Now Shut Up So We Can Get On The Bus✔︎

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shut up

that's not very nice:(

It's midnight. I want sleep

You can sleep on the bus
Now get your ass over here


I'm on my wayhold ya horses--------------------------------------------------------------

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I'm on my way
hold ya horses

It was dark outside, the cloudy sky was speckled with the occasional star. I was plunked in the back of Hinatas car, as he insisted on giving me a ride so I wouldn't have to leave my scooter at school over the weekend.

I wore a pair of baggy sweatpants, white slides, and an orange oversized crew neck which I may or may not have snagged from Noya when he wasn't looking 😗🤏🏼 #ninja

I had two large bags with me, one which was filled with clothes, toiletries and other essentials, and the other filled with the REAL necessities.

-Nerf guns
-Rubix Cube
-Plastic spiders
-A penny board
-And of course, Petunia

Like I said, the necessities.

"I cant believe it! We're finally going to training camp!" Hinata exclaimed from his place in the front seat.

"I know, I had to go a whole three days without doing anything to get let on this trip!" I huffed, thinking about the HARD work I'd put in.

"Well, I'm sure you kids will have a blast," Hinatas mother said as she pulled us up to the school where about half the team stood, looking up at a large grey and white coach bus.

"We will! Thanks mom!"

"Thanks Mrs Hinata!"

After we said our thanks and goodbyes to Hinatas mother, I stepped out of the car to be created by a FAR too energetic duo.

"Y/NNN!" Tanaka and Noya screamed as they charged towards me before I even had a chance to pick my second bag up.

"Okay, we need to work on a new way for you two to greet me," I grumbled as they lay on top of me.

Here She Goes (Nishinoya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now