see that Weiss is already taken?"

"I don't know maybe pictures?" Ruby asked munching on cookies.

"Maybe but which ones will do the trick though?" Weiss asked.

"Why not the recent ones?" Blake asked. "After the festival that is."

Weiss nodded. "Okay, and maybe we should stop mentioning Derek's name for a while."

"How come?" Yang asked.

"Look at it this way." Blake said. "If me or Weiss were away on a mission for a long time he wouldn't mention our names but he would mainly focus on his studies, which is probably what he's doing on his mission with CFVY focusing on the mission instead of thinking about us."

"True." Kyle said. "And that is a good point Weiss, studies are more important then worrying about him, I mean it's okay too worry about him but not all the time, plus didn't Professor Port say we have a test tomorrow?"

"Ugh don't remind me." Ruby said. "But I guess we should study for it."

"Right well let's get our brains into studying." Blake said sitting down.

Kyle sat down next to Yang to study as Ruby ate one more cookie to study herself, Weiss grabbed a few books and studied as well for the test that Port had planned for the class.

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