I Think Nishinoya Would Disagree With That✔︎

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"Baldy the next time you leave your phone alone I'm hacking into it," I grumbled as I followed the Cailuo wannabe off the bus, forcing him into carrying both of my bags.

"Oh come on, it's just a picture," he whined as I pushed him down the last step, followed closely by Noya who had a dumb smirk on face.

"And what might you be so happy about?" I asked, looking up at him slyly as he continued smirking.

"Nothing, I just enjoy seeing Tanaka get harassed by someone 10 inches shorter then him," Noya said with a laugh as Tanaka growled and hit the back of his head.

"Like you're one to talk about height," Tanaka exclaimed.

"You're both idiots!" I decided for them, pushing the two apart as four my favourite four in the entire world came running down the steps towards us.

"Y/N!" they yelled, catching my attention.

I turned to see a tall boy with black hair that hung over his face, a shorter boy with hair that was dyed half blonde, a GORGEOUS boy with slick black hair and blue eyes, and a tall boy with frosted tips and owl like features.

"Ah, hey!" I exclaimed as the two taller boys tackled me, nearly squeezing the life out of me as we collapsed.

"HEY HEY HEY LIL SIS!" Bokuto exclaimed, clinging to me as Kenma and Akaashi watched, diapoinment tracing their features.

"BOKUTO! KUROO!" I returned their energy, wrapping my arms around Kuroo and Bokutos shoulders before being lifted up by them.

"Ah ah, no. Put me down. You know damn well gravity acts against me," I huffed struggling to get out of their grasp.

"Yea, after last time you probably shouldn't try to throw her," Kenma added as they set me down, giving me a quick hug before being called over by Hinata.

"Good to see you," Akaashi said plainly, also giving me a quick hug before looking at the pair of idiots who watched this interaction.

"Oh right, Baldy, Shorty, meet Kuroo, Akaashi and Bokuto. Idiots, meet Tanaka and Nishinoya. You guys probably met at the last camp but now I'm forcing you to be besties," I announced, introducing the two groups to each other.

I couldn't explain it but I could've sworn I felt a pair of eyes penetrating me, as if someone thought this group would be too chaotic.🤔

"So how's Miagy? Did you miss me? What kinds of pranks did you pull?" Bokuto asked, bombarding me with questions as soon as introductions were over.

"It's good, yes, I rode a scooter through school," I said in one sentence, answering all his questions at once.

"You rode a scooter through the school?" Bokuto and Akaashi gasped at once, one voice filled with excitement, the other with annoyance.

"Yup, Tanaka, show them the video," I instructed, pulling baldy forwards as he swiped through his camera roll.

The three eagerly watched the video as I stood next to Noya, watching as Bokuto bounded up and down with excitement.

"HEY HEY! Little sis is capable of doing epic things without me around!" he exclaimed.

"You do realize she isn't really your sister?" Akaashi asked, sending Bokuto into a spiral of insults while Kuroo smiled and shook his head.

"Man I have to admit, seeing that makes me miss you all the more," he sighed, looking back at Noya and I.

"Hah, you should've been there! We had to lock ourselves in the janitors closet after roping a couple of first years into it!" I exclaimed as Noya nodded his grinning face in agreement.

"You two are such idiots," Tsukki chimed in from his place behind us, chatting up Tadashi.

"What was that mango fluff?" I gasped in an exaggerated motion.

"Hey skinny, shut your trap or Ill make you block Bokuto every night this week," Kuroo added, staring down Tsukki with an evil grin on his face.

"Oh god no. Anything but that," Tsukki pleaded sarcastically as Bokuto spotted his acquaintance.

"TSUKKI DUDE! DID I JUST HEAR THAT YOU WANT TO TRY AND BLOCK ME?" Bokuto shouted, quickly shifting his attention from Akaashi towards the dino head.

"Nope," Tsukki said plainly, once again putting a damper on Bokutos mood.

"Alright, come on. I'll show you too the rooms while Akaashi keeps the owl with frosted tips under control," Kuroo sighed, shaking his head as Akaashi watched Bokuto continue to harass Tsukki.

~Time skip, brought to you by Kenmas love for Kuroo~

"The managers room is here, and the Karasuno room is in the next hallway over. If you'll excuse me, I have a certain gamer to track down," Kuroo announced as we stopped in front of a classroom door, and he waved us off.

"Alright soldiers, this is where we part ways!" I announced saluting to Baldy and Shorty.

"Cya Captain!"
"It was a pleasure!" they yelled dramatically, saluting back with fake tears in their eyes.

With that I flicked the boys in their heads, turning and walking into the room where six other girls sat. Kiyoko and Yachi, along with two other girls from Shinzen and Obugawa, and none other then Yukie and Kaori. My favourite girls on the whole planet. (aside from Kiyoko and Yachi of course.)

"Y/N!" both the girls shrieked when they saw me enter. I stood at the front of the room, dropping my bags on the floor as I opened my arms out wide for them.

"Mamas home," I announced confidently, actually getting a laugh out of Kiyoko.

"HELL YES!" Kaori screamed as she crashed into me.

"I MISSED YOU MAMA!" Yukie screamed as she too crashed into me, knocking me over.

"MY BITCHES!" I yelled in response, dramatically wiping fake tears from my eyes as I placed a kiss on each of their heads.

"Alright, let's get you three up," Kiyoko sighed as she held out her hands which Yukie and I gladly took, helping Kaori once we were up.

"It's been too long, we have so much to catch up on!" Yukie exclaimed as I grabbed my bags and placed them next to a futon which they had declared was now mine.

"I know! The second we get a chance we have to sit down with Bokuto, Akaashi, Kenma and Kuroo and just talk," I sighed in agreement, flopping onto my bed as the two looked down on me.

"Of course but right now I want to know the important things. Do you, or do you not, have a boyfriend?" Yukie asked eagerly, stifling a laugh from Kiyoko and Yachi.

"I'm a strong, independent woman who does not need a man," I announced confidently, fuelling Kiyoko and Yachis laughter.

"I think Nishinoya would disagree with that," Kiyoko whispered, unfortunately loud enough for my oldest friends to hear.

"NISHINOYA? ISN'T HE KARASUNOS LIBERO?" Yukie gasped as I shot a death glare Kiyokos way.

"Yes he is but there is NOTHING HAPPENING BETWEEN US," I said firmly, putting stress on the final four words.

"That's not what your actions on the bus say," Yachi laughed.

"YACHIII CMON! IVE KNOWN YOU SINCE I WAS WHAT? 5? " I gasped, betrayal and sarcasm dripping from my mouth.

"WHAT HAPPENED ON THE BUS?" Kaori exclaimed excitedly.

"YEA TELL US!" Yukie added as they bombarded the small manager.

"They were sleeping on each others shoulders for 6 hours!" Kiyoko said excitedly as I groaned and fell to the floor in defeat.


"AWWWW," the girls all cooed in unison, somehow bringing a blush to my cheeks.

"Tanaka has pictures too."

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