Uno Bitch✔︎

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It was the evening now and we'd already eaten dinner. Karasuno had only managed to win one set today so a lot of them were pretty bummed out.

That is, except for Noya, Tanaka and Hinata who sat with me at a small table surrounded by Bokuto, Kuroo, Akaashi, Kenma, Lev and Yukie.

Bokuto and Kuroo sat next to eachother, harassing a confused Lev while Kenma sat in silence on his switch.

"LEV JUST PICK UP THE CARDS!" Kuroo exclaimed as Lev finally gave in, picking up four cards from the uno deck.

Noya and I had our backs rested against eachother with Tanaka facing Noya and Yukie facing me.

Akaashi sat next to Kenma, seeming more interested in his video game then the game of uno which was descending into chaos.

"AKAASHIIII ITS YOUR TURN!" Bokuto exclaimed once him and Kuroo were finished attacking Lev.

"Fine," Akaashi sighed, placing down a blue four and making Hinata squeal.

"No, I don't have any blue cards!" he exclaimed, sulking and taking one from the pile.

"Oi wifey, you ready?" Yukie asked, winking as she pulled a card from her deck.

"You know it babe," I replied, winking at her as she placed down a blue +2.

"Hahaha, now your wife betrayed you!" Noya exclaimed as I smirked and placed down another +2.

"HAHA THAT BACKFIRED ON YOU BUDDY!" Tanaka exclaimed as he clutched his gut from laughing so hard.

Just then, Noya looked straight at Tanaka, freezing his laughing fit in one second.

"You're one to talk," he smirked placing down yet another +2 as Tanaka let out a loud wail and fell to the ground.

"Oo, that's brutal," Kuroo exclaimed, cringing as Tanaka hesitantly pulled six cards from the pile.

"My turn my turn," Bokuto squealed, putting down a skip card.

"Oh no, someone needs to teach this owl with frosted tips a lesson," Kuroo exclaimed, angry that his turn was skipped.

"So you wanna talk hair huh?" Bokuto mocked, sticking out his tongue and pulling one eye down.

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP SO LEV CAN GO!" I yelled, slamming my hand on the table to make the power duo shut up.

"WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?" someone yelled as the door was slammed open, and an angry looking Daichi appeared at the door.

"AGGHHH ITS DAICHI!" Noya exclaimed, diving behind me and cowering like a little baby.

"How is it that you have not one, but TWO captains in here and we can here your ruckus in the team rooms upstairs?" Daichi sighed, looking between Bokuto and Kuroo who dramatically sulked before him.

"Sorry Daichi," they both sobbed sarcastically, bowing before him as he rolled his eyes.

"Yea yea whatever. You guys should really pack it up though, people are starting to fall asleep," he instructed.

"But Daichiiii, i'm about to win!" I begged, giving him puppy dog eyes as I held up my two cards.

"Fine, fine. You can play until 10:30, but keep it down!" he demanded, giving in as Kuroo, Bokuto and I pleaded for more time.

"YES SIR!" we all said in unison as he left the room, slamming the door behind him.

"Now, where were we?"

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