bumble bastard

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"They all seem on edge. What's wrong with them?" Yachi asked as the three of us stood on the warm up court, watching as the boys concentrated on their drills.

"The last time they played Aoba Johsai, they gave everything they had and still lost," Kiyoko explained as Tadashi came walking up to us with a sick look on his face.

"Uhm, Yachi, do you have any antacids," he stammered, holding his stomach tightly.
"Eee, Tadashi, you good?" I asked, cringing at the colour in his face.

"Just getting a bit nervous," he sighed as Yachi reached for one of the bags, quickly rifling through it.
"Well if there's one thing in this world I'm confident about its being nervous!" she exclaimed suddenly, standing up with her hands at her sides in tight fists.

"Oh no," I mumbled as she started to ramble on about how her nerves make her feel like she's dying or something. I don't know I kinda just tuned it out. Oops.

"Er , Yachi? Remember when you asked why I don't get nervous to do chaotic things? Maybe Tadashi here needs some of that same advice," I interrupted as they both stopped and looked at me.

"Oh no, it's not that I'm nervous to do something chaotic, it's just..." he trailed off, hesitation clinging to his tongue, "the last time we played Aoba Johsai, I was subbed in for the first time as a pinched server. The score was close, and if I landed it we probably could've won. But I missed that serve," he sighed.

"So that's why you were so nervous, and hesitant when you got subbed in for the Wakunan match," I thought out loud, receiving a slight nod from him.

"When I got to thinking about how it could happen again..." he sighed, a saddened expression on his face.
"What? They made you take on all that responsibility?" Yachi gasped, almost seeming to shake as she stood there.

"Uh, Yachi, I don't think that's helping," I sighed, turning to Tadashi, "look kid, from what I've seen, you've got a great serve which is almost always reliable. If you get subbed in for a situation like that, it means your coaches and teammates have faith that you'll get it done. So the next time you're out there, don't hesitate. Just give it your all," I said confidently as he managed a small smile.

"I'm so nervous now! My heart is going to jump out of my throat!" Yachi exclaimed, covering her mouth and bending over.
"Ah! Yachi! Maybe you need some antacids! Or a defibrillator, I don't know!" Tadashi gasped, starting to freak out once again despite my words of wisdom.

"Ugh, you're both hopeless!" I whined as Tanaka, Noya and Asahi came over to check on the commotion.
"Uh, what's happening?" Tanaka asked as Tadashi continued to flip out.

"YACHIS GONNA DIE AND ITS ALL MY FAULT!" he whined, flailing his arms around.
"Easy buddy!" Noya exclaimed as all the colour drained from Asahi's face.
"Call the cops!" he gasped as Tsukki joined in on the conversation.

"Uh, don't you mean an ambulance?" he asked in that annoyingly smooth tone of his.
"Oh my god you're ALL hopeless," I scoffed, snatching Noya and Tanaka by the collars of their shirts and dragging them away from the commotion.

"Oh please, you definitely had something to do with that!" Tanaka exclaimed as I flicked his forehead and collapsed onto the floor.
"For your information baldy, I was giving some very good advice but they chose to ignore it and freak out instead," I explained in a dramatic accent, accentuating my words.

"Uh huh, and what advice did you give them exactly?" Noya asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Tadashi was talking about how nervous he was to serve. All I said was that if he gets put in at a crucial moment then the coaches must really think he can get the job done," I said sternly, repeating my words from before.

"That's actually not bad," Tanaka admitted sheepishly as I crossed my arms and nodded.
"I told you I'm a genius," I exclaimed as they both rolled their eyes.

"Alright! Is everyone here? It's almost time to head over!" Daichi announced, catching everyone's attention as Noya grabbed my hands and pulled me up. Everyone suddenly got very serious, each with a determined look on their faces as they nodded.

~Time Skip, brought to you by onion head~

"You guys ready to do this?" Daichi asked as we entered the main gym, stress levels growing higher then the empire state building.
"Yea!" everyone shouted in unison as the other team entered the gym.

"Uh, who's that?" I whispered to Noya as a tall boy with brown hair knelt next to a ball which Kageyama was reaching for.
"Oh, that's Oikawa. He's their captain, and an old mentor of Kageyamas," he explained as the two started to bicker.

"Well, well, if it isn't the mopey little mop head which I destroyed at prelims!" Oikawa snickered as they fought over the ball.
"It'll be different this time!" Kageyama shot back, an angry look on his face.

"The only person worthy of facing me is Ushiwaka! Do the honourable thing and step aside!" Oikawa teased as he let the ball go, dropping Kageyama on his ass as he continued to cackle at him.

"So he's the mature type I see," I snickered as we watched the exchange in front of us.
"He sure is full of himself," Suga sighed as he and Hinata, who looked like he might faint, joined in on our conversation.

"That's an understatement," Tanaka scoffed as he glared down the Seijoh captain.
"Looks like he's not the only one," Noya pointed over to another of Seijohs players who was running towards Yachi, a smug look on his face as he called out to her.

Just as she turned her attention to him, another player missed a pass and sent the ball flying towards her head.

"KIYOKO! OUR BABY!" I yelled, catching her attention as we rushed in. Kiyoko stuck her hand out and hit the ball away as I started to tell the guy off.

"Back off our manager! She's just a first year you know! Don't come around here again!" I yelled as he stared at me blankly, and Tanaka placed the ball in his hands.
"You dropped your ball," he said slyly as the guy trudged back over to his side of the court, giving the three of us a glance every now and then.

"Haha! Yea! That was bad ass!" Noya cheered as he jumped up and down, his little blonde tuff flying back and forth across his face.
"Well that's what he gets for trying to flirt with my Yachi," I said dramatically as the same guy got knocked over by another Seijoh player.

"Woah, who the hell is that bastard?" Tanaka gasped as the boy loomed above Yachis hunter. He was fairly tall with a solid build, and dark rings around his eyes. He had blonde, fluffy hair with two black rings that appeared to be dyed.

"I don't remember him from last time we played Aoba Johsai," Noya shook his head as the mysterious figure stood there, a creepy aura emanating from him.
"He has bumble bee hair," I snickered, trying to keep my laughs in as the two looked at me strangely.

"The guy looks like he just broke out of prison and all you can focus on is his bumble bee hair?" Tanaka cackled as I nodded, whipping away my tears as I placed my hands on my knees.
"He's a bumble bastard!" I exclaimed, collapsing on the ground as the three of us rolled around in laughter.

"What on earth are you three doing? Get up and warm up before Daichi gets mad!"

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