miss manager?

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~Noyas POV~

"Alright then, I'm going to be Karasuno highs new manager!" she exclaimed happily as I let out a loud cheer.
"Yes! You're gonna do great!" I exclaimed as she laughed at my outburst of emotion.
"Yea yea but you have to promise to lead the team to nationals for me," she laughed as I raised my hand and saluted to her.

"I'll do my best!" I declared as she saluted back.
"Good job soldier! I'm proud to be representing you!" she teased as I rolled my eyes and leaned back against the climbing structure.

"Hinata flipped out when Yachi joined so I just know he'll be ecstatic when he finds out your joining as well," I told her as the smile on her face spread.
"He better be or that ginger is gonna get a beat down," she declared, placing her hands on her hips and posing.

"Is brutal force the only tactic you have for getting things to go your way?" I laughed as she returned her attention to me.
"No, there's the insults and fear factor as well," she claimed sarcastically, taking a sip of her iced tea before looking up at the sky.

"Woah, how long have we been here? The suns starting to go down," she asked, pointing off in the distance at the ball of light nearing the horizon.
"Oh, I actually have no idea. I turned my phone off so I haven't been keeping track of the time," I sighed, pushing the power button down until my phone lit up.

"It's 6:47," she announced as the time finally flickered up on my phone, along with 13 messages and 5 missed calls from Tanaka.
"Well, I probably missed dinner," I joked, scrolling through the messages Tanaka had left.
"I definitely did. If I'm not home at 6:00 my mom just eats whatever she wants," Y/N laughed as she too went through the messages from the bald idiot.

"Well then, what if we go pick up a pizza or something? It's not like I've got anything better to do," I asked as I sent Tanaka a middle finger emoji and looked up to her smiling face.
"Sure, all I was planning on doing was annoying my mom," she laughed, shoving her things into her bag and slinging it over her shoulders.

-Time skip, brought to you by Takeda's tracksuit collection~


I waited at a small table inside a retro looking pizza shop a little ways from the park. Noya stood at the counter as the worker brought him the medium sized box for which he thanked him and returned to our table.

"I can't even remember the last time I ate here," he exclaimed, opening the box to reveal the plain cheese pizza inside the box and passing me a paper plate.
"The last time? Did you used to come here often?" I asked, snatching a piece and placing it on the plate.

"Yea, my parents used to take me here after all of my middle school games but once I entered high school the tradition kinda faded off since Karasuno is in the opposite direction," he explained as I bit into the pizza, the crust crunching beneath my teeth.

"Aw, I wish I was around to see little middle school Noya," I teased as he grabbed a slice for himself.
"Do you now? I'll show you a picture of me in middle school if you show me one of you in middle school," he declared, holding up his phone.

I narrowed my eyes and smirked, knowing I had the perfect picture to show him.
"Deal!" I agreed, pulling my phone out and searching through it until I came to the picture of me and Yukie from the talent show in our second year. We each wore sparkly grey dresses with opened backs and high top converse, and smokey makeup which our moms had done that morning.

"Three, two, one," I counted down, flipping my phone and gasping at the picture of tiny Nishinoya. He wore a team uniform which I'm guessing was the one from his middle school and his hair was short and sticking out all over the place. He had a massive bruise on his right elbow and bandage slapped across his knee.

"What happened? Did thirteen year old shorty get into a fight?" I laughed, still enjoining the photo as he squinted at mine.
"Nope. That was the aftermath of me learning how to dive," he explained as we pulled the phones down and placed them side by side.

"We definitely would've been friends if we went to the same middle school," I decided, looking between the two screens.
"We probably would've been hated by every teacher too," he laughed, zooming in on my face in the photo.

"Why does it look like you have two black eyes?" he snickered as I swatted his hand away and snatched my phone back.
"My mom did my makeup, this was when Yukie and I did our dance for the middle school talent show," I said in defence as he rolled his eyes and took a bite of pizza.
"Now that, I wish I could've seen."

~Time skip, brought to you by Yamamoto's mohawk~

"Well this is me, thanks again for inviting me out," I said happily as we arrived in front of my small wooden home, and I turned to look at him.
"Hey, I'm just glad you said yes. I had a lot of fun," he said happily, sticking his hands in his pockets.

"Me too," I agreed, wrapping my arms around him to give him a hug, catching a whiff of his cool scent.
"Alright then, I'll see you soon right?" he asked hopefully as I flicked his forehead.
"Of course shorty, I know you're obsessed with me," I teased as his cheeks flushed a gentle pink from my comment.

"Yea yea, you're almost as bad as Tanaka," he mumbled as I pretended to sulk, crossing my arms and pouting.
"I most certainly am not," I said defensively.
"Hey, I said almost," he teased, reminding me I wasn't QUITE as bad.

"Yea, whatever you say," I snickered, ruffling his hair as a thought popped into his mind.
"Hey, we have another practice tomorrow at 1. Why don't you stop by and tell Takeda the good news?" he asked hopefully.
"Sure, I still have to run it all by my mom but I can't imagine she'll have anything against it," I shrugged, glancing back at my house where almost all the lights were out.

"Well great, I'll see you tomorrow, miss manager," he teased, nudging me before walking down the street.

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